There is a a time and place for everything, and for everything there is a time and place where it isnt suitable. As a result my answer would probably be anything.
However, just to contribute
Multiplayer: Lets tack on an completely unnecessary multiplayer for System Shock 2, Metroid Prime 2 ect.
World Tendancy: Made getting several items in demons souls a royal pain, I had to turn off internet to obtain a whole lot of weapons simply because some worlds would never reach pure white, and I NEVER died.
Excessive Check points: you know a check point after every fight death is just a minor annoyance. Nothing I try to avoid like the plague anymore. Beating a level isnt as satisfying as it used to be.
Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are suppose to be harder.
That is why Nintendo came up with Super Guide (or whatever they call it because it is different in every game).
Those games that have "Super Guide" are harder because the guide allows the developer to make the game harder without alienating people because if you die 8 times the guide appears and asks you if you want the guide to show you how to complete the level.
New Super Mario Bros Wii could be pretty darn difficult at times, especially if you had 3 friends hellbent on murdering you. Galaxy 2 was pretty hard when you were trying to get every star in the game, the path to Bowser was not that difficult, but some stars were a pain to get.
I am glad Nintendo has a Super Guide, because it lets people who are having trouble with one part just skip it and go to the next part. Especially as it does indeed allow Nintendo to make their games harder without alienating anyone. I also remember people who used the super guide in Galaxy 2 getting a bronze star instead of a gold star, which encouraged them to try again.
I am also for difficulties, that way people who just want to breeze through the game just to see the story can and people that want to be challanged like me can. With that said, I find Difficulty settings like "Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane" to be a bit obsolete, especially with a far superior difficulty setting system found in games like Tropico.
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