Holy **** at Crackdown, looks sweet!
Lots of other great looking stuff too, nice one MS. Really bringing the 1st party this gen, aren't they?
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Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
I doubt they have anything to show. Even at E3 most of their stuff will probably be 2017. One of their big game announcements was someone asking for Kickstarter money or the big FF7 remake that has not even started yet. Everything Ms showed was different from all the games they showed at E3. Sony is looking pretty bleak gamewise.
That and they decided to go to Paris Game Week. Which is also in Europe.
Seriously did you even know there was a Paris show before this? I never even heard of it before. It is no Gamescom that is for sure. Lets face it they choose to not go to the big event and instead are going to some small one most people never even heard of.
But just for laughs lets see if at this small event they show any games that are coming soon because right now like I said it looks pretty bleak.
Holy **** at Crackdown, looks sweet!
Lots of other great looking stuff too, nice one MS. Really bringing the 1st party this gen, aren't they?
Eh, lets be clear here "first party" is a relative term. They have more projects, but it's still third party deals.
Platinum Games is never going to be a first party dev, so future franchise potential is a bit limited. Platinum might never want to do it again, Kamiya himself never does sequels.
Remedy is also an independent studio, in theory they can always work with Sony or ...lol Nintendo...oh I'm sorry I treated Nintendo like they actually are on a similar playing field these days.
I bring that concept up, because The Killer Instinct studio that did a decent job rebooting Killer Instinct for modern machines...is now owned by Amazon so Microsoft had to turn to Iron Galaxy who is also independent. Microsoft's deals are being invested in more first party IP, but they could still build more proper studios. Hell if they were really smart they would allow 343 and Coalition to do something other than Halo and Gears, because in theory those teams probably have enough talent to do other things, and then they would have studios that work on multiple money making IPs, but that's a bet they don't want to make.
The Killer Instinct studio that did a decent job rebooting Killer Instinct for modern machines...is now owned by Amazon
Didn't know that, weird. It's a good point, it's a little strange way to do it, but ultimately doesn;t really make much difference, I think. I mean, they'll be Xbone exclusives with MS logos, so at least de facto 1st party :P
The Killer Instinct studio that did a decent job rebooting Killer Instinct for modern machines...is now owned by Amazon
Didn't know that, weird. It's a good point, it's a little strange way to do it, but ultimately doesn;t really make much difference, I think. I mean, they'll be Xbone exclusives with MS logos, so at least de facto 1st party :P
Yeah, but I think people are missing because of course glorious Platinum can't be bought.
But Microsoft lost Project Gotham Racing in a sense because
A: Some assclown decided PGR4 should release 2 weeks after Halo 3 (fucking why?)
B: They let Bizarre get bought out
And while we're at it, they funded the original Mass Effect, and look at what Mass Effect ended up becoming. And then realize that Microsoft was easily in a position to purchase a Bioware and would have gotten Pandemic, and unlike EA at the time, Microsoft would have been keen on keeping Pandemic around. Not saying their moves aren't quality, but they still need their own in-house studios. Shit they should have put more of an effort into rebuilding Rare. The brand has appeal on some level, if you don't the old talent, get new talent.
lol Cows and fakeboys trying to downplay Scalebound we all know damn well if this was PS4 exclusive you'd be making it the second coming of christ.
Yes indeed. In ANY of these games were exclusive on the PS4, Cow would be doing backflips on SW right about now. Expecially if they were exclusive. Don't get me wrong, Bloodborne and Infamous SS were great, but what else have Sony giving me that's exclusive? Only games I'm looking forward to on my PS4 is Uncharted 4, Rime, Horizon: Zero Dawn, No Man's Sky and The Last Guardian.Guess what? Gotta wait.At least I can play Uncharted Collection soon.
Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
Yeah, I think Sony wanted to save some millions so they skipped Gamescom. They are definitely going to TGS and it won't cost them as much since they don't have to travel. MS is skipping TGS which makes sense, since the gamers there have dissed their game console. It would just be a waste of their time and money. I would think Gamescom would be more important then the TGS though.
@CanYouDiglt: Doesn't matter how big the show is or not. How many times has R* gone to an E3? Yup.
