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Don't hate it, just think 2 sucked and Raiden is the pinnicle of lulz when it comes to new characters that are nothing but tools. Thank god 3 was Snake and this one will be Solid Snake.
[QUOTE="theflash118"]I just don't like the fanboys of the series, the game will be good regardless of if you defend it or not.bstarter29
There's a big difference between true fans of the series and the MGS fanboys that plague most of the internet.
Yeah the MGS fanboys are annoying, praising the graphics and gameplay. At least we praise what is needed to be praised: A Kick butt story!!!!!!
Don't hate it, just think 2 sucked and Raiden is the pinnicle of lulz when it comes to new characters that are nothing but tools. Thank god 3 was Snake and this one will be Solid Snake.
You do know that the whole plot revolved on the fact that he was Actually a Tool?
[QUOTE="hairy_bubblegum"]Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.tonythestudent
I agree.
i dont agree o-o
People who'd played MGS know its not THAT much of a sneaking game, you can do it either way, its just you'll die more often if you do it Rambo style.
It's not like Splinter Cell where if you get caught you gotta start over, and stuff like that. (I love Splinter Cell though)
Actually there are parts in the game where you will fail if you are detected, as well as options in starting the game to set if alarms equal failure.
Anyway its all in tastes and opinions, its a great title for some like us, and not sure much for others.
[QUOTE="liberty71441"]i dont like borefest games thats allPSBox3SixWi
whats the last MGS you played?
[QUOTE="PSBox3SixWi"][QUOTE="liberty71441"]i dont like borefest games thats allliberty71441
whats the last MGS you played?
ok so 5 minutes of play time gives you enough experience to deem the whole series a borefest? ok you one of those people that just hate it.
Hmm.. there are a number of reasons.
On SW.. of course its an exclusive so it will recieve some hate for that.
On the other hand, some people just do not like stealth games or its story. When I was maybe 13/14 or middle school age, I hated MGS1 the first time I played it, and thought it was boring, lame, slow and a lot of reading and watching. Probably only reached raven in the tank then stopped. As I developed more as a gamer (got into JRPGS/RTS other than all action games) and a person who started to enjoy/appreciate more forms of entertainment such as reading mystery and fictional novels, I tried MGS again. Sure enough, I enjoyed the game this time around. That being said, I think you just have to develop a taste for its unique story mixing reality with 'what ifs' and have the patience to 'play' the game.
some gamers mature ;)
Others continue to play checkers, thinking chess is to complex and boring.
Don't worry, there will always be a FPS with 3 hours of game play out there for the ADD society.
Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.hairy_bubblegumno because clearly there could be mgs fans that do not like ps3 (like myself)
i would say its because they dont like sneaking games...
I don't like it for being fake. Your all oh yeah this is cool sneekin and whatnot but then BAM theres a **** vampire or a super homoerotic move or referance. It's all "tactical espionage" but you can run and gun as well if not better than you can sneek. You watch as much as you play and to top it all off the controls leave a good chunk to be desired.
Also Kojima is so far up himself now that I cant take him seriously.
I'm not a hater, I just don't think its really all its hyped up to be. Its just not as good as people convince themselves that it is.iamright05
Fact is, to some people the game really is that good. It all depends on what kind of games you like and what elements make the game personally worthwhile.
[QUOTE="hairy_bubblegum"]Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.TMontana1004
...or we are just happy with our current library or just don't like stealth games.
Problem is lemmings are crazy about Splinter Cell, must like a bit the Stealth games :)
However i am sure that fanboys bash MGSIV solely because its a PS3 exlusive...
[QUOTE="Nedemis"][QUOTE="donwoogie"]The Xbox crowd mostly seem to be of the opinion that the Splinter Cell series is better for stealth games.
I'd much rather play the Splinter Cell franchise simply because the stealth aspect feels more life like and I'm given the ability to go full out Rambo in the game as an alternative course of action. The story is much better IMO as well seeing how it's based more closely to real life possibilities as well.
I feel the same way as far as gameplay goes. On the other hand, I really don't pay attention to which story is better.hmm i liked alot splinter cell more than mgs i think =o , atleats more than the mgs2 that was crap xD.
Indiana jones ftw :D
The first Splinter Cell I played did have much better stealth elements. That's a fact.
Point proven..............
Cows are victims of their own hype. Metal Gear games are no more "system sellers" than Splinter Cell games are. MGS4 will be very good, if not fantastic. However, 50% of Cow threads talk about how great the graphics are, when other games look just as impressive (GeOW 2) or even more impresive (NG2).Do you honestly believe that MGS is a BAD game? or do you thing that its at least a good game that you just dont care for, for any reason such as story, or gameplay etc.
for either opinion, could you explain why you feel this way?
