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Its spelled *your* where I live.[QUOTE="TrueAmerican007"][QUOTE="el3m2tigre"]
Dumbfvckistan? ;)
Dudleyville, New York.With Microsoft's money they can advertise the hell out of the Nextbox, and also payoff Activision for a timed exclusive COD. Not only will this crush the Wii U, but this move would also drive Sony into bankruptcy when their PS4 flops.TrueAmerican007
Perhaps, a laptop PC with Intel Haswell and AMD GCN GPU. It depends on the PS4 and Xbox 720 specs.
It's cute to think CoD will still be on top (especially in activision's eyes) during next gen. They are putting their eggs all into the whole "destiny" basket.
EDIT: why did I even answer this seriously...
TC an exclusive call of duty will never happen
activision makes to much money multiplatform ,
guess you aint got the memo most games now adays need to be multiplat to survive especally on a console with little to no fanbase when it first launches new ips usually fill the void for multiplat studios putting exclusives on new platforms ---such as zombi u saints row red steel
few examples ,
and if you think anything is going to compete with wii u your in for disappointment see 3ds vita , ms couldnt hold nintendo back this gen when they had the spot what makes you believe a maraculous miracle will happen -the fight is definatelly gonna be between sony and ms next gen not sony ms nintendo , nintendo is in its own playing field it does not even want to copy xbl for petes sake ,
save your dreams for the weak ,because your first mistake was mentioning an exclusive call of duty see vitas cod ds cod , we all know how that turns out
With Microsoft's money they can advertise the hell out of the Nextbox, and also payoff Activision for a timed exclusive COD. Not only will this crush the Wii U, but this move would also drive Sony into bankruptcy when their PS4 flops.TrueAmerican007I don't understand why you would want a company to exit the games industry. It would be horrible to gamers, and lack of competition would ruin it all. I like Microsoft as a game company but I don't agree with all their tactics, and milking. Imagine an industry with Nintendo in one corner, and Microsoft in the next... That's pretty scary to me.
If the PS4 comes out next year and they have great games announced for it I will purchase it if it is cheap enough. I already have the Wii U and I usually try to have atleast two consoles.
C-130 rollin' down the strip
64 Rangers on a one-way trip
Mission Top Secret, destination unknown
They don't even know if they're ever coming home
When my plane gets up so high
Paratroopers take to the skies
Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door
My knees got weak and I hit the floor
Jumpmaster picked me up with ease
Tossed my knees into the breeze
Count one-thousand, two-thousand, three-thousand, four
My main opened with a mighty roar
But if my main don't open wide
I got a reserve by my side
But if that one should fail me too
Look out below I'm a-comin' through
If I die on the old drop zone
Box me up and ship me home
Pin my wings upon my chest
And then bury me in the leaning rest
Well if I die on a Chinese hill
Take my watch or the commies will
But if I die in the Korean mud
Bury me with a case of Bud
Johnny, are you banndodging ?
Naughty naughty.
It's not johnny.It's someone else.I really can't tell if it's an original account or not.It may be that synper-007 user.
get to woik, we're waiting to hear your findings
Johnny, are you banndodging ?
Naughty naughty.
It's not johnny.It's someone else.I really can't tell if it's an original account or not.It may be that synper-007 user.
get to woik, we're waiting to hear your findings
I'm not wasting my time finding out if that user is an alt.He's harmless.
[QUOTE="el3m2tigre"]Its spelled *your* where I live.Your is a different word then you're. You're is a combination of you and are. Your refers to something that you own.*You're*
Its spelled *your* where I live.Your is a different word then you're. You're is a combination of you and are. Your refers to something that you own.Dude...don't even bother. He's a native speaking english person(going by his name) that doesn't know the difference between you're and your.[QUOTE="TrueAmerican007"][QUOTE="el3m2tigre"]
If the PS4 comes out next year and they have great games announced for it I will purchase it if it is cheap enough. I already have the Wii U and I usually try to have atleast two consoles.
I am in the same boat as you. I want a WiiU for HD nintendo games and I will also pick up one of the either systems. Even though I don't know anything about the nextbox/PS4, I am leaning towards Sony since they have done an excellent job at pumping out exclusives. Maybe MS will surprise us though.
First off, I see very little evidence of the PS4 flopping, based on how little we know of both those consoles.
second, We can likely all agree that the Wii U audience while having some overlapping audience, tend to have thier own very specific audience, built up on Nintendo IPs.
Third, in what world would that ever be a good thing?
Forth: when the next X-box and PS comes out, and shows to be more media centres then consoles, does that mean I get a prize? When gamers stop being the main focus of either Corp?
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