name a few things they need to stop doing
-consolizing pc series
-added a one colour tint to everything
-making campain/ single player that only last a few hours
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I've see a lot people putting QTE's on their list but I seriously don't know why. QTE's were created because developers wanted people to execute moves in realtime that could never be normally done on a controller, keyboard etc in a way that made sense. Ex. There is no way to pull off one of Kratos's finisher moves using nothing but the pre-configured buttons in a way that could possible emulate a QTE finisher. How on earth would you map cutting off a dudes leg, jumping on his back and snapping his neck in a way that made sense? QTE's are better than just watching your character doing all that stuff automatically. Nonstop-MadnessIt was cool when God of War was the only game to use QTE's , because it had a proper reason to. Today, every other game abuse it so the gamer doesn't bother with specific tasks.
"Need to move this door? Mash Triangle."
"Have to climb this mountain ? X button is your friend, abuse it."
"You finally got the boss weak enough to hit him ? Make that circle button your *****"
Nowadays, only a few games get the QTE usage right (GOW3, UC2, Heavy Rain. It's a coincidence that they're all PS3 exclusives, nothing more.)
(GOW3, UC2, Heavy Rain. It's a coincidence that they're all PS3 exclusives, nothing more.)
Maybe because QTE's suck and nobody likes them? How about that stupid off-the-screen sex scene in God of War 3? What a dumb game.
This might be a TLDR post but I'll write my thoughts on some unpopular mechanics:
QTEs: I personally don't mind QTEs, as long as they are implemented well. Games like Heavy Rain are all QTEs, but that's the point, it's a story driven game. Nobody complained about the QTEs in Resident Evil 4 because they were done well.
Scripted sequences: I don't see a problem with this. This would make story driver adventure games like Uncharted unplayable if there were no scripted sequences. It's once again used in games with a direct story to get the story moving forward. Nothing wrong with that.
DLC: Once again I have no issue as long as it's implemented right. "On disc" DLC is wrong IMO. If the content is already on the disk, and I payed for the "disk" I should have full access to the data on the disk, no questions asked. Anything else is bad business (I'm looking at you capcom! :evil: ). It is however your choice to download it or not, like weapon skins Gears 3, or maps for COD games. You are not forced to buy these things.
Re-skinning games and selling them as new games: This comes up in the COD games when people complain that the game is just a re-skinned game of last years game and re-sold as a new game. Well, first of all, the campaign is quite different so I don't see how that could be a re-skinning. But if your talking about the graphical aspects of the game, then it might seem as a re-skinning. Now, I will ask a question: Why do you keep buying these games yet complain about them? The best way to show a developer that your tired of seeing a re-occuring event is to NOT BUY THE GAME!! In business, the only thing that talks is money and when a developer sees a decline in sales, there is something wrong. Now, do you think the COD sell because idiot gamers buy them, or do they sell well because the games are actually good?
I've see a lot people putting QTE's on their list but I seriously don't know why. QTE's were created because developers wanted people to execute moves in realtime that could never be normally done on a controller, keyboard etc in a way that made sense. Ex. There is no way to pull off one of Kratos's finisher moves using nothing but the pre-configured buttons in a way that could possible emulate a QTE finisher. How on earth would you map cutting off a dudes leg, jumping on his back and snapping his neck in a way that made sense? QTE's are better than just watching your character doing all that stuff automatically.
Its pointless though, why does my character have to do that? It isn't gameplay because I'm pressing buttons, there is no control going on, why not stop wasting my time and just make it a cut-scene at that point?
-DLC -Online Pass -Intrusive DRM -QTEs -Over reliance on setpieces and scripted sequences -Adding multiplayer just for the sake of having multiplayer -Regenerating health -De-emphasizing gameplayfamicommander
I'm going to respond to this post because it has some good points. I already have another post with some of these topics covered so I'll talk about the ones that I didn't yet discuss. (TLDR Warning)
Online Pass: This is mainly a security feature. Do I have a problem with this? Not really. It prevents people stealing online keys, so it's actually more of a good thing than bad, but I can see where it gets annoying for the consumer.
Multiplayer just for Multiplayer: Here is something I agree on. If a developer sees that games with multiplayer sell well and they slap together a half-a$$ed multiplayer component to inflate the sales, that is a bad thing. The multiplayer is usually poorly implemented and adds no value to the game at all and frustrates the consumer because the developer could have made a great single player campaign, but were greedy and implemented a poorly done multiplayer component. This frustrates me to death.
