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Holy crap, I did it! I created a time machine!
Wait no, it's still 2008. Hmmm, you're about a year and a half too late with this champ.
In response to that other guys thread. Well? Why do you? I can pull pointless arguments out of a hat too, see?KOTORkicker
Its simple, there arent a few good games and the extra years worth of games on the 360 just dont interest me. Dead Rising, Kameo, PDZ, GEOW, GRAW are not interesting to me. I prefer my Sony exclusives.
[QUOTE="Chutebox"]Holy crap, I did it! I created a time machine!
Wait no, it's still 2008. Hmmm, you're about a year and a half too late with this champ.
Lack of punctuation much?
Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
DUDE you must live a sad sad life.........well you do own an xBox so i guess its expected!
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.daftdog
DUDE you must live a sad sad life.........well you do own an xBox so i guess its expected!
What is that supposed to mean? By that logic, you must live "a sad, sad life". I was showing how arguing over it is pointless. Do you honestly think that I would start this argument knowing I would lose?
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.Chutebox
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Seems people haven't heard of a thing called Jasper.
[QUOTE="daftdog"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
DUDE you must live a sad sad life.........well you do own an xBox so i guess its expected!
What is that supposed to mean? By that logic, you must live "a sad, sad life". I was showing how arguing over it is pointless. Do you honestly think that I would start this argument knowing I would lose?
LOL just that you have put so much thought into a thread makes you sad. As to your question i think the words 'quality over quantity' sums up the answer to this one.
Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
Mighty assumption there, if that where true you don't think MS would be the first bragging about it. They would probably retract the 3 year warranty on the newer models as well. No sorry the only people claiming RROD is eradicated are MS fanboys on SW. Not one MS spokesperson has claimed that, just rumors and MS fanboys.
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="daftdog"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.daftdog
DUDE you must live a sad sad life.........well you do own an xBox so i guess its expected!
What is that supposed to mean? By that logic, you must live "a sad, sad life". I was showing how arguing over it is pointless. Do you honestly think that I would start this argument knowing I would lose?
LOL just that you have put so much thought into a thread makes you sad. As to your question i think the words 'quality over quantity' sums up the answer to this one.
"So Much Thought"
What? It took me one click to get into the SW Board, about 2 seconds of scrolling to see the other guys thread, 10 seconds of thinking, then about 1 minute to create this thread. The only thing that has been taxing for me is arguing with you...
[QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Seems people haven't heard of a thing called Jasper.
Show me a quote from a MS spokesperson claiming that Jasper will fix the RROD...
Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.ONLYDOD
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
[QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.KOTORkicker
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
But why? What motivates you go through all this trouble to just try and proove a point to some looser who's mum couldn't afford to buy them two consoles (I don't mean any of you guys in this thread, just the die hard Sony loyalists)
Have fun. Are you people actually taking me seriously? Have you not noticed the way that this thread mirrors that of solidgame_basic's?
Nah the TC knows PS3 has many great games, he's just getting a kick out of it, watching the msgs PS3 fans are posting in his thread..
everyone knows that all systems have great games, except the Wii (kidding :) )....
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.ONLYDOD
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
But why? What motivates you go through all this trouble to just try and proove a point to some looser who's mum couldn't afford to buy them two consoles (I don't mean any of you guys in this thread, just the die hard Sony loyalists)
Why do people assume that I am going to "All this trouble"? It took me about 2 minutes and a minimum of exertion in order to create this thread. Anyway, this thread is going nowhere, so might aswell say /Thread.
Nah the TC knows PS3 has many great games, he's just getting a kick out of it, watching the msgs PS3 fans are posting in his thread..
everyone knows that all systems have great games, except the Wii (kidding :) )....
Congratulations sir. You actually figured this thread out.
[QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.KOTORkicker
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
You are just a loser have you actually played a PS3 at all?
[QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Seems people haven't heard of a thing called Jasper.
Nah, we've heard the same stuff what, 3-4 times now?
I'll believe it when 360s actually, you know, stop getting the RRoD.
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.daftdog
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
You are just a loser have you actually played a PS3 at all?
No. I don't think solidgame_basic has played a 360 though. Maybe you don't get it. This is a tit-for-tat thread. I made it just to tick off the Sony Loyalists. Get that into your head please...
Obviously I have achieved my goal with you. Others, I'm not sure of.
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.Chutebox
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Seems people haven't heard of a thing called Jasper.
Nah, we've heard the same stuff what, 3-4 times now?
I'll believe it when 360s actually, you know, stop getting the RRoD.
What are you trying to prove?
[QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="Chutebox"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
RRoD is all but eradicated heh?
Guess I didn't get the memo.
