Love it!
Heavy "Demon's Souls" influence. just got one question, has anybody found a sword yet? I've been fighting bare handed the whole time lol.
Also, this is clearly going to be the best game Tecmo has ever made. I'm already sold on the game.
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it's a blatant Souls clone and a bad one at that.The people who made this have no idea what actually makes Souls good.
Looks like another game PC will step in to save as the 900pStation owners are only good for movie wanna be UC4 onrail experiences.
This is pretty bad. Kept dying and I'm a Dark Souls vet. They need to work on this for a few more years but as is, its not really playable especially for people who have never touched a souls game before.
The game is more like Demon's Souls to begin with, I am assuming most PC and xbox fans never touched Demon's with reactions like this.
The game is great, I look forward to a release date for a purchase day 1 off this alpha demo alone, admittedly, it's not for everyone.
*Areas of improvement* could be Camera/locking system. Locking doesn't seem to actually lock you to an enemy while in combat but this is a alpha demo so that could change.
@casharmy: At least in Demons Souls you can pick a class with weapons and armor. In this demo your basically a deprived from the start. Combat isn't nearly as good. It needs work. As is, nobody will be able to play it except people like us...and like I mentioned, I think its too hard myself.
@casharmy: At least in Demons Souls you can pick a class with weapons and armor. In this demo your basically a deprived from the start. Combat isn't nearly as good. It needs work. As is, nobody will be able to play it except people like us...and like I mentioned, I think its too hard myself.
I do want it to be successful, I wouldn't mind a series from a game like this.
After beating the boss I'm pretty excited about the games launch but I can see how the difficulty may stand on the way of the games success, which is unfortunate because it really looks to be a great game.
Performance was shit (even on action mode) and it looked like shit too. I did not have the patience for this game as almost all the enemies deal insane damage and keep chasing you. I found this annoying and didn't care to keep playing as the overall experience was not at the level of a Souls games. Uninstalled.
The devs what you to pick either frame-rate or Resolution. The PS4 is not powerful enough to do 1080p at 60fps.
PS4K will be hitting 1080p at 60fps without working up a sweat...try harder.
But neither you or @xhawk27 are playing it on the PS4k so try harder
@howmakewood: Seriously, if one can't beat the first boss,don't buy the full game.
And all these system warriors said it is another souls game,you play it worng.No surprises,since people on this forum "don't play video game"....
It remind me when Ninja Gaiden and Demon souls first appearance,some people need the media to teach them what is good.
I love how there's none of the stupid ass backstab fishing from dark souls 3 that bloodborne fixed but somehow decided would be a good idea to bring back.
Also movement is very fluid, love the side dashes instead of the ghetto ass rolling DS3 has.
Checking back in to report on the demo.........FUCKING AMAZING!
The gameplay is varied, interesting and deep and the atmosphere is also great. I love the spin on Demon's Souls which it is clearly leaning with a ninja touch like Onimusha.
Honestly, when I first saw this I though it looked completely generic and had 0 anticipation for buying this, NOW, It's Fvcking day 1! I don't think they could have done a better job on a new action franchise fvcking well done Team Ninja, It's like From Software and Japan Studio was with them step by step when creating this title as a ninja/souls master creation......I don't think they could have created a title better than this, I don't remember Onimusha playing this good when I played it all those years ago.
If you don't like to think and don't have quick wits you, you simply won't like this game. If you're the type to complain about fighters and how difficult it is to perform combos, timing and stringing together move sets then this game is not for you. The game requires patience of Demons' Souls the timing of Ninja Gaiden and the skill of fighting game fan to enjoy.
In other words, It's my kinda game.
Damn now I have 3 Day 1 titles this year (UC4, KOF XIV and now No Oh) this after I already bought Ratchet n Clank. lol man 2016 is turning out to be incredible year for games.
Option between optimized resolution vs optimized framerate? well, maybe an early candidate to benefit from PS4.5.
I was watching someone stream play Onimusha earlier today made me think about this game, kind of interested in it, but I haven't seen any gameplay other than early teaser gameplay.
EDIT: okay, after having watched videos it does look very rough, maybe something I'll try when cheaper one day.