Make your own waves and they'll seem that much bigger. Ninty is also gonna be there, so it's not gonna be as small as you want it to be. On top of that Sony wasn't the one needing more press after E3 bro, just sayin' ;)
It's visually appealing, it just shows that you don't need to have graphics that show every facial hair and molecule to have a game that's visually appealing (Ori being a perfect example of this)
Thats assuming if Remedy can recapture the heart and soul of Max Payne. And yeah, from what we have seen from both games, Uncharted 4 stomps it. And thats not even because it was the best thing ever or something, but the gameplay just looked more fun simply put. Especially the PSX demo.
It looked like any other cover shooter in the last couple years. Psuedo stealth to make up for third person shooting that is old, stale, and slow. At least the timeshifting mechanics has some reasonable potential and on a bad day I'll take Sam Lake as a writer over anyone at Naughty Dog. The Last of us's execution aside, they make derivative ass plots. Lake? He knows he's making plup and relishes in it. I'm not saying QB looks impressive because it doesn't, but stomped by Uncharted 4?
I'll take the concept that has room to surprise vs another Uncharted game.
Plot wise I could take or leave it on both accounts. Maybe 'stomp' is a strong word in this case, but between these two games and what's been shown I'm thinking Uncharted 4. Quite easily. You well overblow the samey sequal thing too, down to actually criticizing a game for being a sequal. That's retarded. I love new IP's, I respect developers efforts on new IP's because it's really hard work, but if a game is good it's good. And I'm saying that while considering the possibility of Uncharted 4 being stale as hell. But a new IP in a well troden genre can be just as stale, despite the new universe.
Uncharted 4's gameplay looked more fun. Unless this time shifting stuff is next level, or the shooting channels Max Payne, I don't see QB out doing it. And then there's pacing and gameplay segments. I'm not even sure what to think of Remedy in that regard right now. Where as I trust Naughty Dog to deliver there. Though I'm not trying to paint Uncharted 4 as some fresh new thing either. I just expect good execution like Uncharted 2 or The Last Of Us.
I will likely enjoy both so there's that. You on the other hand seem to be completely jaded on the matter and seem to dislike the genre in general. Creative deprivity and all that lol. Honestly I don't disagree there.
Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
Yeah, I think Sony wanted to save some millions so they skipped Gamescom. They are definitely going to TGS and it won't cost them as much since they don't have to travel. MS is skipping TGS which makes sense, since the gamers there have dissed their game console. It would just be a waste of their time and money. I would think Gamescom would be more important then the TGS though.
That is some stupid shit you're spouting mate. So they don't have to pay for travel? Lol. I know they aren't the richest company in the world but fucking hell, they aren't running a burger van.
Yeah, but I think people are missing because of course glorious Platinum can't be bought.
But Microsoft lost Project Gotham Racing in a sense because
A: Some assclown decided PGR4 should release 2 weeks after Halo 3 (fucking why?)
B: They let Bizarre get bought out
And while we're at it, they funded the original Mass Effect, and look at what Mass Effect ended up becoming. And then realize that Microsoft was easily in a position to purchase a Bioware and would have gotten Pandemic, and unlike EA at the time, Microsoft would have been keen on keeping Pandemic around. Not saying their moves aren't quality, but they still need their own in-house studios. Shit they should have put more of an effort into rebuilding Rare. The brand has appeal on some level, if you don't the old talent, get new talent.
Hey, I don't disagree, it'd probably be smarter for MS to build a stable of solid devs rather than contracting out, buying (timed) exclusives and shutting good guys down.
But ultimately I guess just don't care if those studios make games elsewhere later and MS "lose them" (they'll still get their future games as multiplats). It's cool when Nintendo funds Platinum Games, it's cool when MS funds Platinum Games, it's cool when Sony funds Platinum Games. (insert whoever else for PG) So long as these games show up somewhere, it's pretty fine. And since so many are gonna show up on Xbone, exclusive, with big MS logos on them, I got to give props. I'll need an Xbone, sooner rather than later. It's actually pretty remarkable what a lineup MS have conjured. This year, with Halo/Gears/Forza/Fable, it seemed like same old same old, but there's a lot of interesting stuff next year, in addition to their standard ones.
Plot wise I could take or leave it on both accounts. Maybe 'stomp' is a strong word in this case, but between these two games and what's been shown I'm thinking Uncharted 4. Quite easily. You well overblow the samey sequal thing too, down to actually criticizing a game for being a sequal. That's retarded. I love new IP's, I respect developers efforts on new IP's because it's really hard work, but if a game is good it's good. And I'm saying that while considering the possibility of Uncharted 4 being stale as hell. But a new IP in a well troden genre can be just as stale, despite the new universe.
