[QUOTE="Cheazie"]If like everyone else i can just post total rambling horse crap then I'm going to say PSP > DS out of sheer sarcasm.
PSP is controls are the worst on any Handheld console I've ever played. Worse than Nintendo's orignal Gameboy, Worse than Sega's Hand held console, Worse than Neo Geo, much much worse than the DS! Sorry that so called analog turd which occasionally counted as a control mechanism is more of a gimmick than the PS1 having Analog control sticks as they where horrendous.
The only good game which is on the PsP is Final Fantasy tictactoe (Tactics) but considering the DS is getting Tactics or a equivlent soon enough im not too fussed. Oh and FFVII Prequel with Zak in the game but that game is beyond most of you Neanderthals in here complaining that "OMG the PSP is better than the DS"
Enjoy what you want as i will stick with my DS for quite along time untill the PSP pulls something magic out its ass and sony or 3rd party bring some reasonable games out. Sorry the PSP collection looks like anerexia has hit it hard as its that small.
psp has no titles .. hmm maybe 3 years ago you could have said that ... clearly you've never played a psp by the way your bashing the controls .. have a nice day:D
Clearly your talking out your rectum! I've played a PSP as was going to buy one for Tekken: Dark Ressurection but it can be brought online with a PS3 so i never wasted my time or money on buying this game. Final Fantasy tactics is one game i would like to own but out of a collection as weak as i know the PSP has in the UK. 1 game is not going to keep me busy for much longer than a weekend. Yes i do regulary check PSP games which are coming on out on websites and this year i have not been impressed.
The Analog Controler on the PSP is terrible. NO IFS, NO BUTS! If i have not played one then how do i know this? OOPS i must of played one so that blows your theory straight out of the water! Clearly your the one who does not know what he's on about.
NO point having awesome graphics when your unable to control the game in the way that you like and thats my only gripe with the PSP. Not many good games is the other thing. When it solves 1 of those 2 problems the PSP might be worth looking into more so than now.
Ohhh and By the way God of War can go blow on my nuts i'd rather play Brain training or even solitaire than be bored with another hack and slash game.
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