Don't be going posting spoilers. I mean, you can, but spoiler it, bud.
They've been really getting it on, haven't they? Anything that isn't nailed down, they'll sign. Yeah, sure, bring us your work, we'll start the game off by saying on how choices matter, the rest is stiff animations and being able to choose "..." from the choice tree. Yeah, having a bit of a go here.
Still, they got pretty big with the Walking Dead, and ever since, they've been doing all kinds of stuff. So, my question is, do you dig their stuff? I really liked the first season of The Walking Dead. An absolute joy to play. And I'm also a fan of the second season. I will be there for the third season, because might as well, right? Didn't stop there. What else we got? I was able to get the whole season of Games of Thrones for free, played the first episode, that was alright. I need my buddy to start talking about GoT again, that will motivate me to get back to this and finish it.
Now, the last one I jumped into, is Tales of the Borderlands. I don't like Borderlands that much. You know, the 3 games they put out. But this.. this is good, fellas. It's entertaining, funny, and intriguing. It's weird how they made something as random as Borderlands work in a Telltale-like design. Got the season pass. It was on sale on PSN, so yeah, that's good. Looking forward to playing more of that, because it's cool.

But enough of my ramblings, what about you? Like them, think they're overdoing it? Anything? I know Foxbatalpha is quite enjoying the Minecraft thing they've got going, and I will get to that at some point, because I love Minecraft.
And no, I'm not getting paid to make this thread.
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