Uncharted 4's gameplay looked more fun. Unless this time shifting stuff is next level, or the shooting channels Max Payne, I don't see QB out doing it. And then there's pacing and gameplay segments. I'm not even sure what to think of Remedy in that regard right now. Where as I trust Naughty Dog to deliver there. Though I'm not trying to paint Uncharted 4 as some fresh new thing either. I just expect good execution like Uncharted 2 or The Last Of Us.
I will likely enjoy both so there's that. You on the other hand seem to be completely jaded on the matter and seem to dislike the genre in general. Creative deprivity and all that lol. Honestly I don't disagree there.
Except Uncharted at it's core has never actually been good to warrant any forgiveness for its stale nature. The puzzle solving is universally trash on any level, the platforming is just there, and shooting wise? There are more interesting shooting mechanics as in just the act of a shooting a gun, and it has combat that is lesser than Resident Evil 4 to this day, much less shooters like Gears of War, Max Payne, Vanquish, or even something like Binary Domain. Tomb Raider's shooting has been better at this point. It's been mechanically poor twice, good once.
At best they finally got the shooting to be good enough like Uncharted 2, because I doubt they get Uncharted 3 tier. 2 was great by virtue of having a variety of fun set pieces and being well paced. The latter they could deliver on, except the last time they showed this game they showed this drawn out, spectacle driven, where you know for a fucking fact that as a player you are barely having any input on their set piece which is tied to the all mighty script. That wasn't actually a sign of good pacing, because it went on about 3 or 4 minutes too long. I'm not sweating your joy over Uncharted 4, but "stomp" is ridiculous.
A: Naughty Dog is not devoid of failure. The Last of Us was great, still the same studio that once made Uncharted 1 and 3, both of which suck as shooters, last I checked Uncharted 4 still a shooter.
B: I didn't say QB was more impressive, I said has more potential, because the time shift mechanics actually allow it to have room to add a new spin. Uncharted has no new mechanic other than a whip, that will be tied to...that's right scripted sequences or context sensitive situations.
"you're jaded" Is a shit argument, because okay fine I'm jaded, elitist, and a world class asshole, but it is a fallacy that it overrules my ability to make point. My stance isn't that QB is better or it isn't better. But Mems has a point, some of the things QB is being knocked for here, apply to Uncharted if you played Uncharted 2, much less the two pathetic ones. And the character stuff fair enough, you want to argue QB doesn't show enough of that to warrant any respect? Fair game, I'll concede there, because that I completely went with the I trust Sam Lake, because on a bad day he's more creative than Naughty Dog.
If it ends up being a better game it's a better game.
Plot wise I could take or leave it on both accounts. Maybe 'stomp' is a strong word in this case, but between these two games and what's been shown I'm thinking Uncharted 4. Quite easily. You well overblow the samey sequal thing too, down to actually criticizing a game for being a sequal. That's retarded. I love new IP's, I respect developers efforts on new IP's because it's really hard work, but if a game is good it's good. And I'm saying that while considering the possibility of Uncharted 4 being stale as hell. But a new IP in a well troden genre can be just as stale, despite the new universe.
Uncharted 4's gameplay looked more fun. Unless this time shifting stuff is next level, or the shooting channels Max Payne, I don't see QB out doing it. And then there's pacing and gameplay segments. I'm not even sure what to think of Remedy in that regard right now. Where as I trust Naughty Dog to deliver there. Though I'm not trying to paint Uncharted 4 as some fresh new thing either. I just expect good execution like Uncharted 2 or The Last Of Us.
I will likely enjoy both so there's that. You on the other hand seem to be completely jaded on the matter and seem to dislike the genre in general. Creative deprivity and all that lol. Honestly I don't disagree there.
Except Uncharted at it's core has never actually been good to warrant any forgiveness for its stale nature. The puzzle solving is universally trash on any level, the platforming is just there, and shooting wise? There are more interesting shooting mechanics as in just the act of a shooting a gun, and it has combat that is lesser than Resident Evil 4 to this day, much less shooters like Gears of War, Max Payne, Vanquish, or even something like Binary Domain. Tomb Raider's shooting has been better at this point. It's been mechanically poor twice, good once.
