@cainetao11 said:
@Shewgenja said:
Okay, I'll admit it. I am very curious to see how they use the cloud for Crackdown. Looking forward to seeing what's been cooking.
Fu** that!!! I don't want them to mention the cloud one time in terms of this game, the console, windows 10, Office, nothing. It would ruin my relationship with you. I love your hatred and mouth foaming for all things anti MS/Xbox. You are pure entertainment dude. I want that thread within 30 seconds of the end of their briefing ripping MS for no cloud, QB is weak sauce, Scalebound is meh, Crackdown had nothing regarding the cloud, Recore is trash, Sea of Thieves is MMO multiplat that doesn't count and real gamers don't have fun with those, 900p, X1 getting dropped by far east devs. Don't do this to us, dude...........what we have is worth it.
I don't tend to rip on games quite like that. I might make fun of how similar games are to PS4 games that Lems went on to no end dissing, but I think that gaming is largely subjective. Now, I did make fun of Halo 5 looking pretty asstastic at E3, but I don't stand there banging the gong about it. It's still being optimized and polished and that's generally when the graphics improve before going gold.
HOWEVER, if MS dances around the subject of Cloud after that demo they showed last year and finally getting a chance to show the game that's using their new whizzbang tech, then yeah I will be on that. Where there's smoke, there tends to be mirrors when it comes to XBox and that's why it is not enjoying anywhere near the success the 360 did. Sad thing is, it's really you guys that should be on it. You know what made the PS4 a great console out the gate? It was Sony fans going to Playstation forums and talking about the stuff that just didn't work with the PS3 and talking about how monumentally bad Kutaragi's soundbites were for not only the system but making the fans look bad, as well.
I don't really see that coming from the Lems this gen. Ya'll just hang on every soundbite and NPD quip like a puppet from its strings. And yes, I do call ya'll out on it. For every little thing that gets a pass or stamp of approval, Shewgenja will be here to deliver the lols for people living outside of the Box. Don't mistake my preference this generation for the PS4 as rabid fanboyism. Sony merely learned their lessons and delivered a machine that suits my tastes. I'd talk about the WiiU way more if I could, but the truth is Nintendo did not position that console well and the XBone's immediate price drops really forced Nintendo into a situation where they can't afford to compete in this kind of hostile market. Who knows? If Phil Spencer is half the Messiah of Vidya Gamez that you guys say he is, I'll be all about the XBox Two.
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