[QUOTE="Just_Osmo"][QUOTE="jbeen"][QUOTE="jangojay"][QUOTE="Just_Osmo"][QUOTE="jangojay"][QUOTE="Just_Osmo"]Lets see off the top of my head, Fable 2, Alan Wake, Too Human, Ninja Gaiden 2, UT3 and GTA5 (even though they aren't exclusives the majority of versions bought will be 360). Thats just off the top of my head.
He said games that will sell the console. Those aren't games that will sell the console.
....and you think that MGS4 and FF are system sellers? MGS4 and FF are not system sellers. They are limited to RPG fans. Name one system seller for the PS3? I know for a fact that I can name one for the 360. Halo. Now name the PS3 system seller...... oh wait, ps3 has none.
MGS4 and FF aren't system sellers? Wow I really believe you guys will say anything. I have SEEN people by ps2s for mgs and ff, just like people buy 360s for halo. FF is one of the biggests sony franchises imo and the ps3 on the whole mostly deal with platformers,rpgs and fighting games. So saying it's for rpg guys well..... that's the majority of those who had a ps2 from my expierence. So they ARE system sellers. Killzone imo is not, sony should not go like MS into this FPS thing. Stick to the genre you are strong in and you will keep your fanbase. Just like MS should not go into rpgs =/.
I don't know about the MGS series because I have never been a big fan of the games but FF 7 basicly put the Play Station name on the map so yes FF is a system seller.
FF7 will be an awesome game and sell alot ofc opys. Butit's not a system seller. Your casual gamer out there probably won't care about an RPG.
offline rpgs are the most casual games on the market?
Not JRPGs. Maybe American RPG's are. I'd be more apt to agree that Uncharted is your closest thing to a system seller right now then FF7 will be.
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