At best they finally got the shooting to be good enough like Uncharted 2, because I doubt they get Uncharted 3 tier. 2 was great by virtue of having a variety of fun set pieces and being well paced. The latter they could deliver on, except the last time they showed this game they showed this drawn out, spectacle driven, where you know for a fucking fact that as a player you are barely having any input on their set piece which is tied to the all mighty script. That wasn't actually a sign of good pacing, because it went on about 3 or 4 minutes too long. I'm not sweating your joy over Uncharted 4, but "stomp" is ridiculous.
A: Naughty Dog is not devoid of failure. The Last of Us was great, still the same studio that once made Uncharted 1 and 3, both of which suck as shooters, last I checked Uncharted 4 still a shooter.
B: I didn't say QB was more impressive, I said has more potential, because the time shift mechanics actually allow it to have room to add a new spin. Uncharted has no new mechanic other than a whip, that will be tied to...that's right scripted sequences or context sensitive situations.
"you're jaded" Is a shit argument, because okay fine I'm jaded, elitist, and a world class asshole, but it is a fallacy that it overrules my ability to make point. My stance isn't that QB is better or it isn't better. But Mems has a point, some of the things QB is being knocked for here, apply to Uncharted if you played Uncharted 2, much less the two pathetic ones. And the character stuff fair enough, you want to argue QB doesn't show enough of that to warrant any respect? Fair game, I'll concede there, because that I completely went with the I trust Sam Lake, because on a bad day he's more creative than Naughty Dog.
If it ends up being a better game it's a better game.
When I refer to Uncharted I mean 2. I never rated Uncharted 1 and 3. I think Uncharted 2's mechanics are simple, shallow and I think it's levels and gameplay encounters are linear on rails romps. I know that it just barely has puzzles, platforming and melee combat. I don't even think they are a creative studio, I really don't. But here's the thing, upon execution Uncharted 2 is a really good game despite their shallow approach.
Naughty Dog are capable of some crap. But I'm pretty much certain that Uncharted 4 isn't going to reach the lows of Uncharted 1 or 3. At least mechanically. They may even have crappy segments, it's not totally unlike them even in their good games. And you made a good point about the set piece. It went on a bit and much of it was beyond your direct control. Especially after the jeep gets run down. It starts being shit when your player controls are hindered for some plot line, something I hate Naughty Dog for, and 'story based' games in general.
As for what mems was saying, I didn't bash QB for being yet another TPS. That was someone else. I replied to his Uncharted comment because I believed Uncharted 4 looked better from what was shown. Even with the lack of creativity. That said, if this time mechanic ends up kicking shit, and the game betters Uncharted 4, I won't question it, I'll play it and probably enjoy the **** out of it. And I don't know why you're assuming I hate Sam Lake or Quantum Break, and when did I say they don't warrant any respect? The ****?
This whole thing basically boils down to me saying I liked the look of Uncharted 4 more than Quantum Break so far and you having an issue with that. And this assumption comes from the fact that Uncharted 2 and TLOU are great games and that the same directors are working on U4. I really enjoyed those 2 games. Though you could say Sam Lake made Max Payne 1 and 2 and this is his first proper TPS since then. Truth is i'm stoked to play both.
Plot wise I could take or leave it on both accounts. Maybe 'stomp' is a strong word in this case, but between these two games and what's been shown I'm thinking Uncharted 4. Quite easily. You well overblow the samey sequal thing too, down to actually criticizing a game for being a sequal. That's retarded. I love new IP's, I respect developers efforts on new IP's because it's really hard work, but if a game is good it's good. And I'm saying that while considering the possibility of Uncharted 4 being stale as hell. But a new IP in a well troden genre can be just as stale, despite the new universe.
Uncharted 4's gameplay looked more fun. Unless this time shifting stuff is next level, or the shooting channels Max Payne, I don't see QB out doing it. And then there's pacing and gameplay segments. I'm not even sure what to think of Remedy in that regard right now. Where as I trust Naughty Dog to deliver there. Though I'm not trying to paint Uncharted 4 as some fresh new thing either. I just expect good execution like Uncharted 2 or The Last Of Us.
I will likely enjoy both so there's that. You on the other hand seem to be completely jaded on the matter and seem to dislike the genre in general. Creative deprivity and all that lol. Honestly I don't disagree there.
