lol, the Wii is winning the console race.
Just imagine if those games did come out on the Wii, but dumbed down graphically, and using the Wii remote, then there would be no reason at all to even think the Wii wouldn't easily take first place this gen. Graphics don't matter, only third party support matters(as we know all to well), and starting with Guitar Hero III, your gonna start seeing a lot more third party games on the Wii that aren't shovelware.
If that happens, the multiplat heavy consoles are gonna get owned even harder than they already are.
I mean, you've heard of NPD right? People still perfer the Wii, faults and all, to the other consoles, because it's funner, and has exclusive Nintendo games, is cheaper, is the most popular, comes with a free, great game, and has virtual console.
That's just the way things work guys. No matter what your opinions are, the fact is, the Wii is winning the console hardware sales race, and if your company was winning it, then you know that is all that matters on system wars.
Its like this, "best console" is an opinion. Yours or mine, doesn't matter. "Best SELLING Console" is a fact, and the fact is, the Wii has outsold the 360 in half of the release time. It's pretty amazing, and all of the little "deductions" you can possibly come up with, don't change that fact one bit, and really, isn't that what these forums are all about? Who is right? Well, I'M right. Why don't you dispute my facts with your opinions and see how far that gets ya? why don't you go "deduce" your system some sales number, they could use it in their bid for second place.
I love these forums, hehe.
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