A big part of that is due to ripping off Ellen Page for brand reconignition. Being the hacks they are, they gave no credit, no royalties and didn't get permission in the first place.
I guess when your game is only an 8.0 level quility you must be forced to reach a new low in order to make coin.
Ellen page holds the copyright on young, cute, dark haired white girl?
Are you seriously attempting to argue they didn't rip her off?
Well there had been trailers online, promo pictures, concept art, in store posters at retail stores and such since 2012 and no one said anything about the girl looking like ellen page. It wasnt until after the game came out and became such a huge success that suddenly she says "Hey thats me".
Hell here is a list of 15 people that look a lot like video game characters http://venturebeat.com/2012/07/28/15-casting-suggestions-for-video-game-movie-adaptations/#vb-gallery:1:496941 how come none of them are saying they had their likeness ripped off?
Ive noticed all the people who say "Yeah she got ripped off. Naughty dog are thieves!" are the ones who dislike the game without having actually played it because they dont like sony and look for any chance they can to dig on anything sony, or they are people who hate TLOU simply because they are contrarians and automatically dislike anything that is popular. No one else shares that opinion, even non gamers dont think so.
If you strip away hairstyles, clothes, accessories all people of a certain skin color and ethnic background pretty much look the same. You can only vary things so much when youre going for a realistic style before you start to make your characters look like real people.
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