Except Uncharted at it's core has never actually been good to warrant any forgiveness for its stale nature. The puzzle solving is universally trash on any level, the platforming is just there, and shooting wise? There are more interesting shooting mechanics as in just the act of a shooting a gun, and it has combat that is lesser than Resident Evil 4 to this day, much less shooters like Gears of War, Max Payne, Vanquish, or even something like Binary Domain. Tomb Raider's shooting has been better at this point. It's been mechanically poor twice, good once.
At best they finally got the shooting to be good enough like Uncharted 2, because I doubt they get Uncharted 3 tier. 2 was great by virtue of having a variety of fun set pieces and being well paced. The latter they could deliver on, except the last time they showed this game they showed this drawn out, spectacle driven, where you know for a fucking fact that as a player you are barely having any input on their set piece which is tied to the all mighty script. That wasn't actually a sign of good pacing, because it went on about 3 or 4 minutes too long. I'm not sweating your joy over Uncharted 4, but "stomp" is ridiculous.
A: Naughty Dog is not devoid of failure. The Last of Us was great, still the same studio that once made Uncharted 1 and 3, both of which suck as shooters, last I checked Uncharted 4 still a shooter.
B: I didn't say QB was more impressive, I said has more potential, because the time shift mechanics actually allow it to have room to add a new spin. Uncharted has no new mechanic other than a whip, that will be tied to...that's right scripted sequences or context sensitive situations.
"you're jaded" Is a shit argument, because okay fine I'm jaded, elitist, and a world class asshole, but it is a fallacy that it overrules my ability to make point. My stance isn't that QB is better or it isn't better. But Mems has a point, some of the things QB is being knocked for here, apply to Uncharted if you played Uncharted 2, much less the two pathetic ones. And the character stuff fair enough, you want to argue QB doesn't show enough of that to warrant any respect? Fair game, I'll concede there, because that I completely went with the I trust Sam Lake, because on a bad day he's more creative than Naughty Dog.
If it ends up being a better game it's a better game.
I was going to say same thing. Bravo.
Great conference, can't wait for quantum break and crackdown. And halo wars 2! Did not expect that to be announced
Was Halo Wars considered a good game? I just find it odd that were getting a sequel all of a sudden. [I played it years ago on my Xbox 360 and I thought it did well for a RTS on a console]
Holy **** at Crackdown, looks sweet!
Lots of other great looking stuff too, nice one MS. Really bringing the 1st party this gen, aren't they?
Truth on the intranet right cheer. :P
Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
Yeah, I think Sony wanted to save some millions so they skipped Gamescom. They are definitely going to TGS and it won't cost them as much since they don't have to travel. MS is skipping TGS which makes sense, since the gamers there have dissed their game console. It would just be a waste of their time and money. I would think Gamescom would be more important then the TGS though.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
this is so fucking cool. the enemy has your abilities. look at how he tries to teleport punch but the protagonist stops him in midway and flashes out of the way and gets into cover. the cover is dynamic like TLOU and Tomb Raider reboot btw. I wished for this type of gameplay since forever. infamous is similar as in delsin teleporting but this looks flashy and more awesome. freaking amazing visual effects. this is like Max Pain with time powers. i'd love to see more intense battles with smart AI using your own abilities against you.
Added to my to get list when i buy an Xbone.
I feel they should have moved Halo wars and Crackdown to E3, since Halo wars is Halo, and Crackdown was being shown on off-screen footage.
@misterpmedia: PSX was a joke. All it was designed for was to stroke Playstation owners dicks.
They missed the boat this year. From here on out they have nothing.
Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
Yeah, I think Sony wanted to save some millions so they skipped Gamescom. They are definitely going to TGS and it won't cost them as much since they don't have to travel. MS is skipping TGS which makes sense, since the gamers there have dissed their game console. It would just be a waste of their time and money. I would think Gamescom would be more important then the TGS though.
That is some stupid shit you're spouting mate. So they don't have to pay for travel? Lol. I know they aren't the richest company in the world but fucking hell, they aren't running a burger van.
Don't think it's stupid at all. Sony is trying to save some fund. http://www.ign.com/boards/threads/yoshida-ps4-might-have-less-aaa-exclusives-this-gen.454058927/
Actually a smart move so they can show a profit at the end of the year and have funds for more 1st party games in the future.
Hey Sony. Your turn.
It's a shame they have missed out on Gamescom, they think a game show in Europe is not important because of their sales lol!
