These are the most recest releases on the Wii.... can you handle it MS & Sony.... I don't think so!
I'm hyping "SpyFox In Dry Cereal" AAA at Gamespot...
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These are the most recest releases on the Wii.... can you handle it MS & Sony.... I don't think so!
I'm hyping "SpyFox In Dry Cereal" AAA at Gamespot...
This is like saying Barbie's Magic Adventure sums up PS2 gaming...
or that Nancy Drew represents all of PC gaming...
or that Grabbed by the Ghoulies was the pinnacle of xbox gaming...
or that Lair is top of the class for PS3 games...
What are you guys talking about...they are all AWESOME! take off your fanboy goggles.... if these titles don't convince people to pick up a Wii... then nothing will.... I feel bad for any gamer that misses these gaming treats.Veterngamer
i hope you were being sarcastic
[QUOTE="Veterngamer"]What are you guys talking about...they are all AWESOME! take off your fanboy goggles.... if these titles don't convince people to pick up a Wii... then nothing will.... I feel bad for any gamer that misses these gaming treats.nickmat_tycoon
i hope you were being sarcastic
What? no... did you even look at the games I posted?
I am a wii owner who laughs out of his misery.
I bought the wii thinking that i am giving up HD graphics, for motion control. So instead of playing GTA 4 in HD, I will play it in SD but I can stab people with the wiimote, and punch with it, maybe even drive.
What I got is this "Shake your wiimote to move right" , "point and click to move to next level" URRRGGHH!!!
i just don't understand how nintendo pushes and support games that are usually console manufacturers are embaressed by
I am a wii owner who laughs out of his misery.
I bought the wii thinking that i am giving up HD graphics, for motion control. So instead of playing GTA 4 in HD, I will play it in SD but I can stab people with the wiimote, and punch with it, maybe even drive.
What I got is this "Shake your wiimote to move right" , "point and click to move to next level" URRRGGHH!!!
i just don't understand how nintendo pushes and support games that are usually console manufacturers are embaressed by
Yes I felt your pain in the past too... but now our wait is over.... the gaming gods have blessed us with Epic Titles like the ones I posted in the OP.
Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
How could you forget Celebrity Sports Showdown ?
Something about this is... unnerving. I think it's the eyes, creepy.
Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3. Bread_or_Decide
Nintendo had such a system once, and it all but killed their 3rd party support.
Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3. hiphops_savior
Nintendo had such a system once, and it all but killed their 3rd party support.
Yeah, but that's not what killed it. Heck, Nintendo allowed Aquaman and Charlie's Angels on their Gamecube, when Sony said No.
There were many factors that killed 3rd party support, the fact that Nintendo had Higher Royalties for just being on their system, the fact they used Limited Media for the N64 and Gamecube, and the fact that their 1st party games consistantly outsold 3rd party games gave the system a kiddy feel to it.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
Yes, it was BUT the Percentage's of Crap vs. Good game were FAR Different.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
The ps2 was full of shoverlware yes, but it also had tons of great games in its first 2 years, the Wii doesn't even come close.
The only thing the Wii and PS2 have in common are the sales numbers, that's it.
OK fine, we've all had a good laugh at the games designed for young children available on the Wii. Now what games may I ask should a 6 year old be playing? I have a 6 yr old grandson, we just bought a Wii for his family because they all loved playing Wii Sports when they visited us. He even got a hole in one, much to his father's frustration.
I know it's an unpopular thought around here, particularly with all of the high school and college kids on this board, but gaming should be something available to the whole family. I'm not saying that any of those games in the OP are any good, they might be the hight of broken glitchy software for all I know, but I like the fact that a console has games that are specifically designed for that demographic. What are the under 10 yr olds playing on the PS3 and 360?
[QUOTE="Ontain"]hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
The ps2 was full of shoverlware yes, but it also had tons of great games in its first 2 years, the Wii doesn't even come close.
The only thing the Wii and PS2 have in common are the sales numbers, that's it.
the ps2 was the successor to the #1 ps1. so of course it would have a ton of great games right off the bat. everyone was expecting it to be #1 again.
XBLA must have at least 50 and to add insult to injury, available for $4.00 - $10.00 a piece - many if not all in HD with on & off line MP.OK fine, we've all had a good laugh at the games designed for young children available on the Wii. Now what games may I ask should a 6 year old be playing? I have a 6 yr old grandson, we just bought a Wii for his family because they all loved playing Wii Sports when they visited us. He even got a hole in one, much to his father's frustration.
I know it's an unpopular thought around here, particularly with all of the high school and college kids on this board, but gaming should be something available to the whole family. I'm not saying that any of those games in the OP are any good, they might be the hight of broken glitchy software for all I know, but I like the fact that a console has games that are specifically designed for that demographic.What are the under 10 yr olds playing on the PS3 and 360?
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
The ps2 was full of shoverlware yes, but it also had tons of great games in its first 2 years, the Wii doesn't even come close.
The only thing the Wii and PS2 have in common are the sales numbers, that's it.
I hope you're not suggesting that the reason why the PS2 had a ton of great games was because of Sony's QC.
And those who are using Bread_or_Decide's post as some sort of proof to Nintendo's quality just do not know much about the video game industry. Those standards that are in place are ONLY to insure that the game works on the system. They do nothing to separate the good from the bad games. MS, Sony, and Nintendo only look for bugs that will break the game, standards that meet their policy such as MS requiring games to work on all their SKUs, and other miscellaneous things such as copyrights. The ones that do not check out are sent back to the devs for more work.
[QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
Yes, it was BUT the Percentage's of Crap vs. Good game were FAR Different.
Being that you don't play the crap, does it matter if it's 90% crap and only 10% good.
The problem is that it wasn't expected to be number one so it's got to few great or interesting games. Which now that the Wii is the new bread, is changing.
the amount of crap vs the amount of good doesn't matter at all.
[QUOTE="qewrewq"][QUOTE="Ontain"]hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
The ps2 was full of shoverlware yes, but it also had tons of great games in its first 2 years, the Wii doesn't even come close.
The only thing the Wii and PS2 have in common are the sales numbers, that's it.
the ps2 was the successor to the #1 ps1. so of course it would have a ton of great games right off the bat. everyone was expecting it to be #1 again.
I guess you could use that excuse, but what expectations do you have exactly? do you expect the Wii to have the same level of third party support as the PS2 had or as the 360/PS3 have right now, in the future?
[QUOTE="SolidTy"][QUOTE="Ontain"][QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]Fact: Sony and Microsoft do have some sort of system to at least check all the games being put on their system. EGM did an article about this awhile ago. The truth is Nintendo has no such system, nor do they really care that Wii owners are being subjigated to this crap. They get money from every dev who wants to put a game on the Wii so they care more about their pockets than their customers. Now of course this isn't FOOL PROOF because bad games make it onto the other consoles of course...but you've gotta admit the LEVEL of bad is clearly different. You don't see CATZ and DOGZ on the PS3.
hi dev costs help more than any system they have in place. after all where was this system when the ps2 was the top seller? it was full of shovelware as well.
Yes, it was BUT the Percentage's of Crap vs. Good game were FAR Different.
Being that you don't play the crap, does it matter if it's 90% crap and only 10% good.
The problem is that it wasn't expected to be number one so it's got to few great or interesting games. Which now that the Wii is the new bread, is changing.
the amount of crap vs the amount of good doesn't matter at all. does matter. Especially if you OWN THE CONSOLE.
You forgot some :
awesome post I love how they make games for kids around the ages 4-8 or what ever... they shouldn't be playing games, only us the "HARDCORE" lol..... get them playing GTA4 or GOW or something to that effect...............
Have you noticed they are coming from the same publisher trying to cash of the Wii, they would be doing exactly the same if the 360/PS3 were selling this well.
My point is not everyone enjoys the games we enjoy, kids between 2,3,4 - 8 maybe older aren't interested in HD, Guns, Blood e.t.c.... Everyone deserves the right to enjoy what ever game they buy....
Just because there are shovelware titles on the wii doesn't mean there aren't great titles on the console toofabz_95
Those titles are not even really shovelware titles. They have been making those games for kids more years than I care to count.
My son use to play Pajama Sam games like 5 years ago along with most those other titles. There was even one on the PS. I use to buy kid games for the PS all the time. Like blue's clues
[QUOTE="fabz_95"]Just because there are shovelware titles on the wii doesn't mean there aren't great titles on the console tooHarlockJC
Those titles are not even really shovelware titles. They have been making those games for kids more years than I care to count.
My son use to play Pajama Sam games like 5 years ago along with most those other titles. There was even one on the PS. I use to buy kid games for the PS all the time. Like blue's clues
but your not meant to make Video Games for kids apparently?!?!?!
Yes i understand you're point. I was just joking tbh.awesome post I love how they make games for kids around the ages 4-8 or what ever... they shouldn't be playing games, only us the "HARDCORE" lol..... get them playing GTA4 or GOW or something to that effect...............
Have you noticed they are coming from the same publisher trying to cash of the Wii, they would be doing exactly the same if the 360/PS3 were selling this well.
My point is not everyone enjoys the games we enjoy, kids between 2,3,4 - 8 maybe older aren't interested in HD, Guns, Blood e.t.c.... Everyone deserves the right to enjoy what ever game they buy....
[QUOTE="bf2nutta"]Yes i understand you're point. I was just joking tbh.awesome post I love how they make games for kids around the ages 4-8 or what ever... they shouldn't be playing games, only us the "HARDCORE" lol..... get them playing GTA4 or GOW or something to that effect...............
Have you noticed they are coming from the same publisher trying to cash of the Wii, they would be doing exactly the same if the 360/PS3 were selling this well.
My point is not everyone enjoys the games we enjoy, kids between 2,3,4 - 8 maybe older aren't interested in HD, Guns, Blood e.t.c.... Everyone deserves the right to enjoy what ever game they buy....
lol sorry but there are some here that do post exactly what you have and are serious lol
My 6 year old and 8 year old nephews would never play that crap. They play Halo 3, Gears of War and Resistance, lol.Videodogg
Are you kidding? These games are meant for Everyone! That's why the Wii is so popular. Just because they look kiddy, doesn't mean that they are kiddy:lol:
I guess you could use that excuse, but what expectations do you have exactly? do you expect the Wii to have the same level of third party support as the PS2 had or as the 360/PS3 have right now, in the future?
No, but i do expect more good 3rd party games to come out. they are starting too more often now though.
[QUOTE="qewrewq"]I guess you could use that excuse, but what expectations do you have exactly? do you expect the Wii to have the same level of third party support as the PS2 had or as the 360/PS3 have right now, in the future?
No, but i do expect more good 3rd party games to come out. they are starting too more often now though.
that one sentence right there has more meaning and use than this whole thread. The wii is getting better third party support.
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