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Why make a thread about this? It's called a opinion and should be put on a blog
I like the first Halo which I played on the PC before I got a Xbox
Thats probably because Metroid Prime 3 and COD4 arent out yet.....Miyomaticdo you honestly believe
any of those 2 titles can compete against half life2?
Half-Life series is definitely a great and memorable experience. But I disagree with you that a console FPS hasn't come close. I feel when the Halo Series is done and Half-Life series is done, they will both be one of the best FPS series' of all time.
Never played it, but Metroid Prime could also be in that list, along with other FPS's. So sorry.
I consider Metroid Prime and Half Life 2 to be two of the greatest first person shooters on any platform.
Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefully Killzone 2 makes up for it.
I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.Sir-Marwin105Wow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, and although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone, neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.OoSuperMarioOWow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.
[QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are simple shooters, although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
I could say Half-Life 2 was a simple shooter. There is way more freedom in Halo than in Half-Life 2.
What makes Halo a "simple shooter" in your oppinion?
[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.Sir-Marwin105Wow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.
Yeah, I can see that it might have better personalty and a better script.
But to say it's better overall, I don't see that.
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.OoSuperMarioOWow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.
yes i too am shocked, the darkness wasnt a very good shooter, if it werent for the tentacle arms or w/e the game wouldnt be worth playing, hl2 had great graphics, great gameplay and an awesome truely epic story, way better than the halo stories, although halo 1 was awesome
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are simple shooters, although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
I could say Half-Life 2 was a simple shooter. There is way more freedom in Halo than in Half-Life 2.
What makes Halo a "simple shooter" in your oppinion?
Halo is a simple shooter because it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, IE the casual market. Everything is clearly spelt out in the game, and Halo never invites you to use your intelligence to understand the storyline or progress forward in the game. The game mechanics are designed to be as non-offensive as possible, from rechargeable shields to generic weapon balance.
I don't understand where you are coming from in this debate. Both Metroid Prime and Half Life 2 are clearly deeper and more sophisticated games than Halo. Please elaborate your argument.
[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.Sir-Marwin105Wow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.Are you sure you talking about Half Life 2 for the pc not the xbox port?
[QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are simple shooters, although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
I could say Half-Life 2 was a simple shooter. There is way more freedom in Halo than in Half-Life 2.
What makes Halo a "simple shooter" in your oppinion?
Halo is a simple shooter because it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, IE the casual market. Everything is clearly spelt out in the game, and Halo never invites you to use your intelligence to understand the storyline or progress forward in the game. The game mechanics are designed to be as non-offensive as possible, from rechargeable shields to generic weapon balance.
I don't understand where you are coming from in this debate. Both Metroid Prime and Half Life 2 are clearly deeper and more sophisticated games than Halo. Please elaborate your argument.
First off, I find the Half-Life series to be a messy storyline. There are ideas fans have about parts of the story ,sure, but there are some other things that I've been left out of the loop on, in the first 3 games. Maybe it will all clear up after Episode 2&3, or maybe it's because I only played through them once, I don't know. The story-telling just isn't great.
Halo doesn't to be sophisticated, no game needs to be. It has satisfying gameplay, along with a truly epic story about Human vs. Covenant. Thats what makes Halo elite. And thats all a game needs.
[QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are simple shooters, although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
I could say Half-Life 2 was a simple shooter. There is way more freedom in Halo than in Half-Life 2.
What makes Halo a "simple shooter" in your oppinion?
Here's why Halo is a simple shooter: Run, run run. Hey theres a bad guy. Shoot. run run run. A tank, lets get in it. Shoot bad guys, shoot bad guys. get out of tank. run run run. shoot bad guy. maybe fly a little bit. mission accomplished.
Half Life 2- Run, explore. shoot bad guys. stop. solve physics puzzle. run. listen to some dialogue. run, shoot bad guys. drive car. use physics to solve puzzle to drive to next location.
This is why Halo is so good and well recieved.