Seems people haven't heard of a thing called Jasper.
Nah, we've heard the same stuff what, 3-4 times now?
I'll believe it when 360s actually, you know, stop getting the RRoD.
What are you trying to prove?
It's already been done.
Ive never been a 'fanboy' in my life but after having 3 RROD with my 360 i lost my patience with MS and sold it on and got a ps3 which hasnt let me down yet.
The 360 does have more games granted but what good are games when the machine that plays them is constantly breaking down so u cant play any of them???
MS needs to sort this significant problem for the next generation.
[QUOTE="daftdog"][QUOTE="KOTORkicker"][QUOTE="ONLYDOD"]Why are you guys even bothering with this guy? He's either tried a PS3 and coincidentally not enjoyed any of it's games or just hasn't played one at all so he wouldn't know that it has plenty of good games.KOTORkicker
Nah, I'm just providing a rhetorical argument, as so many other PS Fanboys do on SW.
You are just a loser have you actually played a PS3 at all?
No. I don't think solidgame_basic has played a 360 though. Maybe you don't get it. This is a tit-for-tat thread. I made it just to tick off the Sony Loyalists. Get that into your head please...
Obviously I have achieved my goal with you. Others, I'm not sure of.
But you haven't ticked us off you have just made yourself look stupid because if you don't get it by now the PS3 owns you! You love the PS3 so much that you want to talk to the owners of PS3 through threads, admit it you are PS3 lover, i bet you are sat at home now playing a PS3 just wishing thatthe Xbox etc had graphics this good and online was as easy as this, a world where you don't pay for online gaming and the future only gets brighter and brighter! Admit it you love the PS3!
It's already been done.
I know. Have you read any of the posts in this thread that weren't a direct reply to yours?
Have fun. Are you people actually taking me seriously? Have you not noticed the way that this thread mirrors that of solidgame_basic's?
Bolded = what trolls do when they're getting owned, back out and act like they were kidding all along.
Haha, I didn't even care if people provided counter arguments. I know the PS3 has games.... I just wanted to make other guy look stupid, because now the RRoD problem is all but eradicated.KOTORkicker
Sure. Except for everyone that has yet to have one or those who have not had a new chip installed. Dont fool yourself RROD lives on.
Have fun. Are you people actually taking me seriously? Have you not noticed the way that this thread mirrors that of solidgame_basic's?
Bolded = what trolls do when they're getting owned, back out and act like they were kidding all along.
Right. I'll make it so simple. This is a JOKE THREAD. Flamebait, to make Sony Loyalists look stupid. Jeez, I'm surprised people haven't figured that out already.
But you haven't ticked us off you have just made yourself look stupid because if you don't get it by now the PS3 owns you! You love the PS3 so much that you want to talk to the owners of PS3 through threads, admit it you are PS3 lover, i bet you are sat at home now playing a PS3 just wishing thatthe Xbox etc had graphics this good and online was as easy as this, a world where you don't pay for online gaming and the future only gets brighter and brighter! Admit it you love the PS3!
Why are you trying to make it seem like I am in denial when it is plainly obvious that it is you that is in denial. + I have achieved my goal with you. Can you even see how exasperated you are getting over the whole thing?
Achieved you goal? ......... MISSION FAILED more like. OWNED.
Have fun. Are you people actually taking me seriously? Have you not noticed the way that this thread mirrors that of solidgame_basic's?
Bolded = what trolls do when they're getting owned, back out and act like they were kidding all along.
Right. I'll make it so simple. This is a JOKE THREAD. Flamebait, to make Sony Loyalists look stupid. Jeez, I'm surprised people haven't figured that out already.
No I could tell it was, it just doesn't make much sense because PS3 isn't in a game drought anymore, but 360's are still breaking...
You could say PS3 Fanboys - Why buy a system with constant delays, or Why buy a system without RPG's or something, but the games argument in general doesn't apply anymore.
[QUOTE="KOTORkicker"]In response to that other guys thread.
ps3 has many good games
resistence 1 & 2 blows halo out the water, because shooting midget aliens is not fun
motorstorm which is sweet
mgs 4 which blows splinter cell out of the water
uncharted which blows perfect dark zero out of the water
ratchet and clank which blows kameo out of the water
tekken 6 and dark ressurection which is cooler than virtua fighter or doa 4
ut3 which blows gears of war out of the water
bioshocks coming to ps3
ninja gaiden 2 wll be upgraded on ps3 one day just like ninja gaiden 1 was, plus mgs 4 is all the ninja game you need
and if you have a wii then zelda blows mass effect out of the water, plus kotor is multiplat and better
so why do you need an xbox should be the question of this thread....
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