[QUOTE="Vaasman"]You've missed the point entirely. It isn't about the video editor itself, it's about how easy and accessable it's been made. With Halo 3 you just go into any recent game just like that, without having to conciously start any recording, and you can take pictures without any other program, which is then automatically posted online for you and your friends to see. People seem to forget Halo 3isn't just rated really high because it's fun and accessable, but because it offers a huge array of community options for every piece of in game content, while still being cheap and user friendly.Velocitas8
If that's the case, then you're aruging against something that I wasn't even contending.
Basically, the conversation went like this:
>Someone in the thread implies Halo is not derivative by implementing theater + forge features.
>I make the point that the above features are not really original to Halo, even if they're new to consoles.
>You bring up community and ease of use.
See? I'm not in disagreement with you.
The bottom line though is that this means Halo 3 does something unique. It isn't like they reinvented the wheel or anything, but they at least went for something a little new and different. This is where Uncharted 2 lacks. I would be stunned if I found out Uncharted 2 has some gameplay or content that hasn't been tried and tested in some other recently released title. I mean to be fun a game doesn't have to introduce a whole new mechanic, but geeze you could at least freaking try to be different in one way from other titles. Of course I'm not saying Uncharted 2 is bad, far from it, I just think this whole "buh halo 3 does nothing unique either" argument is completely bogus, like most other stupid fanboy arguments. It's especially bogus because the game scored a freaking 9.3! If the game gets a 9.3 and some very slight complaints it does not warrant the complete **** fest launched at GT.
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