On top of that, COWs go off on how "You can't play MGS4 on the 360 because it needs teh Blu-Ray". That's probably true, but wouldn't have been if there weren't NINE HOURS of CGI in the game (seriously, that's like watching all three directors cuts of the Lord of the Rings movies).
And add to all of that... you cannot go one day in SW without someone making a tread about MGS4!!!!
Unbiased - I have a 360, Wii, and PS3.
I feel its VASTLY overatted and has some of the worst gameplay mechanics' and overdramatic stroy's ever. Im going to list the things that arent stealt:
Hiding in a box
Vision cones
Hiding Under a Desk
Hiding in a Locker
Scripted patrol routes
Adult magazines
How could kojima honestly put stealth in his title with so many un-stealth like gameplay mechanics ?Atleast SC tried to e stealthy with use of shadow's and lighting. The only thing good about Movie Gear Solid is the production value of the graphics,Music and cutscenes other then that its pretty much garbage.
[QUOTE="tonythestudent"][QUOTE="hairy_bubblegum"]Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.the-obiwan
I agree.
i dont agree o-o
I agre, heres the proof.
remember a year back, SW wwas FULL of forums saying "MGS4 comes to 360" and lems kept on boasting about how sony lost another exclusive, saying MGS4 would be amazing and that they would get to play it.
Then as we all relaised that MGS4 was not coming to the 360 lems suddenly went to damage control and said that MGS4 was rubbish.
Personally I cant wait for the game I have played 1 and 2, I am borrowing 3 then I will play 4, so far its been amazing.
MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
You do realize you have no idea what you are talking about, right?
[QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
no they dont, ps3 has 7 cores while 360 has 3, ps3 has a HDD while 360 has none, ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD.
and yes MSG4 is way more than 20h, so as i said it is the first of many to come...
Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.hairy_bubblegumI dont think that is the real reason. I think that the haters know its a AAA title but they dont want to admit it.
[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD
What is a large Blu-ray? Is a large blu-ray big as vinyl discs?[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
no they dont, ps3 has 7 cores while 360 has 3, ps3 has a HDD while 360 has none, ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD.
and yes MSG4 is way more than 20h, so as i said it is the first of many to come...
NOT 7 cores 7 data streams! must i explain the cell's arcitechture to you? and the 360 has got HDD, just not standard. and your 'seven cores are better than 3' argument, go tell that to the head of AMD who recently published an article de-bunking this 'more cores is better' myth. so you very very wrong. lenth has nothing to do with power.
'first of more to come' just wait? :lol:
hmmm it seems like an epic game.......ruined by the lame gimmicks like nude mags, portable barrels and boxes, it just ruins the game for memingo123Same here the stupid things like that ruined the expereince for me when I was playing MGS1 I honestly dot see how throwing an "adult magazine" on the floor is stealth :roll:
[QUOTE="samiup"][QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
no they dont, ps3 has 7 cores while 360 has 3, ps3 has a HDD while 360 has none, ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD.
and yes MSG4 is way more than 20h, so as i said it is the first of many to come...
NOT 7 cores 7 data streams! must i explain the cell's arcitechture to you? and the 360 has got HDD, just not standard. and your 'seven cores are better than 3' argument, go tell that to the head of AMD who recently published an article de-bunking this 'more cores is better' myth. so you very very wrong. lenth has nothing to do with power.
'first of more to come' just wait? :lol:
call them seven cookies if you like, but still doesnt change the fact that the ps3 has 7 while the 360 has 3. the ps3 can handle at least twice as many objects as a 360 or the same nuber of objects with twice the speed or the resolution.
i liked MGS1 on the PS1. but it just went downhill for me afther that to be honest. cutscenes are too long. the story is overly complicated and it feels like a series of games that wants to be a series of movies imho.
i can see why ppl like it, its a very cinematic game and it does have alot of interesting characters and a story thats, how shall i put it?, rich....but for me the series just lost it after the PS1 game imho. i have respect for kojima and his work....but i dont agree with his meathods to be honest.
now im not going to say that the series is crap or anything. it consistently scores and sells well. its just not my cuppa anymore..hasnt been for a long time.
as for looks great but it also looks like fan service. if u like the series then MGS4 will probably be amazing for u. but i dont think its going to convert people like me though.
Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.hairy_bubblegum
Pretty much. Like Devil May Cry 4. Notice..they DIDN'T hate it cause they were getting it?
[QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"][QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
no they dont, ps3 has 7 cores while 360 has 3, ps3 has a HDD while 360 has none, ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD.
and yes MSG4 is way more than 20h, so as i said it is the first of many to come...
NOT 7 cores 7 data streams! must i explain the cell's arcitechture to you? and the 360 has got HDD, just not standard. and your 'seven cores are better than 3' argument, go tell that to the head of AMD who recently published an article de-bunking this 'more cores is better' myth. so you very very wrong. lenth has nothing to do with power.
