Why not compare to previous entries from the MODERN WARFARE series?
More balanced ARs
More balanced SMGs
More balanced Perks, no OMA, Commando
No overpowered noobtube, no cheap cross the map kills
No overpowered killstreaks, CG.
One of the best games of 2010, no doubts.RRTTWAAA
That's why. Blops is considered an improvement over MW2, a better game, yet the critical reception was more tepid. From 94 down to 87. Which goes to prove my point that critics are getting weary of the CoD formula.
BC2 on the other hand increased its MC score from BC1.
Like I said I am not expecting MW3 to fully counteract this feeling of stagnation. The wee information that's out there points towards it being exactly what it is, a sequel to MW2. Even the teaser trailers evoke the MW brand. Think Activision is a bit wary of losing the fanbase they've built up and are playing it safe to keep those sales up. No doubt that'll succeed.
I am however expecting DICE and EA to make good on their promise of focusing on quality in order to hurt the competition and delivering a proper Battlefield sequel.
I'm predicting MW3 will do about as well as Blops and BF3 to do better than BC2.
MW3: 81-87
BF3: 88-92
No way will MW3 do anything below 90. Its IW once again and MW3 is shaping up really well.
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