Regenerating health: This IMO depends on the game. Health regeneration was implemented in games to keep the action flowing. The developer can send wave after waves of bad guys toward you with no consequence because your health regenerates. This should allow for more action and harder battles. This also allows developers to go wild with level design without having to worry where to place health packs or health recharge stations. Unfortunately this system does get abused to the point where all the tension in the game is gone because I can just hide and I'm at full health in 5 seconds. A game that implemented this properly (A game that everyone hates it seems) is Resistance: Fall of Man. Your health bar regenerated in segments. If you lost that segment, you would need to find a health kit to recharge that segment. Far Cry 2 did the same thing.
De-emphasizing gameplay: This is like a general category to all the points that I posted. Most of the points that I responded to do de-emphazise gameplay one way or the other.
I've see a lot people putting QTE's on their list but I seriously don't know why. QTE's were created because developers wanted people to execute moves in realtime that could never be normally done on a controller, keyboard etc in a way that made sense. Ex. There is no way to pull off one of Kratos's finisher moves using nothing but the pre-configured buttons in a way that could possible emulate a QTE finisher. How on earth would you map cutting off a dudes leg, jumping on his back and snapping his neck in a way that made sense? QTE's are better than just watching your character doing all that stuff automatically.
Its pointless though, why does my character have to do that? It isn't gameplay because I'm pressing buttons, there is no control going on, why not stop wasting my time and just make it a cut-scene at that point?
It's a different kind of game. QTEs are fine and work well if it's done right.
* stop making half baked games and knowing that the dumb x360 fanbase will still buy them. * stop porting these half baked games to ps3 and pc. * stop making games for 9 years old just because x360 fanbase demands it.ZoomZoom2490
* stop making half baked games and knowing that the dumb x360 fanbase will still buy them. * stop porting these half baked games to ps3 and pc. * stop making games for 9 years old just because x360 fanbase demands it.ZoomZoom2490
- telling to the gamers its RPG but its just an Action
- milking franchise
- Copy Story from the book/movies/games
- add-ons(kinect edition/move edition)
Stop using the same old formula
Start making new franchises
Stop relying on casuals
Stop using the excuse games for everyone when in fact, its actually meant for kids.
Stop relying on past glory and dedicated fans.. like they'd still buy a game even if its turd due to the fanbase.
Stop using old engines and hardware.
Most of all, do something to 'up' the generation and not downgrade it.
I've see a lot people putting QTE's on their list but I seriously don't know why. QTE's were created because developers wanted people to execute moves in realtime that could never be normally done on a controller, keyboard etc in a way that made sense. Ex. There is no way to pull off one of Kratos's finisher moves using nothing but the pre-configured buttons in a way that could possible emulate a QTE finisher. How on earth would you map cutting off a dudes leg, jumping on his back and snapping his neck in a way that made sense? QTE's are better than just watching your character doing all that stuff automatically.
Its pointless though, why does my character have to do that? It isn't gameplay because I'm pressing buttons, there is no control going on, why not stop wasting my time and just make it a cut-scene at that point?
It's a different kind of game. QTEs are fine and work well if it's done right.
It is a hack'n'slash, and I have yet to see a QTE that I find well implemented in a regular game, especially in God of War, I also haven't played RE4, so I don't know about that one. If a game takes control away and still gives me an option to fail, something is wrong. It is a cutscene, but instead of watching it, it tells me when to press what button, and if I don't do what it says I have to watch/do it again. That is not gameplay. Heavy Rain kind of does it right, compared to, well nothing, it is the only game like this. It is essentially an adventure game, but with less freedom. The only reason this is done right is because there is nothing to do, but interact with things, and it works for that.
Its pointless though, why does my character have to do that? It isn't gameplay because I'm pressing buttons, there is no control going on, why not stop wasting my time and just make it a cut-scene at that point?
It's a different kind of game. QTEs are fine and work well if it's done right.
It is a hack'n'slash, and I have yet to see a QTE that I find well implemented in a regular game, especially in God of War, I also haven't played RE4, so I don't know about that one. If a game takes control away and still gives me an option to fail, something is wrong. It is a cutscene, but instead of watching it, it tells me when to press what button, and if I don't do what it says I have to watch/do it again. That is not gameplay. Heavy Rain kind of does it right, compared to, well nothing, it is the only game like this. It is essentially an adventure game, but with less freedom. The only reason this is done right is because there is nothing to do, but interact with things, and it works for that.
