Oh geez. Too many to mention. I'm just going to pick one game, that almost everyone can agree is an incredible game. RE4.
1. Eating random colorful herbs gives health. Hmm...
2. Carrying millions of weapons and equipment with nowhere to keep it (in his chest cavity? :S )
3. Cheesy action dialogue when being attacked by mutated zombiesque freaks. Sorry, no way would Leon say some of those things in reality.
4. Chickens lay multicolored eggs. White eggs heal you a bit, brown heal you more, and golden (hmm?) heal you fully. Ok.
5. Typical Ganado farmer-"Hmm, I'm going to run at this American, showing I am capable of quick movement, BUT I'm going to stop like 5 feet in front of him so he has time to shoot me."
6. In an extremely poor/rural setting, every villager carries around loads of money.
7. Though the villagers use pitchforks and handaxes to fight, they all carry around ammo and even occasionally grenades.
8. Sigh, what's with having people in your grasp and then not killing them when you have the chance? I.E. Leon.
Many more, these are just a few off the top of my head. Love the game though, just couldn't help noticing some of that. And alot of that applies to other games of course.mynameisdumb
You forgot the part about Leon's rare wrist disorder that renders him incapable of making stabbing motions with sharp objects such as knives.
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