What's the real problem with Nintendo Wii? There's a list of things and I'll start with Longevity ... It does not have the longevity to live very long. The technical specs just aren't there. For one it can only output 720X480 resolution. And since flat screen TVs produce roughly 1900X1200 resolution, you have to stretch that picture three times its size, making for a very blurry and jaggy image.
Remember the people buying the Wii are not real gamers. They are going to buy it like they would buy any nostalgic device. The Wii could have been a Beanie Baby for all we care. It just so happens that the gimmicky gadget of the year is in the video game realm. This really is not a next gen system. The buzz already is the Wii is boring to play. I am not talking about newbie buzz, I am talking about year old owners who are just simply bored out of their minds with the Wii.
I had one Wii owner view the PS3 for the first time, and he was a kid in a candy store, it made me laugh. He was so excited and could not believe the visuals and realism of Assassins Creed and the intense game play of WarHawk. He was blown away with the colors and vivid realism of Uncharted Drakes fortune. The only thing he was thinking about was how to get rid of his Wii !
I feel bad for Wii owners, because they are getting duped on a crappy gimmicky product!
I do give credit to Nintendo for their controller, but it's just a matter of time. Sony already has that technology built into their system with the six axes controller. In fact I see the games coming. There is a Bowling game on the PS Network that you can download and bowl, using real bowling form. You actually bowl using the six access controller. The game looks identical to a Wii game. Sony is smart, they are testing the waters. They have Wii technology built in. Just wait till they start producing Wii like games, plus all of the HD technology they have built into their unit. Sony is smart not to rain on the Wii parade just yet, as that would just upset people, but the storm is coming and the Wii is not built to stand up against it. They have ZERO scalability, where as Sony has the luxury of moving backwards to make itself Wii-able. Also, one nice thing about Sony's controller, is it has the same functionality as the Wii's controller but does not need the IR bar in front of the TV. It functions using 6 gyros inside of the controller, to understand it's placement. Much more innovative. Finally there is a patent pending that was posted last year by Sony at the launch of the Wii for a controller that is almost identical to the Wii, like I said the storm is coming and Sony is backing up to include this silly gimmick in its game lineup.
Finally, I am just curious to all you Wii owners out there. When your friends and family leave your party, do you really jump around your living rooms alone??? I didn't think so, like I said Gimmick.
Oh - and I can't leave out the Xbox 360, red ring of death anybody? Microsoft makes crap and has been doing so since their first OS. How's Vista working for you? I switched back to XP. How about that Zune? My iPhone says die already! Anyone's Xbox steering wheel catch on fire lately. WAKE UP!!!
I'm not disgruntled but I hope if any confused newbies read this they just get the facts and buy a PS3. Don't be suckered into buying this other junk.
By espostal
some responses
Waleg says "I feel bad for Wii owners, because they are getting duped on a crappy gimmicky product!"
Thanks for your sympathy. I'm afraid it's a little misplaced though? We have had the Wii for about a year, and our family loves it. You'll be glad to know that the Wii has been one of the best entertainment items our family has bought in a long time. No one among our family and friends seems to miss the higher resolution graphics of the XBox 360 and the PS3. The Wii images look fine on our HD Plasma TV.
What a great time everyone had at our Christmas Eve party! Laughter and smiles spread through our home. The highlight of the evening was when our nephew's 4-year-old played my 80-year-old mother in a game of bowling. That's a highlight that will be talked about at family gatherings for a very long time.
I know many gamers are having difficulty understanding the success of the Wii, but no one at the party had any trouble understanding why it's such a popular console. It's fun!
you are an idiot
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