All console games have mediocre textures because of memory limitation so it's stupid to single out killzone 2 just for bashing sake, the game looks fantastic in motion and is arguably the best looking console game to date, and this is not jus from a biased perspective, i'm a pc gamer
KZ2 has incredible lighting, particle effects and post processing, it isn't the end be all of graphics but it's a good achievement for GG as a console game, textures don't have to be super detailed or bump mapped to look good, That is unless you're going for a full cgi look and that's for high end games like crysis, project offset etc. PS3 is not a super computer so KZ2 can't look better than Crysis even though it came out 2 years later, but when you compare to other console games, KZ2 is a leader and pushes the visual envelope in almost every way possible
Another underrated thing is the animations, KZ2 has unrivaled animations, some even better than Crysis, but it is an unfair comparison since Crysis is open world and refused ragdoll physics because of the strict anti violence lawas in Germany, also it has superior animations for wild life and more interactivity, but KZ2's hit response system is a benchmark for all games, It makes you feel like every bullet counts

As you can see from both shots, the top shot has more detail because of more motion blur in the second shot, the textures aren't that bad, it just so happens dat the game has a cover system that exploits the weakness of the textures when viewed up close, And trust me, you are not going to find a console game that will have good textures up close, heck, the only few pc games that have that kind of monstrous detail are games like crysis, stalker clear sky etc. and that's because of superior RAM advantage
Now i just took random crysis shots to show you how motion blur can make it look blurry even though it is detailed when standing still, the bottom two shots look blurry but that doesn't mean the textures suck

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