@drinkerofjuice said:
In between another playthrough of Ori and the Blind Forest, Dark Souls 2, a dash of MGSV (still!) and a hint of Forza 6.
This gen isn't great by a long shot, but it could always be worse.
It could definitely be worse. We're pretty spoiled for quality these days, but we run into a sort of stagnation with annualization and a lack of evolution in franchises. Still, I'm enjoying what's to offer.
@ToScA- said:
Sweet. I finished The Witcher 2 back in summer, really liked it (expected more from the final chapter though). Finished The Witcher 1 some time ago as well, so I'm knee-deep in the series already. Really stoked for The Witcher 3 after all the praise it's been getting.
The Witcher 3 is my first game in the series. I sort of feel lost; it'd be worse off if I didn't check out a recap before it released. But it's definitely a great game. If you loved the first and second I'm sure you'll love this one.
@PSP107 said:
This Gen is lacking quality. Anyway, hope things pick up soon now that I joined the PS4 era from Black Friday. Usually a system takes off when I finally upgrade.
So you're to blame for this horrid generation so far? My god... D:
@bunchanumbers said:
No Joke. I'm playing Robocop on NES.
Funny story, not on topic. Back in high school I went to Walmart with a group of friends. My friend, the only owner of an Xbox at the time, saw this Robocop game. No idea how it was received, he grabbed it and was like, "I'm buying this!" It was $50, and the rest of us were telling him he probably shouldn't because we hadn't even heard anything about it. But no, he said, "I bet it's gonna be good. I have a good feeling in my pants about this one." That feeling in his pants was very very wrong about the game being good.
I often look back fondly at this story. :P
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