"First it put a two-weapon carrying limit in place, eliminating the ability to run around with 10 weapons. This put an additional focus on a player's ability to shoot, since it's more likely that players will face off with the same weapon, which in turn emphasizes the ability to out-think and maneuver an opponent. Secondly, the recharging shield de-emphasized the importance of health, again making encounters between enemies start on a more-leveled playing field. These two innovations contributed to Halo's unrivaled mainstream popularity. The simplicity it brought to fights (of course the amazing physics that made playing with a controller so natural cannot be downplayed) meant people could pick up the game for the first time and not feel overwhelmed. The first-person-shooter game became less of a "hardcore" culture and more people stuck with the game. When a competitions started to sprout up, there were more people to play it than with any game ever before. In its simplification of the first-person shooter, Halo, in a way, made the genre reach new levels of complexity.
While these innovative elements and brilliant "feel" persist through Halo 2 and Halo 3, there seems to be a trend of increasing complexity going into these games. Perhaps a graphics/new-feature obsessed gaming media places insurmountable pressure on game developers because of their influence on people's opinions. I'm unsure where this trend comes from, but looking at the Halo series - some of the most popular games ever made - exemplifies the trend. Halo 2 introduced a myriad of new weapons, the ability to dual-wield and more vehicles. Halo 3 plans to bring in different character ****s on top of new equipment and even more vehicles. While games must always evolve, especially to accommodate the power of next-generation systems, they do not have to be more "complex." What game developers often fail to realize (and this is where Nintendo really gets it) is humans will take even the simplest rule-sets and make extremely complex outcomes."
I'm going to bed, night.
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.OoSuperMarioOWow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.Are you sure you talking about Half Life 2 for the pc not the xbox port?I am talking about the PC version. Nothing in Half-Life 2 came close to the emotional level in The Darkness when you sit with Jenny and and watch To Kill a Mocking Bird.
First off, I find the Half-Life series to be a messy storyline. There are ideas fans have about parts of the story ,sure, but there are some other things that I've been left out of the loop on, in the first 3 games. Maybe it will all clear up after Episode 2&3, or maybe it's because I only played through them once, I don't know. The story-telling just isn't great.Anyways...
Halo doesn't to be sophisticated, no game needs to be. It has satisfying gameplay, along with a truly epic story about Human vs. Covenant. Thats what makes Halo elite. And thats all a game needs.
Half Life does not have a messy storyline. It has a structure similar to Twelve Monkeys. The plot is not explained in interval cut-scenes, but in the environment itself. From the receding ocean and newspaper articles, to the consistency of how Nova Prospekt is explained throughout the game world. The Wikipedia page for Half Life 2 explains the storyline so far nicely.
Halo feels like a kids game. It has the aesthetics of a toy. While Half Life 2 has the aesthetics of an adult motion picture. And Metroid Prime is more intellectual than Halo as well. This is why (despite the fact that the Metroid series dates back to the 1980's) Metroid Prime 3 will never be a Halo killer.
Seriously to art style to look that game has it all.Even if its releasing for the consoles the performance wont come close to a high end pc.What a amazing game and for those who never experienced it my god you really missing out.One of the greatest fps of all time.OoSuperMarioO
no the best part=physics.
I really like Timesplitters Future Perfect.
I play FPS games for their multiplayer portion and I'm not kidding when I say that game would have given me and a friend over 200 hours of entertainment. So many custom matches, makes the value extremely strong.
I really like Timesplitters Future Perfect.
I play FPS games for their multiplayer portion and I'm not kidding when I say that game would have given me and a friend over 200 hours of entertainment. So many custom matches, makes the value extremely strong.
half life 2>>>timesplitters
I really like Timesplitters Future Perfect.
I play FPS games for their multiplayer portion and I'm not kidding when I say that game would have given me and a friend over 200 hours of entertainment. So many custom matches, makes the value extremely strong.
Haha i loved TS. but i enjoyed TS2 just a bit more, because of the Anaconda music. If u played it u know what i mean.
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.OoSuperMarioOWow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.
Oh god! Someone has a different opinion than you?!
