For me, personally, I would have to say Resistance 2.
They removed everything that I loved about the first Resistance and replaced it with the same old mechanics we see in every shooter around.
No more weapon reel, only two weapons allowed this time.
No more fast paced moving, have a sprint button!
Want a campaign as long as the first one, too bad!
Here are some new weapons, but some of the first games weapons have to go.
Splitscreen was pretty fun huh? Tough luck, there is no splitscreen this time around!
Sure, the game had some nice things like 64 player multiplayer and 8 player co-op. But they were no substitute for everything they removed. Also the story turned from something with great potential into the bog standard humans VS aliens story.
What's your pick then SW?
Resistance 2 has splitscreenIt has split screen. But the co op isn't the main campaign. This ruined the game for me personally.
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