I'm somebody who doesn't think From Software is going to give up on the success of the Dark Souls games, but maybe instead of milking Dark Souls to death they'll alter the formula, come up with a new IP, maybe they can make something kind of like this? Or, maybe they should try to acquire the Onimusha or Genji IPs or at least license one of them, revive it in a Souls form. I like the idea on paper for what they're doing here with Nioh, I'm not sure anymore if it's something I want to play.
option between optimized resolution vs optimized framerate? well, maybe an early candidate to benefit from PS4.5
I was watching someone stream play Onimusha earlier today made me think about this game, kind of interested in it, but I haven't seen any gameplay other than early teaser gameplay
It's nothing like Onimusha other than you play as a Samurai. It's not even the same tone wise.
It's nothing like Onimusha other than you play as a Samurai. It's not even the same tone wise.
Any good though?
I remember watching a video a while back and it looked like Ninja Souls which is ace in my book, but the AI seemed a little brain dead.
It's nothing like Onimusha other than you play as a Samurai. It's not even the same tone wise.
Any good though?
I remember watching a video a while back and it looked like Ninja Souls which is ace in my book, but the AI seemed a little brain dead.
Some mixed feelings, but I kind of dig it.
Um it's a high commitment animation game, with a stamina bar, with a if you die, you have to come back and hit glowy thing or you lose experience points. You use your weapon to block, and when you hit them there are these blue particle shits in the air, and that gives your dodge like an extension or something, I haven't quite understood that aspect, other than it gives me evade move more range, and in general has helped positioning sometimes.
There is a high, mid, and low stance thing going on. It's a lot like um one of the Jedi Knight games where you had um, blue, green, and red sabers if I remember this right. Blow (low stance in this game) is faster hits, but at the expense of power. Power stance is naturally some beefy hits, but you're wind up tends to be bigger (thus bigger openings) and more importantly you use more of the stamina bar (they call it Ki, because pocky eating assholes), and then there is the default stance which is well rounded.
A lot of players make the mistake that it's about playstyle, but I don't look at it that way, I think in general you're supposed to figure out and read your opponent a bit, and figure what stance to go with. And initially you start off as such a little bitch, they one shot you like nothing. I kept summoning red dudes, who just **** me up, and I think that's because they are actually players? Not completely sure, might be a pawn system ala Dragon's Dogma or something.
Either way as you level up you can unlock skills, which unlocks finishers and extensions to your main combos. You get better gear, as you get better gear like any RPG, you wreck earlier foes that gave you trouble. It's all kind of interesting, it's pretty fucking satisfying when you're on a good run, and it's kind of giving me that Ninja Gaiden brand of abusive relationship. Except Ninja Gaiden 1+2 are flat out more fluid, and in the case of 1, way more polished (yes, yes, I understand, demo)
A few divisive aspects, as in I get the idea, not sure if I like the mechanic
-First you block using your weapon, that is L1 i think, but you have to let that button go when you want to attack. In Souls stuff you just R1 it, at least I that's how I feel, maybe I've naturally been letting go of the button, but I always thought you could attack even when the shield was up...either way that small adjustment can feel awkward at times. I'm not sure how much of that is on me, and how much of that is just let attack command have priority, even when I'm blocking.
-Bigger issue, when you use all your stanima gauge, he fucking stops to take a breath, and you are such a sitting duck then. And I kind of like it, because in theory it demands more attention being put on the stamina gauge. But I also agreed with Aljosa, with the way the enemies can just one shot you (and that can't one shot you as much in the Souls games in comparison), this type of gameplay can be overly tedious because of it.
But I'm not gonna lie, I don't want to Master Ninja it...but I want more of it lol
Otherwise I just think the discussion on this game is a lot of people have gotten way too lazy with how describe things. Like the Onimusha stuff, it plays nothing like Onimusha, shit this thread is Demon's Souls as if Demon's Souls is this wild departure from what Dark Souls is...and it's like fucking No! Come on use your words, that's the beauty of the English language, we can be very descriptive with what we want to say.
But I forgot, on this forum sentences and paragraphs are walls of text, fucking dimwits lmao.