NOOO! *Head explodes*
Haha i loved TS. but i enjoyed TS2 just a bit more, because of the Anaconda music. If u played it u know what i mean.
I do know what you mean! I think that minigame was in Siberia, the first level in the single player from memory. TS2 lasted me as long as TSFP did, but since TSFP is newer, I play that more nowadays.
half life 2>>>timesplitters
In your opinion. I've never beaten HL2 but I have played a bit and I personally think TS is the greatest FPS series ever made.
This is why Halo is so good and well recieved.
"First it put a two-weapon carrying limit in place, eliminating the ability to run around with 10 weapons123Dan123
Halo was not the first game to do that. The first game to implement a two weapon carry limit was XS.
Secondly, the recharging shield de-emphasized the importance of health, again making encounters between enemies start on a more-leveled playing field.123Dan123
They just dumbed down resource management for the casual market.
of course the amazing physics that made playing with a controller so natural cannot be downplayed123Dan123
Halo CE had no physics, and Halo 2 used physics as a mere graphics effect, unlike Half Life 2 (or even Devastation going back even further) before it, which integrated it into the gameplay.
meant people could pick up the game for the first time and not feel overwhelmed.123Dan123
Halo is a toy, and a simple overhyped non-offensive shooter for the casual market that cannot compete with true masterpieces of the genre such as Half Life 2 and Metroid Prime.
Halo 2 introduced a myriad of new weapons, the ability to dual-wield and more vehicles.123Dan123
Slight exaggeration there. Not to mention that duel wielding appeared in most Build Engine games.
[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.Sir-Marwin105Wow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.Are you sure you talking about Half Life 2 for the pc not the xbox port?I am talking about the PC version. Nothing in Half-Life 2 came close to the emotional level in The Darkness when you sit with Jenny and and watch To Kill a Mocking Bird.The intro to Half life 2 alone has a stronger presentation then The Darkness has to offer as a whole game.The feel of Half Life 2 is incredible and certaintly shows what a game is all about, its a masterpiece of art.The Darkness was good but it get so repetitive in about 10 mins clock of gameplay it also lack story however I did like the characters and they feel but it felt that the game coulded had some more time to make it solid.The controls in The Darkness was flat out terrible and gave me them old moments of Max Payne.Lets face Half Life 2 equals a work of art.The Darkness is good but it certainly is no Half Life...
Blood was an amazing game :) and besides, wasn't it Marathon who introduced duel wielding?Lilac_Benjie
[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.OoSuperMarioOWow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.Are you sure you talking about Half Life 2 for the pc not the xbox port?I am talking about the PC version. Nothing in Half-Life 2 came close to the emotional level in The Darkness when you sit with Jenny and and watch To Kill a Mocking Bird.The intro to Half life 2 alone has a stronger presentation then The Darkness has to offer as a whole game.The feel of Half Life 2 is incredible and certaintly shows what a game is all about, its a masterpiece of art.The Darkness was good but it get so repetitive in about 10 mins clock of gameplay it also lack story however I did like the characters and they feel but it felt that the game coulded had some more time to make it solid.The controls in The Darkness was flat out terrible and gave me them old moments of Max Payne.Lets face Half Life 2 equals a work of art.The Darkness is good but it certainly is no Half Life...The controls were not terrible, not at all. And the characters in The Darkness were more appealing than in Half-Life. While Gordan is a legendary character and deserves that status, I liked Jackie more. It seemed he had a purpose. They way he talked and felt made him stand out more to me. And this by no means means I want Gordan to talk. I also felt that the driving mechanics in Half-Life felt tacked on, although I would definetly not want to walk that long of a distance. But all in all, they are both terrific titles. Lets just agree to disagree. What do you say?
[QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"][QUOTE="123Dan123"][QUOTE="Lilac_Benjie"]Killzone and Halo really can't stand up to the sophistication and depth of those two games.
I bet you havn't played them. If you did, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't feel that way towards Halo. Killzone, well thats a different story. Hopefuly Killzone 2 makes up for it.
Of course I have played them. Halo and Killzone are simple shooters, although Halo is miles ahead of Killzone neither of them can compete with Metroid Prime or Half Life 2.