Yeah, I think Sony wanted to save some millions so they skipped Gamescom. They are definitely going to TGS and it won't cost them as much since they don't have to travel. MS is skipping TGS which makes sense, since the gamers there have dissed their game console. It would just be a waste of their time and money. I would think Gamescom would be more important then the TGS though.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
I'm not on about 'turning up' because Sony was out in full force at Gamescom with one of the largest booths there, they just didn't have a conference. Try harder. I'm talking specifically about these really really really expensive conferences you seem to be quite focused on and how you're directly linking them to Sony's financials. I guess they're broke right now but will still go ahead with 3 other major conferences amiritie? Makes sense LOL
Also lol @ comicon & PAX, dat reach for blacklem.
@misterpmedia:. All it was designed for was to stroke Playstation owners dicks.
it was a PlayStation dedicated conference, so I'd hope so ;)
Everything so far is awesomeee
That XBox Flexin.
Will it overtake PS4 as current gen 8 console leader????? That's TRUE and by god HONEST flexing.
It doesn't need to, just like the PS3 and XBox 360 didn't need to take the 7th generation lead. lol!! Both the XBox 360 and PS3 were still hugely successful selling over 80 million units. Same thing will happen with the XBox One. Having the lead is nice, but it doesn't mean the competition won't be successful. That's the TRUTH.
Everything so far is awesomeee
That XBox Flexin.
Will it overtake PS4 as current gen 8 console leader????? That's TRUE and by god HONEST flexing.
It doesn't need to, just like the PS3 and XBox 360 didn't need to take the 7th generation lead. lol!! Both the XBox 360 and PS3 were still hugely successful selling over 80 million units. Same thing will happen with the XBox One. Having the lead is nice, but it doesn't mean the competition won't be successful. That's the TRUTH.
Well PS3 outsold 360 last gen with 1 less year. Outstanding and gave SONY momentum for this gen.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
I'm not on about 'turning up' because Sony was out in full force at Gamescom with one of the largest booths there, they just didn't have a conference. Try harder. I'm talking specifically about these really really really expensive conferences you seem to be quite focused on and how you're directly linking them to Sony's financials. I guess they're broke right now but will still go ahead with 3 other major conferences amiritie? Makes sense LOL
Also lol @ comicon & PAX, dat reach for blacklem.
Sony was at Gamescom, but they didn't have any interviews, meeting or conferences. They just had their demo booths on the floor. The other conferences are smaller then E3 and Gamescom and I think you know that. Only TGS is really a major conference. PSX is Sony's own event. I wouldn't call that a major conference. Paris is smaller then TGS. Don't know if Sony is broke, but the fact Yoshida said they were scaling down on 1st party AAAE games this gen because development was so expensive seems like they are being very cautious about their funds. Losing over $6 billion in the last 6 years and selling HQ's, stock, laptop division, etc.. just to show a profit for one year speak volume to me. But it's ok, keep your head firming up Sony's a$$ where it smells so sweet to you. lol!!
Well PS3 outsold 360 last gen with 1 less year. Outstanding and gave SONY momentum for this gen.
They didn't.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
I'm not on about 'turning up' because Sony was out in full force at Gamescom with one of the largest booths there, they just didn't have a conference. Try harder. I'm talking specifically about these really really really expensive conferences you seem to be quite focused on and how you're directly linking them to Sony's financials. I guess they're broke right now but will still go ahead with 3 other major conferences amiritie? Makes sense LOL
Also lol @ comicon & PAX, dat reach for blacklem.
Sony was at Gamescom, but they didn't have any interviews, meeting or conferences. They just had their demo booths on the floor. The other conferences are smaller then E3 and Gamescom and I think you know that. Only TGS is really a major conference. PSX is Sony's own event. I wouldn't call that a major conference. Paris is smaller then TGS. Don't know if Sony is broke, but the fact Yoshida said they were scaling down on 1st party AAAE games this gen because development was so expensive seems like they are being very cautious about their funds. Losing over $6 billion in the last 6 years and selling HQ's, stock, laptop division, etc.. just to show a profit for one year speak volume to me. But it's ok, keep your head firming up Sony's a$$ where it smells so sweet to you. lol!!
lmfao again, they were still there, in full force, there's even articles out recently related to Sony gamescom, took less than few clicks to search google, are these not interviews? SMH lol. Jesus wept blacklem falling from grace before my eyes just from a badly hidden troll!
