OP is right the magic is definetly missing
Like I enjoyed Halo 1 and Fable 1 but when i was playing the 360 version of halo 3 an fable 2 something was definetly lacking
for one thing fable 2 was garbage i hate the gun's and the dog an prefered the mideval sword type stuff in the first one and also i hate how u cant even die in the game its a friggin joke u fall down the combat was much better in the first one an im sick of people claiming its just a big upgrade over the first one NO ITS NOT an upgrade fable 2 is crap an is downgrade for me
also halo 3 the graphics this gen aren't as epic as people are claiming tbh Halo 2 looked nearly just as good as halo 3 not that i played much halo 2 i had enough halo after the first one
im just sick of all these rehashes that aren't even fun I mean heres some games i thought were worst then previous gen Final Fantasy 13(FFX is flat out better an suprisingly less linear then this trash)/Fable 2(Fablo 1 was fine how it was)/Perfect Dark Zero(this game stunk i dont know how it score so high it was garbage compared to perfect dark)/Super Mario Galaxy(super mario 64 was the last mario game that was good IMO)/Assassin Creed(this game sucks this is not as fun as old school gaming)/Mass Effect (awful played it bored me to death its just some fake 360 rpg tryin to be a shooter)/Starcraft 2(not nearly as good as the first one and neither is battle.net 2.0
this gen is full of turds if u actually play the hype games this gen like biohock/assassin creed i mean really play these games there just not fun at all bioshock is one of the lamest shooters ive ever played an creed is boring and its just not interesting at al these are the games pplwere saying OMG awesome an go to like gamestop an ign they all rate these things like 9 or 10's its like ARE U KIDDIN ME? did u play any ps2 games or ps1 games? This gen does suck seriously the standards are so bad now
the one dude was right the only game with any passion in it thats fun to play as a ps2 game would be Metal Gear Solid 4 for the ps3 konami is the only ones who know what their doing
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