[QUOTE="Ironfungus"][QUOTE="HAZE-Unit"] [QUOTE="Ironfungus"][QUOTE="HAZE-unit"][QUOTE="Ironfungus"]
The real question is ... am I unlucky, or is Microsoft just dumb when making these?
If I do get a PS3 any time soon, I prolly won't buy too many games since it's lacking a lot of the genre I care about -- or for that matter, games in general. But I have faith that next year we shant be disappointed. It's not like I can't just play my old PS2 / PS1 classics anyway.
Question(s): I already asked this but nobody answered. There's no way in hell I can afford an HDTV. No way in hell. Not a chance. No way around that fact. Do I honestly needan HDTV to enjoy the PS3's graphics? Also, is it an easy task to plug my PS3 into my PC's monitor? I believe my PC's monitor has a muchbetter display than my TV (though it's non-HD / non-widescreen).
I think MS is dumb, lol.
Look, go with 60GB or 80GB to play all of PS1,PS2 games, if you go with the 40GB, you won't play PS2 games.
As for the HDTV part, it is needed, I have a PS3 and HDTV, my bro have PS3 and SDTV, there is a big difference, HDTV is more needed with PS3 than 360, I don't see much different when I play on 360, only handful of games.
I think you will find a cable that connects the PS3 with PC montiors.
Again Widescreen will make it better experience and it has to be HD also, the PS store interface is different form SDTV to HDTV.
But it doesn't mean you will not enjoy the games though, it is still enjoyable with SDTVs. ;)
Well it can't be that needed. My TV is an LCD flatscreen...just not HDTV. I may get one in the future, and I may not. But as of right now and 6 months into the future (at least), there's no possible way in hell I will be able to afford one of those TVs. No chance with them priced so high.
Isn't the PC monitor different than the TV that I have now? Wouldn't it be a better choice and produce a better picture than my LCD TV?
One solution, connect the PS3 in each monitor and see for yourself which is better.
One problem: That costs too much money. I'd like to have some insight before I do my buying so I don't waste money.
No, no, I meant make comparison between your LCD and your PC monitor.
As for an LCD HDTV , I think in 6 months is the best time to buy one, it will be cheaper because it will be standard and ofcourse it would better, it is high definition with widescreen, I think you would enjoy playing, watching TV or connecting your PC with this big HDTV.
If you find a cheap LCD HDTV from sharp at the time you will buy one, you will get the best HDTV, Sharp is the best out there.
Samsung, LG and Sony comes second.
And don't worry about money, it is always gonna be wasted, I waste money for my enjoyment in life, it is the best deal out there, don't regret wasting money, it will come fast and go faster. ;)
Well my current TV is really awful anyway. I'm just going to leave it at that. If I don't get an HDTV, I really need a new TV if I'm gunna continue playing a console. Is a widescreen LCD (standard definition) good enough? I really don't want to buy an HDTV unless I absolutely have to. They're just too much money (for me -- I only get paid minimum wage).
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