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Metriod is the only one I would probably play.....and if they make a quality Zelda (the last two have been meh to me).
As far as the plumer....sorry, I've had my fill of juming on mushrooms and fighting with 2d pokemon. My brother who is 14 loves it, I don't.
btw, Nintendos first party games actually compete with all of the 1st party/3rd party games MS has in the stores I run (rental wise). It's amazing to me how much of an utter failure 3rd party titles are for the Wii but the 1st party titles generate SO MUCH revenue that it makes up for it. I scratch my head when I see a store generate more Wii revenue than X360 revenue with less overall games (which has been done with the Wii).
No i had a Wii and i can honestly say i didn't enjoy any of the games i had. Except Wii Sports that was fun. I sold my Wii after their embarrassing press conference.torontomapleafsSeriously? You sold your Wii because of a press conference? Wow. What games did you have?
Maybe Guitar Hero cause the WiiMote makes funky sounds when you miss a noteFFXIII360haha just buy a normal guitar hero
Would you buy them? Yes or no and why!Newsboy
My answer is simply as THAT!!!!
Because if by any means i would like em , i would own a Wii by now. So obviously my answer is no. Not even 1 game except maybe for Fatal Frame 4 ( if its far better than PS2 older games ).
I'm a gamefan.
That said, not much in the realm of VG would make me happier then a true this gen. Zelda !
Meaning the power and abilities of PC/360/PS3 being used to make a new Zelda in the form of a sequel to WW. :D
Add to that many of "n" IP's as well.
So Yes.
PS: Need a this gen. or next gen. Shenmue as well - that would be tops.
[QUOTE="torontomapleafs"]No i had a Wii and i can honestly say i didn't enjoy any of the games i had. Except Wii Sports that was fun. I sold my Wii after their embarrassing press conference.NewsboySeriously? You sold your Wii because of a press conference? Wow. What games did you have?
I didn't sell my Wii because of the Press confrence it was kind of just the last straw. I was hoping they would show something that i could look foward too. I had SMG and Metroid Prime. I don't like Zelda and SSBB never intrested me on the GC. It was my mistake in the first place to even buy one because nintendo just milks their top franchises and i should of knew that.
Would you buy them? Yes or no and why!Newsboy
Yes, because they would b in HD, which i always wanted for my wii games, and they would just look all around better. i'd love to see a zelda with gears of war graphics, the scenery they could make would be stunning.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]I have a wii and would say without a problem that SSBB, Galaxy and No More Heroes are the only games on it worth buying.6matt6
Zelda TP but because thats on GC its not counted? Just making sure here.
I played it on the gamecube. If you didnt own one and have a wii, sure.
I have a wii and would say without a problem that SSBB, Galaxy and No More Heroes are the only games on it worth buying.Ninja-HippoMetroid prime 3?
Animal Crossing. It was the only game the I played on the Cube. I would buy it for the PS3 so the I could hook my PSP to the PS3 like the gameboy to the Cube.
if they were on the ps3/360 then obviously the games would be better. but i still wouldnt buy them because the games would still suck compared to other ps3/360 titles. except for zelda and metroid games. no mario this and that either.
but if ps3/360 games were on the wii, then nintendo fans would def pick it up i noe that. but the games would be in lower level than their original versions of ps3/360 though.
As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Stevo_the_gameragain metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.
nope. not any more. IMO nintendo games this gen just aren't even close to what they pulled off with the gamecube.
and please note before calling me a fanboy my favorite system last gen was the cube.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Shinobishyguyagain metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.
But not worth $50 for sure. It wouldve been if it had good online with at least 16 playes....o wait i forgot wii isnt good at taking games online. nvm.
nope. not any more. IMO nintendo games this gen just aren't even close to what they pulled off with the gamecube.
and please note before calling me a fanboy my favorite system last gen was the cube.
not ps2 or xbox!?
again metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.DirtyHorse
But not worth $50 for sure. It wouldve been if it had good online with at least 16 playes....o wait i forgot wii isnt good at taking games online. nvm.
does thie phrase "quality single player expereince" mean anything to you?Metroid prime isn't your run of the mill shooter.
[QUOTE="DirtyHorse"]again metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Shinobishyguy
But not worth $50 for sure. It wouldve been if it had good online with at least 16 playes....o wait i forgot wii isnt good at taking games online. nvm.
does thie phrase "quality single player expereince" mean anything to you?Metroid prime isn't your run of the mill shooter.
Yes the quality of metroid 3 isnt worth $50. i am not going to pull out half a $100 just for a short single player game no matter how good it is. Unless it was MGS4 epic good and even this game has online for $60. now you tell me wats worth more.
All ps3/360 games are worth more than the wii games are worth.
[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]I have a wii and would say without a problem that SSBB, Galaxy and No More Heroes are the only games on it worth buying.6matt6
Zelda TP but because thats on GC its not counted? Just making sure here.
Twilight Princess is a GameCube game so it doesn't count. There's no graphical difference between the GameCube and Wii versions. You can get a GameCube cheap nowadays for like $30 at GameStop. And in my opinion the GameCube has a much better selection.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Shinobishyguyagain metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.Maybe to you it is.
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Stevo_the_gameragain metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.Maybe to you it is. considering that metroid prime 1 is one of your top 10 favorite games I don't see why you wouldn't give MP3 a shot.
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="DirtyHorse"]again metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.DirtyHorse
But not worth $50 for sure. It wouldve been if it had good online with at least 16 playes....o wait i forgot wii isnt good at taking games online. nvm.
does thie phrase "quality single player expereince" mean anything to you?Metroid prime isn't your run of the mill shooter.
Yes the quality of metroid 3 isnt worth $50. i am not going to pull out half a $100 just for a short single player game no matter how good it is. Unless it was MGS4 epic good and even this game has online for $60. now you tell me wats worth more.
All ps3/360 games are worth more than the wii games are worth.
this is the stupidest statement I've ever heard.So lair is worth more than Galaxy becasue it's on the ps3
So hour of victory is worht more than brawl becasue it's on the 360?
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]As a PS3 and Xbox 360 owner, I would pick up SMG and Brawl alone. I see no other worthwhile titles on the Wii that interest me.Shinobishyguyagain metroid prime 3 is more than worth while.Maybe to you it is. considering that metroid prime 1 is one of your top 10 favorite games I don't see why you wouldn't give MP3 a shot. It's on the Wii - I hear too much has changed from Metroid Prime and Echoes. And not to mention playing it with a Wii mote doesn't interest me at all.
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