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Yes, yes you are. Don't you know that would add to the cost and make the system cost $20 more? Forcing Nintendo to either lose the $20 they could make on the Wii or force the system a higher price? :o-512 MB of RAM
-At least a nice dual-core CPU
-At least a mid-range DX9 GPU
Am I asking for too much? :PTeufelhuhn
I like some ideas like a demo channel, and HDD support.
Truly though, I think support for Bluetooth headsets should be made as well, why hasn't this been made? :|
Also, unified FCs would be cool. BA transfers your Wii's System FC, why doesn't every other game? O.o
-512 MB of RAM
-At least a nice dual-core CPU
-At least a mid-range DX9 GPU
Am I asking for too much? :P
[QUOTE="yoshi_64"]Truly though, I think support for Bluetooth headsets should be made as well, why hasn't this been made? :|
But that would be just a nice gimmick for me, I still want to use my Motorola headset for my Wii. That would be just great.
Indeed, voice chat rocks and it should be standard. Wireless bluetooth headsets just make it even better.
If they can find a way to allow games to be played from an SD card, then all is good. They are so cheap and only getting cheaper. I think the WiFi is fine. Look through Best Buy or Circuit City Sunday flyer and you will see wireless routers on sale all the time. Wireless is getting pretty huge, and it's sooo much easier than running wire through a house.gromit007
These are things that I think should be added to the Wii to ensure the long-term success of both the online network and the system itself:
-A hard drive. With Neo Geo and original games coming to the VC and a growing N64 library, 512MB simply isn't enough. SD cards are a start, but not good enough.SD cards should be enough if they ever do a patch to let us actually use them.
-A demo channel. Both the other systems have downloadable demos. Wii needs one too.
-A dvd player. Not really that important, but it couldn't hurt.
total waste.
-An ethernet port. Wifi doesn't have the greatest market penetration yet, and in order for the online network to succeed it needs to be available to the most people possible. Selling them separately and making people pay more to get online doesn't mae sense to me.Agreed.
-A unified online friend code. Having individual game codes isn't really all that bad, but it is an unnecessary inconvenience in this day and age.Yeah, but not a must
-Make GBA, GBC, GB, Game Gear, and Master System games available on Virtual Console. While not a necessity, it would be awesome.Prolly in time
-Add Saturn games to VC (after adding the hard drive)Would be cool, but would need SD cards fixed.
-A channel for each individual system from the Virtual Console. Anyone who has downloaded more than a few games can see how quickly it becomes cluttered.
Yes please! They need to update this.
-Support for the Gameboy Player (I don't care how, just make it happen)
I'm not saying that the Wii wouldn't be fine without those things, but it would really be awesome if all of that stuff was added.
What do you guys think? Agree/disagree with and of my ideas? Have some additions of your own?SmashBrosLegend
Another thing that should be fix is the boot-up of the system. If you have multiple channels, you'll know. I have one page of the Wii Channels filled, and the thing is slower than it was without them. I have begun to notice it takes a while to reboot when I push the "Home" button or when I turn on the system.
Also, a "Music" channel would be nice. The ability to plug in USB devices like my iPod to play music would be cool, and it could have cool visualizers that are affected via the Wii Remote. Plus if they do, games can access this Channel and allow you to play your own custom soundtracks.
I don't have a huge problem with the friend code system and Nintendo sort of has unified online, it's just only for random matches. I think that the Wii's friend code should be used for all the games, not just for messages and Mii Parade and some other "meh" features.
Also larger memory would be nice. VC fills up quick and the Internet runs out of mememory sometimes. And a lot of flash can't be viewed because of the space issue. And also, Opera doesn't play many movie formats.
Not really important stuff but a few big changes make the little things much better.
HD would be niceHeil68It supports the lowest HD resolution. Truth be told, 720p isn't too much a factor in many games. The Wii doesn't really have the power to display that kind of resolution, and it wouldn't truely be needed for most of it's games. Plus HD is still a small market. The next system will support HD, Nintendo already said that, by then HD should be more mainstream and profitable.
-A hard drive. With Neo Geo and original games coming to the VC and a growing N64 library, 512MB simply isn't enough. SD cards are a start, but not good enough.SD cards should be enough if they ever do a patch to let us actually use them.
-Add Saturn games to VC (after adding the hard drive)
Would be cool, but would need SD cards fixed.
Wii works with SD cards they just need to be Wii specific cards. I think only Sandisk makes them right now. You can get them at Gamestop.
And of course any SD card with pics can work on the Photo Channel. And cards with music can work with Excite Truck.
