2010, time to look back and name the 10 games you think you most enjoyed till this day. Name 10 and 10 only, thers no problem if you leave some out, im sure these games wont mind if you do. Try to post a small commentary on each game maybe? and a video. Oh and no need for a rank, just name 10 games in any order. And name 1 future game that you think that has potential to make into the list.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
The best GTA of all time in my opinion. When it seemed impossible to do any better than Vice City, Rockstar managed to make it better in almost everything.Instead of having acess to just one city, you had 3 cities to explore ( and none of them is New York, Yay), big deserts and the countryside and all looked great.My jaw droped many times with the ammount of things you could do in this game. One of the most complete games of all time. Shame GTA IV lost almost everything GTA SA had, they took the realism over fun way. Altough i liked the realistic approach too. But this isnt about GTA IV, this is about GTA SA, no doubt one of my 10 favorite games of all time.
Final Fantasy X
My favorite game of all time.
A work of art, more than any other game i played. From the very firstin media resintro scenei knew i was it was gonna be something special. I wasnt wrrong. The most beautiful game iv ever played with more memorable scenes than any other game. From the badassopening sceneto the beautifulYuna sending in Kilika. Its the most immersive game iv ever played, having my favorite story and soundtrack in any game helped with that. I never put so many hours in a single player game. Over 300 hours on my first playtrough and then i replayed it probably more than 4 times till this day. I avoid replaying games now to not get tired of it. No doubt my favorite game of all time.
Metal Gear Solid 1
Maybe the best ps1 game and my 2nd favorite game of all time. Metal Gear Solid franchise is one like no other. I dont think thers anything like it. And the first is still maybe my favorite cause i wasnt excepecting something so perfect. For the next ones, altough as equally very good, it isnt the same thing as it was playing MGS 1 for the first time. Its a masterpiece. Everything about it. It was ahead of its time. Perfect in all areas, even theend credits. I think it was a touch of geniud from Kojima showing the real life alaska and the wildlife while the song The Best is Yet to Come was playing.
Final fantasy IX
My first RPG ever. At first it was really confusing for me to get into the game. I also didnt speak english. And the early battle, that was actually a theather play confused me a lot. Cause all the spells were there just for the show, none of them caused any damage, and so i couldnt understand what i was doing wrong. But i eventually got into the game, my english got a lot better,(actually i learned most of it through games) and i managed to complete it 100%.
Its the most complete of all FFs in my opinion. A lot more sidequests and other stuff to do than any other FF. What else can i say, great story, characters, soundtrack, its an hughe game with lots of things to do, great art **** most epic summons ever, my 2nd favorite FF and maybe my 3rd game of all time.
Parasite Eve 2
I already said why i like so much PE2 in thisthread yesterday
Final Fantasy VII
Its Final Fantasy 7, you must be tired of hearing people talk about this game already.
Metal Gear Solid 3
Its a tie with MGS1 for the best MGS game in my opinion. A great approach and the change of setting was a great idea of Kojima. Maybe the best prequel ever. Prequels usually screw up, especially the story, but MGS3 did everything well.
Both technically and visually impressive with many memorable scenes. Amazing boss battles, but MGS usually never fails on that area. Altough sometimes it could be a frustating game, i usually get frustated a lot with MGS games. And thers also some HUGHE cutscenes that were nothing more than text with a few pics, that was really annoying sometimes. But besides that its perfect in every area.
Kingdom Hearts 1
A magical game. I grew up with many Disney movies and books and also Final Fantasy, so having the best of both world in one game was awsome. Fortunetly both sides were very well represented here, and they managed to mix them perfectly. FF and Disney magic is all there.It was kinda a nostalgic exprience to play this game. Anyone that says KH shouldnt have Disney is completely wrong, thats what made people like this game in the first place, the fussion of FF with Disney.
I only named 8 games yet. I cant remember any more right now, ill check your posts first and then maybe update mine.
Oh and a future game to be here will probably be one of these:
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Final Fantasy 13
- God Of War 3
- Heavy Rain
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