Im not a fanboy of anything. I dont own a ps3 and my wiis collecting dust and has been for like 6 months, so the 360 is what ive been playing. And im not complaining about rock band dlc so please dont even bring that up :) please
Really its rediculous how much devs get away with. First off there have been countless overpriced 3-4 map Map Packs flooding the market for shooters that cost a good 10 dollars. When games these days already are $60, is it really necesarry for ONLY 3-4 maps for 10 dollars add on to that price? MAny shooters abuse that. Take Halo 3, probably the greatest example of this. You pay $60 for the game, your basically getting Campaign, Multiplayer, and forge (or whatever small feautures are included). However without the Map Packs, this limits how many playlists you can play on, really lowering the out of the box multiplayer experience. Alreadyhaving to pay for XBL is one thing, and being nickled and dimed all over the place is just wrong. If you add the two mythic map packs and the legendary one, this adds up to over $70! Very shameless on whoever prices this stuff! And look at Gearsof War 2! Assuming your copy came with the flashback maps, there are the 2 other maps out there already for 10 dollars each, making the full experience EIGHTY DOLLARS!
Also, OVERPRICED HARDDRIVES! So first they get you to pay the 50 dollars for xbox live and then persuade you to buy microsoft points. Have you noticed that whenever they advertise dlc on the 360, on the same page theres and ad that tells you to upgrade you harddrive to a 120gig? My 20gig hd isn't lasting long in all this. I only have 5 gigs left, Thats just from game saves and Map Packs and Expansion Packs! Ive only had my 360 for only a year! So how will I get more memory? Thats right Buy The Overpriced Harddrive! YAYYY. Its basically 100 dollars for 60 gigs and 150 dollars for 120 gigs. Overpriced we all know, but thats what we all get for downloading all that stuff.
And Day 1 dlc is purely shameless! Remember Modern Warfare 2 at E3 where they annouced that there will be 2 map packs to Buy at Launch? I would NOT at all be excited for that. Already they show us how greedy they are by making us pay for maps at launch. If I were there I would be booing. Its nothing to be excited for.
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