Dang, just look at the new Gears screens.UE3.5 is such an improvement. People complain UE games look like plastic, and to some extent they do, but Gears 2 changed all that. Man, metal looks like metal and flesh looks like..flesh (or meat :P). It no longer looks shiny, not at all, which leds us to a big, BIG improvement:
The new lighting engine. I CANT BELIEVE HOW MUCH IT IMPROVED. Gears 1 practically didnt even have lighting, either it was dark, or it was shiny. This one tho, looks marvelous. Just like a movie. I would honetly say it looks on par or better to that of KZ2's. More 'realistic'? maybe not, but thats not the approach they want, they were aiming for movie-like llighting, and daaaang they got it right!
Honestly, i cant believe people who say it doesnt look better than the first. Graphics king is a more subjective matter, so im not going into that (although it already looks like MY graphics king :D). I never really like a lot Gears 1's graphics. Yes, they were awesome, but i liked way more the artstyle. This my friends, is what i would call an improvement.
Good job Epic,wait scratch that, GREAT job.
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