Yeah, I thought FSW had some good ideas but it seemed too slow paced. Brothers in Arms seemed like a better squad based shooter. But how the devs are classifying EndWar is that its an RTS and not a Tactical T/FPS. IGN Dev Interview reads that its army based control not just squad based control.
I raised my eyebrows when I heard Ubisoft was willing to do something completely radical. Maybe they're sick of ports.
well there is a paradox here....the more units they let you control at once the less "close up" the game can really be....you can zoom in very far in World In Conflict...but it puts you at a huge disadvantage....
so if they want to have the game be played at a really close up view...they will need to have less units.
True. That's exactly the reason I loved CoH. Every unit had to count for something, and not simply act as fodder in the battlefield (*cough* Halo Wars *cough*). Of course, great players would say that would be the same with any RTS, but it seems to be quintessential in CoH with such a low unit count.
As I said, I don't really know what they have in store for us with EndWar. To be honest, I was surprisingly impressed with what the devs had to offer. Love them or Hate them, Clancy games have always been commercially viable. And with Ubisoft introducing a whole new franchise, I'm pretty sure they're gonna make damn certain this is as well. Whether it is of any quality, however, we have to wait and see.
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