bu bu bu it has legs, amirite @shawn30? :P
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Hopefully Titanfall 2 has a long single player campaign. That's really the only way I would purchase it.
Yepperz, that's what kept me from being hyped about the game, I need a nice SP campaign in my games and with co-op makes it that much better.
Hopefully Titanfall 2 has a long single player campaign. That's really the only way I would purchase it.
Make the maps larger and have it 16 v 16 or 20 v 20 and things would be really damn good. The "story" could use some more meat, too.
Well I haven't gotten the second DLC for it yet so a third would be a ways off for me. I still play it, have a lot of fun with it. Whatever makes them happy I guess. If they want to work on something else by all means do so. I paid for what I own, and use it. I cant complain.
@Shielder7: What a stupid subject line. Working on the 3rd DLC, and you dumbasses are trying to twist things around to act as though Respawn is abandoning the franchise. How typical.
Oh, and @Shewgenja, I can see your green monster from here. TitanFall is awesome. I am sorry your head is so far up Sony's ass that you feel it necessary to bash a game that you can't play; but for f**ks sake the game came out 10 months ago - get over it.
****. You.
I have Titanfall on PC. It was paper thin, although the battle mechanics are great. Would have made a great $40 Steam game.
Sure you do.
Oh, and right back at ya.
Stupid HYPE got me for a few weeks, I'll give it that.
You of all people should know, Don't Believe the HYPE!
Hopefully Titanfall 2 has a long single player campaign. That's really the only way I would purchase it.
Make the maps larger and have it 16 v 16 or 20 v 20 and things would be really damn good. The "story" could use some more meat, too.
any meat would do. How the hell can they have some interesting setting like that and regulate all of the lore behind it to offscreen radio conversations that play in the background of a gametype nobody will want to play after getting what items they need from it.
@Shielder7: yup
I personally love the game I just can't play too much it's addicting n kinda short at times but it's fun as hell
They're tripping
i dont blame them.the devs are probably pissed EA made the xbox and windows deal. i wonder how well it would have sold if it was available on ps3&4. i enjoyed it for a cpl months and havent touched it since,i prefer adventuring type games that focus on SP more
The game came out March 1st I think? In my opinion, if a dev does anything with a game after it's a release date, it's a blessing. I grew up on games that got zero support, even if there was a huge glitch that ruined the game.
Ideally would a dev team stick by their game forever until the very last person is done with it? I guess. But I don't think it's unreasonable that they realize that they need to commit their resources to other projects at some point. This is and always will be a business. Companies need to make money, and with the Titanfall framework already in place, they'll make a lot more money with a new project than they will with further DLC.
Honestly, this game should have had all this content at launch. The reason me and my friend stopped playing after a couple weeks was the limited content. It had a good amount of maps and such, but it had very few game modes and the progression was very simple. I imagine a lot of people feel the same. I tried playing this game again a couple weeks ago and could barely find anyone online.
Too little and too late in my book.
Honestly, this game should have had all this content at launch. The reason me and my friend stopped playing after a couple weeks was the limited content. It had a good amount of maps and such, but it had very few game modes and the progression was very simple. I imagine a lot of people feel the same. I tried playing this game again a couple weeks ago and could barely find anyone online.
Too little and too late in my book.
Yeah. I played the game for about a week and felt like I had seen and done everything already. A single player campaign with open, expansive maps and mechs would have kept me occupied a lot longer than the multiplayer did. It was a fun diversion, but not something that is going to hold my attention, and it is sad that the multiplayer is already so barren. It would have been fun to return to casually for the occasional quick match.
Team Fortress 2 was updated today.
Yep, completely relevant to Titanfall. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
It is relevant to Titanfall. TF2 has been getting constant support for ages now, and Titanfall's support is going to drop out in less than a year after launch. Even Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer had better post-launch content and support than this. Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare has had better post-launch content and support than this. BOTH of those are EA games as well, so clearly there is something very different here.
Titanfall's post-launch support has been very bad.
They need to move on to TitanFall 2, make it available on Steam, exclude last gen consoles and up the graphics to a much better standard, and have more than 3 mecs, make a single player campaign... and then see how it sells.
The thing is, while the MP was fun, the game was not completed, it kind of felt like an addon of COD versus a full new game.
Funny how everyone is saying the things now that I said after two days of playing the beta. Crystal ball confirmed. Like I said then... I am happy to spend my money on something else. It appears a lot of people felt the same way but just didn't admit it.
@uninspiredcup: TF2 has been out for what 10 years? It still gets regular updates and it's f2p.
Yeah, but it's on the PC. There are LOTS of games on the PC that gets support for years. how long has WoW been out? What about Minecraft? I expect that sometime next year they will cease adding new content and start working on a sequel or something else.
Where does it say Respawn is done with the franchise?? They are ready to start working on the sequel is what I got from that article. They have released like what 3 or 4 map packs and some new modes. CoD does the same exact thing. The difference is that TF just isn't as beefy as CoD atm. Respawn has a great building block to work with and Im sure Titan Fall 2 will be a great game.
This right here is the only way I would have ever considered getting this game. Looks passable but certainly not $60 passable, especially considering you have to use the origin shitware to run it. No go for me.
One day hopefully EA will pull their ridiculously oversized heads out of their asses (which will be a monumental feat) and put themselves back on steam. Since origins inception they've been getting their asses mudholed by steam's steel toed boot.
I've been surprised by how poorly this has sold on 360. Considering the huge sales COD and Halo does I thought this would do better than it did on that platform.
"Need to move on at some point" = "already wants to pull the plug"
Your powers of interpretation never cease to amaze me.
Hmmmm I'm not seeing any where in that article idiot where they say they are pulling the plug on the game, just that they want to move onto future projects....pretty sure that doesn't mean the game is being shut down as you seem to be making out.
Always gotta love morons, they always seem to populate system wars, thankfully I've moved on and only come here to laugh at sheens... *and the majority of users for still visiting the s*** that is gamespot*
Hmmm....sounds like almost every shooter I've played...with the exception of Black Ops 2, but even that's just some more camos, nothing really "NEW"
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