Blood cause favourite game and playing this at age 14 the music,sound,violence and weaponry left me a long lasting impression
Unreal cause the presentation and graphics were well Unreal let alone it was a great game as well
Battlefield desert combat. Though this was a mod for battlefield the scale, great graphics and music and that sense you are in a real battlefield paired with great gameplay and balanced multiplayer made it my favorite BF game to date
Crysis. Scale,presentation, graphics and freedom to approach an objective from anywhere you wanted felt like this is next generation game
Sins of a solar empires. Nothing more satisfying than annihilating a solar system with a fleet of thousand spaceships
Civilization V. The satisfying feeling of nuking an enemy for the first time or completing a wonder makes this a game that leaves you an impression no matter how many matches or how many hours you play
Stalker. Nothing screamed more atmospheric than the bleak atmosphere of Stalker. Underlying the rather buggy nature of STALKER is one of the greatest fps games and one that manage to capture its theme of desolation and nuclear destruction aftermath like no other
Metro 2033. This transferred the claustrophobic atmosphere like no other game
Portal. Clever puzzles and probably the most interesting characters in a game
Witcher 3. Well nothing like it before. Excellent narrative , lots of interesting side stories, great characters and top notch presentation . It literally ruined RPG's for me cause the bar is way higher now
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