[QUOTE="goblaa"] There seem to be a lot of people around here who have never played it, so maybe they don't understand why this IS the best FF ever. Watching this trailer will give you an idea, but there is a ton they left out or didn't talk about. They didn't talk about the music at all and barely scratched the surface on kefka or the main characters.
Still, its a good vid. IMO 6 is far better than 7...though 7 was not a bad game by any means. I just felt 7 was very watered down compared to 6. 7 had all the new visuals, but half the substanance.
There is no "is the best FF". It's subjective, your reasoning for it being the best doesn't detract from others saying they don't think it is. Subjectivity is neat like that.
FFVI is one of the best, but a good portion of that for me is held up in it's nostalgia.
FFVII actually had a pretty unique development system, implemented a sound limit break system (rather than FFVI's random one), and had access to the CD format pushing the music even further. FFVII was NOT just a visual upgrade.
I don't think nostalgia has anything to do with it really, since FF7 is a really old game and technically you would feel nostalgic about that game as well. I've played both games each around the times of their release and have no bias towards either one, infact I have FF7 sitting right next to me as I type this.
FF6 had a much more memorable soundtrack, whenever I hear Kefka's theme song I get shivers. No other game has had as many memorable music as FF6's soundtrack has.
There were many characters all with backstories all explained in the game, yet it never really took away from the main plot of the game. All the main characters in the game had personality and you never felt that there were any "throw away" characters.
FF7 had the better limit break system, but I preferred espers over FF7's materia system.
The story was one of the if not the best in the series, no villain has ever felt as evil as Kefka.
I always believed that FF6 was the high point in the series.
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