Halo is a simple shooter because it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, IE the casual market.
How come every game that caters to all audiences and is inviting to all types of players is always categorized as casual? Can a game not appeal to casual fans as well as hardcore fans and everyone in between?
Since when does mass appeal = casual appeal?:?
I thought casual appeal = casual appeal?:?
People, just because a FPS novice can get a grasp of the controls does not in any way mean that he can be as good as a pro Halo player. There is a MASSIVE difference in skill level for Halo 2 online between players ranked 20 and under and people ranked 30 and up.
Easy to grasp controls =/= easy to become L33T.:|
I swear some of you must have been brainwashed to consistently have such dumbfounded ideas...
end mini-rant/
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