[Update] Thanks to gago-gago for the four dailymotion vids.
Some alpha footage is out, ignore the textures, apparently they're much lower resolution than they will in the final game. I heard there's direct feed available to download but i don't know where. [Update] "All textures in this Alpha Test build are at 25% of the final game's resolution." Source for the textures.
The devs didn't mention anything about animations but there seem to be some either missing or dodgy ones so hopefully they'll get improved. The AI bots look pretty thick at the moment too, there's a couple of moments where they appear to be stood still looking confused so let hope that's nowhere near final.
Anyway it hasn't changed my opinion yet, the gunplay is still very similar to CoD in it lacking recoil, high bullet damage and its twitchyness.
The map looks very static still, with a massive battle going on i'd like to see the map look a little worn down or change as i don't even think the foliage moves. I hope the other maps are more colourful too, its got the same colour palette as CoD at the moment where everything outside the foliage is beige.
I really don't get the point of the AI, with their current intelligence you could just have a barrel of fish plonked down in the middle of the map, they just feel like something to give you to shoot the feign intensity. I also feel they're only there as the devs needed something balanced to make the game easier, you could easily have the AI as human players yet i think the devs were scared you'd die too frequently to ever get the Titan with human players so just gave you free time reductions on the Titan with the AI.
On the upside the movement seems to work well and whilst not as crazy or deep as real parkour/movement central games like Tribes it seems fluid and so far no one has found a way to exploit it cheaply when in a gunfight. The Titans look cool and seem to handle very well and there's plenty of combat varied with them with both the weapons available and the shield. The map size seems fair and easy to traverse with a good amount of vertical combat to be found.
If you're looking for CoD in a different shell then it looks like this game's for you.
Here's the AI thing i was talking about in some offscreen footage.
[Update] No word on how final the AI is but a tweet has revealed there are different AI types but the difficulty of them is not customisable.
[Update] The alpha is also running at 720p according to some sources.

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