What a wall of text I'm not reading that.
lol nah dude, you just gave a more thorough review for the mechanics in this demo than most people give for a full game, but it's appreciated.
Yeah, people see stuff on the surface and draw conclusions quickly. The first time I saw this game come up, some time last year, Onimusha comments were everywhere and I just wasn't seeing that beyond the surface level (if even that).
Sounds worth a try though, I'll get on it. I'm a gaming masochist, I can handle the abusive relationship. I don't expect the fluidity of NG or 2 from most games, that's a dream I've given up on. As long as it plays well, you know how it goes. I just need a good action fix. Right now I'm balancing SFV, Salt and Sanctuary and FFXHD (I know, I know lol).
What a wall of text I'm not reading that.
lol nah dude, you just gave a more thorough review for the mechanics in this demo than most people give for a full game, but it's appreciated.
Yeah, people see stuff on the surface and draw conclusions quickly. The first time I saw this game come up, some time last year, Onimusha comments were everywhere and I just wasn't seeing that beyond the surface level (if even that).
Sounds worth a try though, I'll get on it. I'm a gaming masochist, I can handle the abusive relationship. I don't expect the fluidity of NG or 2 from most games, that's a dream I've given up on. As long as it plays well, you know how it goes. I just need a good action fix. Right now I'm balancing SFV, Salt and Sanctuary and FFXHD (I know, I know lol).
Go with whatever opinion you see fit, but this game (fucking demo at that) has better gameplay than any Ninja Gaiden I've played and I've played them all up to the PS4 Reboot.
@jg4xchamp's opinion on this is somewhat accurate but he's a bit of hipster in wanting to override everyone's else opinion like he's the only one who has an authentic view point of something. This game DOES very much take from Demon's Souls and damn near everyone who played all other Souls games including Demon's is saying similar comments because that's the closest thing to the feel this game gives off.
As far a being fluid, this is the area where people are being "dimwits" and speaking on performance as if it has any affect on gameplay. The game is fast and responsive even in it's current state, I think it has more to do with the users shitty "performance" in the game more than the game's shitty performance. IT TAKES TIME TO GRASP THE MECHANICS OF THIS GAME as it is DEEP! Lastly, their is WEIGHT management in this game similar to Demon's Souls. Heavier loads will slow you down!
From playing this demo I can say right now that this game most likely has deeper and more complex gameplay than Souls, Something I never dreamed of saying before now. Yet looking at the comments you'd believe that it was inferior in all aspects. These are comments from people who would have originally wrote Demon's Souls off a shitty JRPG with bad gameplay.
The fact that those comments came shortly after the demo came out tells you everything. You are NOT going to get a grasp of this game's gameplay even within a few HOURS of gameplay much less in a short run through. It's much deeper than most actions games released within the past 2 generations PERIOD, it's one of the best setups I've ever experienced.
If you are a gaming masochist this game is going to surpass your every expectation as you'll eventually uncover the hidden gameplay locked within this game's fantastic system.
Go with whatever opinion you see fit, but this game (fucking demo at that) has better gameplay than any Ninja Gaiden I've played and I've played them all up to the PS4 Reboot.
That's an incredibly strong bill to live up to and I've heard it so many times about other games, only to find out people have no clue lol. And I'm not going to outright judge the game by videos, I'll try it first, but those videos don't show anything remotely on the level of NGB/NG2.
I hope you're right because god damn it this would be my game of the generation without question if true. I WANT YOU TO BE RIGHT ABOUT THIS. I'm just not holding my breath.
Anyways bro, I started trying to read the rest of your post and... bruh. Do you live in the Atlanta area by chance? If so, we can meet up, I'll smoke you out, and life will be good. Seriously man, take the edge off, you're gonna have a stroke some day.
Enemy damage is ridiculous, atleast tone it down a bit it ain't fun dying in 2 hits.
Parrying would be nice and then countering with a cool finish.
Lock on needs work, I'd like to stay faceing my opponent instead of turning my back to him as I try and circle around.
If I sneak up on an enemy let me slit his throat or atleast one shot him .
