Except Uncharted at it's core has never actually been good to warrant any forgiveness for its stale nature. The puzzle solving is universally trash on any level, the platforming is just there, and shooting wise? There are more interesting shooting mechanics as in just the act of a shooting a gun, and it has combat that is lesser than Resident Evil 4 to this day, much less shooters like Gears of War, Max Payne, Vanquish, or even something like Binary Domain. Tomb Raider's shooting has been better at this point. It's been mechanically poor twice, good once.
At best they finally got the shooting to be good enough like Uncharted 2, because I doubt they get Uncharted 3 tier. 2 was great by virtue of having a variety of fun set pieces and being well paced. The latter they could deliver on, except the last time they showed this game they showed this drawn out, spectacle driven, where you know for a fucking fact that as a player you are barely having any input on their set piece which is tied to the all mighty script. That wasn't actually a sign of good pacing, because it went on about 3 or 4 minutes too long. I'm not sweating your joy over Uncharted 4, but "stomp" is ridiculous.
A: Naughty Dog is not devoid of failure. The Last of Us was great, still the same studio that once made Uncharted 1 and 3, both of which suck as shooters, last I checked Uncharted 4 still a shooter.
B: I didn't say QB was more impressive, I said has more potential, because the time shift mechanics actually allow it to have room to add a new spin. Uncharted has no new mechanic other than a whip, that will be tied to...that's right scripted sequences or context sensitive situations.
"you're jaded" Is a shit argument, because okay fine I'm jaded, elitist, and a world class asshole, but it is a fallacy that it overrules my ability to make point. My stance isn't that QB is better or it isn't better. But Mems has a point, some of the things QB is being knocked for here, apply to Uncharted if you played Uncharted 2, much less the two pathetic ones. And the character stuff fair enough, you want to argue QB doesn't show enough of that to warrant any respect? Fair game, I'll concede there, because that I completely went with the I trust Sam Lake, because on a bad day he's more creative than Naughty Dog.
If it ends up being a better game it's a better game.
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