I'm not a stock holder so I couldn't give a two shits about their loses and other business divisions, try to keep focused here blacklem we're on about gaming, I know you like to slam Sony any way and any chance you get like the troll you are, but please.
Was just pointing out that the comment you made was conceived through 100% asshattery and nothing more, not to mention literally incorrect because of the other three large conferences they're having. And lol telling me how big these conferences are when you mention PAX and comicon...OK. Irrelevant anyway, just because PGW isn't as well known as Gamescom doesn't stop Sony from having a Gamescom scale press conference. Looks like they'll be the only ones there too just like Microsoft was at Gamescom. Before PGW, we got TGS where Microsoft is practically a dirty word so not surprised you're downplaying it, same goes for PSX since it's PlayStation dedicated, not your cup of tea for obvious reasons I know, but doesn't defeat the fact it was big hehe.
Well PS3 outsold 360 last gen with 1 less year. Outstanding and gave SONY momentum for this gen.
They didn't.
But they did and a year less too! No wonder SONY is on a ROLL this gen,
Everything so far is awesomeee
That XBox Flexin.
Will it overtake PS4 as current gen 8 console leader????? That's TRUE and by god HONEST flexing.
It doesn't need to, just like the PS3 and XBox 360 didn't need to take the 7th generation lead. lol!! Both the XBox 360 and PS3 were still hugely successful selling over 80 million units. Same thing will happen with the XBox One. Having the lead is nice, but it doesn't mean the competition won't be successful. That's the TRUTH.
Well PS3 outsold 360 last gen with 1 less year. Outstanding and gave SONY momentum for this gen.
There's still no proof that the PS3 has outsold the XBox 360. Last official numbers were PS3 80 million and XBox 360 - 84 million. Sony refuses to provide worldwide totals for the PS3 by itself.
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
I'm not on about 'turning up' because Sony was out in full force at Gamescom with one of the largest booths there, they just didn't have a conference. Try harder. I'm talking specifically about these really really really expensive conferences you seem to be quite focused on and how you're directly linking them to Sony's financials. I guess they're broke right now but will still go ahead with 3 other major conferences amiritie? Makes sense LOL
Also lol @ comicon & PAX, dat reach for blacklem.
Sony was at Gamescom, but they didn't have any interviews, meeting or conferences. They just had their demo booths on the floor. The other conferences are smaller then E3 and Gamescom and I think you know that. Only TGS is really a major conference. PSX is Sony's own event. I wouldn't call that a major conference. Paris is smaller then TGS. Don't know if Sony is broke, but the fact Yoshida said they were scaling down on 1st party AAAE games this gen because development was so expensive seems like they are being very cautious about their funds. Losing over $6 billion in the last 6 years and selling HQ's, stock, laptop division, etc.. just to show a profit for one year speak volume to me. But it's ok, keep your head firming up Sony's a$$ where it smells so sweet to you. lol!!
lmfao again, they were still there, in full force, there's even articles out recently related to Sony gamescom, took less than few clicks to search google, are these not interviews? SMH lol. Jesus wept blacklem falling from grace before my eyes just from a badly hidden troll!
I'm not a stock holder so I couldn't give a two shits about their loses and other business divisions, try to keep focused here blacklem we're on about gaming, I know you like to slam Sony any way and any chance you get like the troll you are, but please.
Was just pointing out that the comment you made was conceived through 100% asshattery and nothing more, not to mention literally incorrect because of the other three large conferences they're having. And lol telling me how big these conferences are when you mention PAX and comicon...OK. Irrelevant anyway, just because PGW isn't as well known as Gamescom doesn't stop Sony from having a Gamescom scale press conference. Looks like they'll be the only ones there too just like Microsoft was at Gamescom. Before PGW, we got TGS where Microsoft is practically a dirty word so not surprised you're downplaying it, same goes for PSX since it's PlayStation dedicated, not your cup of tea for obvious reasons I know, but doesn't defeat the fact it was big hehe.