Combat is pretty good, stances add variety. Would like some weapon deadlocks if you and enemy hit at the same time.
Enemies have stamina so they get tired too, like that a lot makes fights feel real.
Overall it's got some neat concepts but the difficulty could be a major factor for some people even those that like tough games but dying from 1 or 2 hits is abit ott.
Something on gameplay some (most) may have missed.
Of the 4 stances 3 stances that can be used, when performing combos (depending on stamina) if you can accurately manage to switch stances at the right time during the combo you can pull off continuing combo variations.
This would, I'd say, be similar to something like SNK's max and overkill combo system. I am working to exploit the uses of these combo variations as the combo options within a single stance takes I bit of getting used to...and this is equally true for the different weapons types.
Enemy damage is ridiculous, atleast tone it down a bit it ain't fun dying in 2 hits.
Parrying would be nice and then countering with a cool finish.
Lock on needs work, I'd like to stay faceing my opponent instead of turning my back to him as I try and circle around.
If I sneak up on an enemy let me slit his throat or atleast one shot him .
Combat is pretty good, stances add variety. Would like some weapon deadlocks if you and enemy hit at the same time.
Enemies have stamina so they get tired too, like that a lot makes fights feel real.
Overall it's got some neat concepts but the difficulty could be a major factor for some people even those that like tough games but dying from 1 or 2 hits is abit ott.
parring is in the game, you have to unlock it and it is designated to specific stances...this game is very technical with what you do based on the stances you are in. It's not just going to "work" in any situation.
There are also "deadlocks" as you put it, in the's going to take some time before you (me as well) put everything together to have these mechanics down. This is defiantly a skill based game. No button masher will have much success in this title.
Patience and strategy is big part of how you'll need to approach this until move sets are second nature to you.
Those games are Xbox/360 exclusives. Nioh is a PS4 exclusive. You're talking to casharmy.
Do the math.
Those games are Xbox/360 exclusives. Nioh is a PS4 exclusive. You're talking to casharmy.
Do the math.
Exactly what *math* would that be?
Not sure what you're trying to imply but I owned xbox and xbox 360.
Also my word on shit like this is 1000x more reliable then lame ducks on here who don't even gravitate toward fighting/action/twitch skill based type games.
Who are you exactly? Don't come in my directions in a thread like this with any fanboy insinuations when talking about games you don't even play.
JRPG, Hack n Slash, Fighting games are my favorite types of games an I've always had the same M.O. so fall back with that dumb "do the math" comment. I've probably played more xbox games than you know exit.
Go with whatever opinion you see fit, but this game (fucking demo at that) has better gameplay than any Ninja Gaiden I've played and I've played them all up to the PS4 Reboot.
@jg4xchamp's opinion on this is somewhat accurate but he's a bit of hipster in wanting to override everyone's else opinion like he's the only one who has an authentic view point of something. This game DOES very much take from Demon's Souls and damn near everyone who played all other Souls games including Demon's is saying similar comments because that's the closest thing to the feel this game gives off.
Two things
1. Someone disagreeing with you or something doesn't automatically make them a hipster, learn what that actually is.
2. The internet resorting to a lazy half-assed description was my entire point. The souls comparison are naturally obvious in principles, but given what mechanical differences they have made, it's also incredibly reductionist at the same time. The stamina penalty in any Souls (BB included) games were never as severe, the power stance or two handing weapons never worked the way the stance system works here, the way you unlock skills is completely different, the blue shit effecting dodge, to the spirit animal shit.
Pure combo stance, it's already got more to its weapons than the Souls games have ever had, and the things that were great about Demon's Souls are more or less there (sans level design for my liking) in the follow up Souls games and Bloodborne, and not exactly here. The only similarity is that it brings people back to when they had to relearn things, as nowadays people have a pretty good understanding of what works and doesn't work in a Souls game.
The Onimusha comparisons? Literally that it's a Samurai game.
Two things
1. Someone disagreeing with you or something doesn't automatically make them a hipster, learn what that actually is.
2. The internet resorting to a lazy half-assed description was my entire point. The souls comparison are naturally obvious in principles, but given what mechanical differences they have made, it's also incredibly reductionist at the same time. The stamina penalty in any Souls (BB included) games were never as severe, the power stance or two handing weapons never worked the way the stance system works here, the way you unlock skills is completely different, the blue shit effecting dodge, to the spirit animal shit.