First, if you haven't played RE4, then you are missing out on one of the best games made, period. I see in your sig you have a Gamecube. Get it for that, you can find it for really cheap.
The point of QTEs in a game like God of War is to implement a heavily cinematic scene which you control the outcome. You don't have "direct control" but you do have an influence on what happens. Some gamers will find this satisfying, others won't.
-DLC -Online Pass -Intrusive DRM -QTEs -Over reliance on setpieces and scripted sequences -Adding multiplayer just for the sake of having multiplayer -Regenerating health -De-emphasizing gameplayfamicommander
Exactly what this guy says
Stop using the same old formula
Start making new franchises
Stop relying on casuals
Stop using the excuse games for everyone when in fact, its actually meant for kids.
Stop relying on past glory and dedicated fans.. like they'd still buy a game even if its turd due to the fanbase.
Stop using old engines and hardware.
Most of all, do something to 'up' the generation and not downgrade it.g0ddyX
please clarify
Its pointless though, why does my character have to do that? It isn't gameplay because I'm pressing buttons, there is no control going on, why not stop wasting my time and just make it a cut-scene at that point?
It's a different kind of game. QTEs are fine and work well if it's done right.
It is a hack'n'slash, and I have yet to see a QTE that I find well implemented in a regular game, especially in God of War, I also haven't played RE4, so I don't know about that one. If a game takes control away and still gives me an option to fail, something is wrong. It is a cutscene, but instead of watching it, it tells me when to press what button, and if I don't do what it says I have to watch/do it again. That is not gameplay. Heavy Rain kind of does it right, compared to, well nothing, it is the only game like this. It is essentially an adventure game, but with less freedom. The only reason this is done right is because there is nothing to do, but interact with things, and it works for that.
QTE's are definitely still game play . SO say you are running around in a FPS because apparently everyone plays those now. You're running around and you die which would be the opposite of what it wants you/tell you to do. Then you usually have to go back tothe start of that area and go right back through the area you just saw.Its the same. QTEs may be much less open ended but they are still definitely game play regardless of the perceived quality of game play.Changing an existing franchise to make it more like a different game, see Splinter Cell, Resident Evil, and Dead Space. Nobody wanted a fast paced, action oriented Splinter Cell, nobody wanted a Michael Bay explosion fest with Resident Evil, and nobody wanted a Lost Planet/Gears of War style game like Dead Space 3. People bought Splinter Cell for a slow paced stealth game, and people bought Resident Evil and Dead Space for survival horror.
It's a different kind of game. QTEs are fine and work well if it's done right.
It is a hack'n'slash, and I have yet to see a QTE that I find well implemented in a regular game, especially in God of War, I also haven't played RE4, so I don't know about that one. If a game takes control away and still gives me an option to fail, something is wrong. It is a cutscene, but instead of watching it, it tells me when to press what button, and if I don't do what it says I have to watch/do it again. That is not gameplay. Heavy Rain kind of does it right, compared to, well nothing, it is the only game like this. It is essentially an adventure game, but with less freedom. The only reason this is done right is because there is nothing to do, but interact with things, and it works for that.
QTE's are definitely still game play . SO say you are running around in a FPS because apparently everyone plays those now. You're running around and you die which would be the opposite of what it wants you/tell you to do. Then you usually have to go back tothe start of that area and go right back through the area you just saw.Its the same. QTEs may be much less open ended but they are still definitely game play regardless of the perceived quality of game play.
Yeah, if you simplify it like that, the difference is that the characters actions is yours to decide, The goal is the same, there may be only one answer, but is your plan on how to overcome it, even if the game is straight forward, at no point does it ever tell you what buttons to press at what time. It is also a requirement of skill considering you control the characters position along with its actions. If you die, you can try out a new strategy, if you die in a QTE, you have to press the same buttons in the same order. Decisions, gameplay is based on decisions, if it wasn't anybody could beat any game without any challenge.
someone cannot spot feathers on assasin creed LOLStop making stupid achievement/trophies that require me to "walk x amount of kilometers" or "collect 100 feathers" or "kill player with wielding torch" and other idiotic things like that.
[QUOTE="Bigboi500"]someone cannot spot feathers on assasin creed LOL :D 'Assassin's Creed: Feather Collector' coming this fall!Stop making stupid achievement/trophies that require me to "walk x amount of kilometers" or "collect 100 feathers" or "kill player with wielding torch" and other idiotic things like that.
Achievements instead of unlockables.
DLC instead of expansion packs.
DRM instead of game development.
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