[QUOTE="Chargeagles1"][QUOTE="Armored_cell"] He said SUper Mario Galaxy graphics can pass as a PS3/X360/PC game :lol:
Mr. Ignorant have you even seen the videos of Mario Galaxy and how it all runs at a silky smooth 60 fps, because then you would realize how fantastic the graphics are.
fantastic for a Wii game? Sure. But compared to 360 or PS3? Nope, SMG doesn't even compare to first gen ps3/360 games. the gap is just too big.
the gap betwen pc and ps3/360 is also going to get huge in 1-2 years shaders are evolving pretty damn fast
it coasts a fortune to develop to the ps3 due to the cell, they need to optmise the game so it can run well on it hence the reason ports usually look better on the xbox its a pain to optmise games for the cell unless it has been make from the begging with him in mind.
not so expensive to develop on the 360, its pretty much a pc but its still more expensive then developing for the wii.
bottom line wii is going to get more support i dont see the wii winning this gen, but it wont be toasted either, the DC had the best graphics of his generation AMAZING game lineup, FREE online play (PSonline anyone??) and guess what.. it floped.
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