mgs4 not going to 360 - its still up to debate
hideo kojima the game creator said so many times - this is not true, I wish it was, but it isn't. Kojima has never flat out said, "MGS4 is not coming to Xbox 360" he always gives strange analogies about the 3 systems that make it seem that it will not be on anything but the PS3. Besides, Kojima isn't in control of whether or not it goes multiplat, Konami is.
Sony says so - Sony's not in control, like I said before Konami is.
ryan Payton the game producer said the only way to play MGS4 is that you HAVE to buy a PS3. -That's not exactly what he said. He said, "We're telling our fans that if you want to play Metal Gear Solid 4, you have to buy a PS3," Patton said. This is because it is the only guaranteed way to play it. There is no guarantee that it will be on anything else but the PS3.
even Microsoft's peter Moore said its not going to PS3 - I haven't seen where he said that, I'm not saying that he didn't, I'm just saying that a link would be nice.
BUT then when a financial analyst micheal pachter speculates that even if it was a 6 month exclusive it would still drive ps3 sales
so now everybody believes that it is indeed a fact its going to 360 even though he said nothing about it going to 360
i mean come this is sad lems just give it up your only making yourself look bad
Nobody really knows whether or not it will go mulitplat, not even Konami, but this is certain, if you want MGS4 on day 1 then you need a PS3. Personally I think that eventually, 2-3 years 4 at most, Metal Gear Solid 4 will be on the 360 as MGS4: Substanance. Konami can cash in a little bit more, (especially if MGS4 is a smash hit) and Sony won't be losing out on anything really because the majority of gamers will have already bought it on the PS3. The biggest factor I see to whether or not MGS4 will go multiplat sooner is if it sells less than a million day one. If it sells less then that then I think that it is a little more likely to go multiplat.
I think that if you take all these things into account, along with the questionable things that Konami has said, that it is still reasonable to debate whether or not it will remain a PS3 exclusive.
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