Looks like you ignored everything I said and went on your own little tirade on what you think is important. lol!! Typical. I like to SLAM COWS. I don't hate Sony. Shit, I own all their systems. Some of them in doubles. Unlike yourself who loves to continuously slam everything XBox and don't even own one to know how good or bad the system really is. Microsoft skipping TGS is less of a big deal since the system isn't doing much in Japan. Microsoft instead went to the ChinaJoy conference to show off their Cloud Tech to Ubitus - http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/chinajoy-2015-ubitus-and-microsoft-demonstrate-worlds-first-html5-cloud-game-streaming-on-windows-10-with-edge-browser-300119774.html
Gamescom is the 2nd largest gaming conference in the world. The PS4 is HUGE in Europe. So for them not to attend is a BIG DEAL. You can say whatever you want, but it won't change the facts or the truth. Oh and I wanted the PSX last year. Meh.. it was ok, but Sony's E3 presentations were better overall. I think the PSX is a waste of money for Sony honestly.
So GS just updated the Crackdown article that it's not coming out in summer 2016 , but only the multiplayer mode.
If it's the Beta , fine.
But if they release the game with only the MP , i swear , they have to be really stupid and i will blame them if any other game comes out like this.
Great conference, can't wait for quantum break and crackdown. And halo wars 2! Did not expect that to be announced
Was Halo Wars considered a good game? I just find it odd that were getting a sequel all of a sudden. [I played it years ago on my Xbox 360 and I thought it did well for a RTS on a console]
It had people split, but it definitely had its fans.
I loved it, kept going back to the multiplayer years after release and there was still a dedicated online community.
So GS just updated the Crackdown article that it's not coming out in summer 2016 , but only the multiplayer mode.
If it's the Beta , fine.
But if they release the game with only the MP , i swear , they have to be really stupid and i will blame them if any other game comes out like this.
I don't know, I think Crackdown has evolved. It's shaping up to be something different from a regular single player type regular open world linear game like Infamous. There are already retail games which requires online already like Destiny and ESO. So I wouldn't be surprised if Crackdown 3 requires online too especially when it's using online servers to create chaos within the game. We'll see but since these online subscriptions are a must, I don't think people will have a problem if another game requires online.
.......or maybe because they have TGS, PGW & PSX? All of which MS aren't having a conference, especially PSX, guess they aren't invited, you know private party :x.
They're already paying out quite a bit for three major conferences coming up through out the rest of the year, since you're so interested in their gamescom expenses :P
Microsoft will be at the Paris conference. Sony won't he at Gamescom, ComicCon or PAX events. Who knows if Microsoft will have their own private even this Fall or not.
I'm not on about 'turning up' because Sony was out in full force at Gamescom with one of the largest booths there, they just didn't have a conference. Try harder. I'm talking specifically about these really really really expensive conferences you seem to be quite focused on and how you're directly linking them to Sony's financials. I guess they're broke right now but will still go ahead with 3 other major conferences amiritie? Makes sense LOL
Also lol @ comicon & PAX, dat reach for blacklem.
Sony was at Gamescom, but they didn't have any interviews, meeting or conferences. They just had their demo booths on the floor. The other conferences are smaller then E3 and Gamescom and I think you know that. Only TGS is really a major conference. PSX is Sony's own event. I wouldn't call that a major conference. Paris is smaller then TGS. Don't know if Sony is broke, but the fact Yoshida said they were scaling down on 1st party AAAE games this gen because development was so expensive seems like they are being very cautious about their funds. Losing over $6 billion in the last 6 years and selling HQ's, stock, laptop division, etc.. just to show a profit for one year speak volume to me. But it's ok, keep your head firming up Sony's a$$ where it smells so sweet to you. lol!!
lmfao again, they were still there, in full force, there's even articles out recently related to Sony gamescom, took less than few clicks to search google, are these not interviews? SMH lol. Jesus wept blacklem falling from grace before my eyes just from a badly hidden troll!
I'm not a stock holder so I couldn't give a two shits about their loses and other business divisions, try to keep focused here blacklem we're on about gaming, I know you like to slam Sony any way and any chance you get like the troll you are, but please.
Was just pointing out that the comment you made was conceived through 100% asshattery and nothing more, not to mention literally incorrect because of the other three large conferences they're having. And lol telling me how big these conferences are when you mention PAX and comicon...OK. Irrelevant anyway, just because PGW isn't as well known as Gamescom doesn't stop Sony from having a Gamescom scale press conference. Looks like they'll be the only ones there too just like Microsoft was at Gamescom. Before PGW, we got TGS where Microsoft is practically a dirty word so not surprised you're downplaying it, same goes for PSX since it's PlayStation dedicated, not your cup of tea for obvious reasons I know, but doesn't defeat the fact it was big hehe.
Just get an Xbox One and Crackdown, you'll be a very happy gamer when you do
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