Pure combo stance, it's already got more to its weapons than the Souls games have ever had, and the things that were great about Demon's Souls are more or less there (sans level design for my liking) in the follow up Souls games and Bloodborne, and not exactly here. The only similarity is that it brings people back to when they had to relearn things, as nowadays people have a pretty good understanding of what works and doesn't work in a Souls game.
The Onimusha comparisons? Literally that it's a Samurai game.
Nothing you've really said here contradicts what I said...and in my post I also pointed out I felt the gameplay system was deeper than souls.
Never did I try to sum up what this game was by saying it was a Souls clone (even though it has heavy inspiration) that is what others have done. I said it "Draws" from Demon's and is "similar" and anyone who has played it...or any Souls game can conclude as much.
That said, it has it's own flair, gameplay mechanics and atmosphere that separates itself from simply being a clone or some imitation of Souls. I will say, however, that in a 1 to 1 comparison, this game feels like more of a successor to Demon's Souls than even Bloodborne does. Other souls games threw too many of the aspects that Demon's had away which I appreciated which this game seems to incorporate nicely.
And yes, the only real comparison to Onimusha is that this is a samurai based game. The main character actually looks like the younger brother of Geralt from the Witcher minus the scars.
No doubt the creators have no problems drawing inspiration from elsewhere, but with their own twist and theme and I am more than liking the result.
Enemy damage is ridiculous, atleast tone it down a bit it ain't fun dying in 2 hits.
Parrying would be nice and then countering with a cool finish.
Lock on needs work, I'd like to stay faceing my opponent instead of turning my back to him as I try and circle around.
If I sneak up on an enemy let me slit his throat or atleast one shot him .
Combat is pretty good, stances add variety. Would like some weapon deadlocks if you and enemy hit at the same time.
Enemies have stamina so they get tired too, like that a lot makes fights feel real.
Overall it's got some neat concepts but the difficulty could be a major factor for some people even those that like tough games but dying from 1 or 2 hits is abit ott.
1) You're supposed to dodge, when you're hit by a sword, you're hurt, that's the way things are.
2) There is parrying
3) Ok
4) That's stupid, you can however get a power strike on them.
5) That'd be annoying like with battlefront lightsaber battles. Anyway you can do special attacks when they are out of stamina once you unlock them.
6) Good
7) Tons of people including me still beat the first boss where they advise you to get to. I stopped playing in the event I buy the game but yeah, it's clearly not too hard to beat. The point is to NOT get hit, also you can take quite a beating once you rank up your stats and build up your armor.
I found this to be more like NG with Souls elements slapped on, but I haven't really put much time into it so far. I'll put some more effort into the game tonight, and go back and play the old NG games just to make remind myself what they were like. Not as excited for this game as I was before though, seems like another dev hell game that's just slightly off track enough to make it not fun.
Low stance is best for fast slashes but low damage and super fast dodging.
Mid stance offers best balance between dodging and fast slashes.
High stance is good for powerful attacks and overpowering enemies.
You just have to pick which one you think is best for the enemy you're facing and keep an eye on the ki bar and force enemies to lose their stamina.
I just did a whole new save file and pretty much owned all the enemies i faced in the first level. it takes some time but once it clicks it's pretty easy to handle them and understand how it works. it becomes natural.
I really need to get back to Ninja Gaiden series because this is incredible work by team ninja.
All I'm going to say is this went from one of my most anticipated games of the year to having absolutely no interest at all.
The difficulty is a bit overstated, if you're really struggling; just rpg it. By that I mean when you have enough experience points to level up, go back and actually level up. Unlock some skills, it'll let you get bigger armor, and you'll be able to handle more or hit harder. I mostly put points into Ki and Strength, and was working the samurai goons pretty easily after a point. The people who get the mechanical tells down won't need to do that, but for anyone average at games I'd still say you'll be fine, eventually the gear starts making a quick difference.
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