I've been a fan of them for just over 9 years now.
I don't think I've been disappointed by any of their seasons - although I do think it's about time that they stop stuffing around and give us more Sam and Max.
Already beat it long ago on 360 but since it was GWG I DL'ed the X1 version of TWD and tried playing a bit and I dunno, these days I don't think I can get into this type of game-play. Eh. perhaps I have another go at it soon.
I play the awesome "The walking Dead" series and "Jurassic Park The Game" which i love it so much ............. and since then I think Telltales is the next Naughty Dog.
I have played TWD season 1 & 2, Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among US and Back to the Future, my favorite still is The Wolf among us (followed by tftb) and while the stories are fun and somewhat interesting, the gameplay is a drag, that's why I like the fact that episodes are short and release with a decent time span (although I could pace myself to do that)
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