it will be nice and unique, but also it will propably be pretty weak puzzle game (ie it will not offer any true puzzle challenge). Crayon physics already was a bit too easy and Scribblenaut will offer even more freedom, thus it will be even easier.
I just don't see how they can actualy make a challenging and entertaining game around this concept, it seems more like a great digital toy.
Just because you can do whatever you want, it doesn't mean it will be easy. Not all of your ideas will succeed.
Nah, sure...some ideas won't suceed, but the freedom it offers will stillmake it too easy to make it a good puzzle game to me. Either it will be too easy, or it won't offer the freedom it hypes up, thus it will fail on the only thing that makes people interested in it in the first place.Now don't get me wrong, while I think it will be pretty weak game I still think it will be fun and I will surely buy it. A title doesn't need to be a great game to be a great experience, it can satisfy and entertain me in diffrent ways. Just like for example this year's Path was a pretty weak game, but a great art experience and that made it worth every cent to me, the same will propably hold true for Scribblenauts
You fail tounderstand the concept of the game. There's no obvious solution(for the ones that have obvious solutions, you are awarded for trying something original). Some seemingly obvious solutions may not turn out how you planned(the teleporter that was expected to transport little Maxwell across the shark infested waters ended up sending him to a medieval era where he was attacked by assassins). And since you can't use the same solution twice, the more you play, the harder it gets to come up with a soution, but since the game has a library containing thousands of nouns, there always is one. You just have to find it. With this mechanic, and 220 built-in levels, the game can already be confirmed to be rather challenging.
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