I could say Half-Life 2 was a simple shooter. There is way more freedom in Halo than in Half-Life 2.
What makes Halo a "simple shooter" in your oppinion?
Halo is a simple shooter because it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, IE the casual market. Everything is clearly spelt out in the game, and Halo never invites you to use your intelligence to understand the storyline or progress forward in the game. The game mechanics are designed to be as non-offensive as possible, from rechargeable shields to generic weapon balance.
I don't understand where you are coming from in this debate. Both Metroid Prime and Half Life 2 are clearly deeper and more sophisticated games than Halo. Please elaborate your argument.
[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"][QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"]I thought that The Darkness was better than Half-Life 2.Sir-Marwin105Wow man thats really shocking.Im speechless..Cant believe I heard that.The Darkness had more personality and had a better script imo.Are you sure you talking about Half Life 2 for the pc not the xbox port?I am talking about the PC version. Nothing in Half-Life 2 came close to the emotional level in The Darkness when you sit with Jenny and and watch To Kill a Mocking Bird.The intro to Half life 2 alone has a stronger presentation then The Darkness has to offer as a whole game.The feel of Half Life 2 is incredible and certaintly shows what a game is all about, its a masterpiece of art.The Darkness was good but it get so repetitive in about 10 mins clock of gameplay it also lack story however I did like the characters and they feel but it felt that the game coulded had some more time to make it solid.The controls in The Darkness was flat out terrible and gave me them old moments of Max Payne.Lets face Half Life 2 equals a work of art.The Darkness is good but it certainly is no Half Life...The controls were not terrible, not at all. And the characters in The Darkness were more appealing than in Half-Life. While Gordan is a legendary character and deserves that status, I liked Jackie more. It seemed he had a purpose. They way he talked and felt made him stand out more to me. And this by no means means I want Gordan to talk. I also felt that the driving mechanics in Half-Life felt tacked on, although I would definetly not want to walk that long of a distance. But all in all, they are both terrific titles. Lets just agree to disagree. What do you say?Gordan isnt meant to speak for a reason. He is a portal for the player to interact with the world, and be immersed in the enviroment - you know always in first person ect. Even the vortigaunts say somthing along the lines of 'distant eyes looking through yours' to gordon - which freaked me out the first time.
As for the driving parts - they were AWESOME. Not tacked on at all, and offered a great breather and change of pace. I mean your trudging around the canals, and train yards on foot, and bam your in a airboat screaming down the canals. Same with the buggy - your playing like your in a survival horror in Ravenholm, you go into the mineshafts, and them bam your at the beach, and smack into a buggy screaming along the coast. fantastic stuff.
Hell Valve had a ski-doo with an M60 attached instead of the Airboat, and some other crazy vehicles. The Combine APC was originally dirvable, but players felt it was too slow and not entertaining.
In what ways? In MP, story, graphics, weapon selection, balance and just about everything else it's been trumped. The only card it holds is physics and the power of the Gravity Gun. That's it.:|
...and I love HL2, check avatar.
Sad to say... but...
He was referring to console FPS games. Crysis is on the PC.
do you honestly believe[QUOTE="Miyomatic"]Thats probably because Metroid Prime 3 and COD4 arent out yet.....iNeedFreedom
any of those 2 titles can compete against half life2?
Sure why not?[QUOTE="Miyomatic"]Thats probably because Metroid Prime 3 and COD4 arent out yet.....Echo13791
If you told me you've ever played a Metroid Prime game, I would severely doubt it.
Why do people insist on making these comparisons?
Yes HalfLife is a great series, but you know what? So is Halo and so is Metroid Prime. Just because you like one over the others doesn't mean other people will share your opinion. I mean, I have played pretty much every single player iteration of Half-Life and Half-Life 2 possible, and I still personally like the Halo series more.
It seems like every time people mention a console FPS being great there will always be some computer fanboy that shouts "Bu Teh HalfLifes." Well guess what, there are console FPS's out there that are comparable in quality to the HalfLife series, whether you like it or not.
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