-A hard drive. With Neo Geo and original games coming to the VC and a growing N64 library, 512MB simply isn't enough. SD cards are a start, but not good enough.SD cards should be enough if they ever do a patch to let us actually use them.
-Add Saturn games to VC (after adding the hard drive)
Would be cool, but would need SD cards fixed.
Wii works with SD cards they just need to be Wii specific cards. I think only Sandisk makes them right now. You can get them at Gamestop.
Wii works with any SD card. The only thing I know about right now, is that it has some trouble with 4GB SD cards. my 2GB SD card from my camera works fine, and I can import my pics onto my Wii without any trouble.[QUOTE="goblaa"]
-A hard drive. With Neo Geo and original games coming to the VC and a growing N64 library, 512MB simply isn't enough. SD cards are a start, but not good enough.SD cards should be enough if they ever do a patch to let us actually use them.
-Add Saturn games to VC (after adding the hard drive)
Would be cool, but would need SD cards fixed.
Wii works with SD cards they just need to be Wii specific cards. I think only Sandisk makes them right now. You can get them at Gamestop.
And of course any SD card with pics can work on the Photo Channel. And cards with music can work with Excite Truck.
I know. I have a 2gig one in my wii from some company or the other. It works. But you can't load directly from it. You can only copy and move files from your SD card to your flash. Then you have to load from your flash...which is God danm stupid.
In a completely unrealistic fashion, this is what I would like in the Wii:
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2900, running in a crossfire setup.
A seperate physics processing card
A Soundblaster X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Professional Series Sound Card (with 7.1 surround output available)
2x Western Digital Raptor X 150GB SATA Hard drives.
Built in Wireless networking, ethernet port, 10 USB 2.0 ports, Firewire port, Dual DVI outputs, (other necessary outputs).
Built in DVD Drive, ability to record live TV to hard-drives/DVD's.
Xbox Live-esque online system - no friend codes, all free.
Cut the cost of the Virtual Console downloads.
And all this would have to be in a console the same size as the Wii is now.
I would give the nunchuck rumble, and make it more responsive/more accurate.
Oh, and the Wii would have a glossy black finish instead of the white one.
AND the price would be $200.00 Australian.
If they can find a way to allow games to be played from an SD card, then all is good. They are so cheap and only getting cheaper. I think the WiFi is fine. Look through Best Buy or Circuit City Sunday flyer and you will see wireless routers on sale all the time. Wireless is getting pretty huge, and it's sooo much easier than running wire through a house.gromit007Playing games from SD card would be great because once wiiware or whatever its called hits plus a demo channel I see that 512 dissapearing quickly and I dont want to have to install and delete things all fo the time. and I also agree with you on wifi. Litterally all of my friends except the ones that live in older dorms have a wifi router.
-A hard drive. With Neo Geo and original games coming to the VC and a growing N64 library, 512MB simply isn't enough. SD cards are a start, but not good enough.SD cards should be enough if they ever do a patch to let us actually use them.
-Add Saturn games to VC (after adding the hard drive)
Would be cool, but would need SD cards fixed.
Wii works with SD cards they just need to be Wii specific cards. I think only Sandisk makes them right now. You can get them at Gamestop.
And of course any SD card with pics can work on the Photo Channel. And cards with music can work with Excite Truck.
I know. I have a 2gig one in my wii from some company or the other. It works. But you can't load directly from it. You can only copy and move files from your SD card to your flash. Then you have to load from your flash...which is God danm stupid.
the nintendo memory cards are on sale once all of the time at game stopp and EB games, you can get a 2 gig for like $25 which is about the same you would pay for a 2gig card at office depot.Honestly, I would consider buying a Wii for these decent specs:
Hey, at least its definitively more powerful than Xbox 1. And its pretty modest.
I don't see Nintendo ever allowing software to run off of an SD card, as that's just an easy hop-skip-jump to homebrew gaming and ISO loaders and illegal downloading of Wii games. Look how rampant that scene is on the PSP.Paul_PhoenicksI dont think it would work like that because what I've heard (I havent tried it) is that you have to have downloaded the game onto your wii for you to be able to load the games from an SD card. (so you cant put them on a friends wii without paying for them, and I think it would be the same way running them from an SD card.
The only thing I would really want now is HD. As it is my eyes sometimes bleed when playing the Wii on a 56" 1080p.ramey70Do you really like playing video games on a TV taht big? because my friend has his wii PS2 and 360 hooked up to a TV that big and I hate it. I like a 27"-36" TVs for gaming
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