'first of more to come' just wait? :lol:
call them seven cookies if you like, but still doesnt change the fact that the ps3 has 7 while the 360 has 3. the ps3 can handle at least twice as many objects as a 360 or the same nuber of objects with twice the speed or the resolution.
my god you are wrong, the 360 has 3 cores each of which can run 2 data threads so thats 6, and thats only the processor. the 360 has a better GPU than the ps3 thus making up for the cell. they both only have 256MB of videao RAM in them so the ps3 CANNOT render at twice the speed or number of objects or resolution. infact the ps3 tends to run at lower resolution because its better at other things like post-processing!!!! ARG!!! you utter noob!
i liked MGS1 on the PS1. but it just went downhill for me afther that to be honest. cutscenes are too long. the story is overly complicated and it feels like a series of games that wants to be a series of movies imho.
i can see why ppl like it, its a very cinematic game and it does have alot of interesting characters and a story thats, how shall i put it?, rich....but for me the series just lost it after the PS1 game imho. i have respect for kojima and his work....but i dont agree with his meathods to be honest.
now im not going to say that the series is crap or anything. it consistently scores and sells well. its just not my cuppa anymore..hasnt been for a long time.
as for looks great but it also looks like fan service. if u like the series then MGS4 will probably be amazing for u. but i dont think its going to convert people like me though.
Lol, I welcomed cutscenes in MGS2 after having watched those loooooooooooooooong codec sequences in MGS1. I swear there must have been a few 15minute+ codec conversations! Don't get me wrong, I wasn't fussed at the time, but after it was shifted to cutscenes in MGS2, I wasn't going to miss the long codec messages.
I think MGS 2 and 3 were okay games, with terrible stories and gameplay that, while solid, didn't stack up to Splinter Cell. That said, I'm really enjoying MGS:PO so far, and MGS 4 looks like they're trying to remedy some of what's wrong with MGS 2 and 3 (the incredibly flat levels broken into chunks, for example). Now, if they'd give us something to work with in the stealth department (less predictable guards and some shadows instead of "memorize the pattern, and look for the stuff to crawl on/spot to knock on the wall/locker to hide in") and tone down the silliness in the story (a severed limb possessing its new host - come on now, really?), I'd probably enjoy the game a great deal more.
[QUOTE="samiup"][QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"][QUOTE="thegoldenpoo"][QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
what?! thats so wrong... the ps3 and 360 have roughly the same power. and 'long content?' has there even been a ps3 exclusive longer than 20hours? honestly uninformed people these days....
MGSIV WOULD be possible on 360. BTW its seven streams not cores.
no they dont, ps3 has 7 cores while 360 has 3, ps3 has a HDD while 360 has none, ps3 has a large BluRay while 360 has a imple old fashion DVD.
and yes MSG4 is way more than 20h, so as i said it is the first of many to come...
NOT 7 cores 7 data streams! must i explain the cell's arcitechture to you? and the 360 has got HDD, just not standard. and your 'seven cores are better than 3' argument, go tell that to the head of AMD who recently published an article de-bunking this 'more cores is better' myth. so you very very wrong. lenth has nothing to do with power.
'first of more to come' just wait? :lol:
call them seven cookies if you like, but still doesnt change the fact that the ps3 has 7 while the 360 has 3. the ps3 can handle at least twice as many objects as a 360 or the same nuber of objects with twice the speed or the resolution.
my god you are wrong, the 360 has 3 cores each of which can run 2 data threads so thats 6, and thats only the processor. the 360 has a better GPU than the ps3 thus making up for the cell. they both only have 256MB of videao RAM in them so the ps3 CANNOT render at twice the speed or number of objects or resolution. infact the ps3 tends to run at lower resolution because its better at other things like post-processing!!!! ARG!!! you utter noob!
read little bit before saying nonsense :
[QUOTE="samiup"]MSG4 is just the first of a wave of games that wouldnt be possible on 360 because of hardware limitations.
those kind of graphics with that number of objects and the long content are simply too much for the 360 to handle , thats the hard fact, the 360 has reached its max while the ps3 7 cores and BluRay are just starting to be exploited by developers.
You do realize you have no idea what you are talking about, right?
no, i do realize you have no idea about what im talking about.
Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.hairy_bubblegum
If it ends up not being eight hours as rumored then they will have a reason to be jealous.
[QUOTE="hairy_bubblegum"]Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.cosmostein77
If it ends up not being eight hours as rumored then they will have a reason to be jealous.
It's said by the World first review it's 29 hours he took, and that's without spending ages doing side things or MGO.
[QUOTE="cosmostein77"][QUOTE="hairy_bubblegum"]Most are just jealous that MGS4 is exclusive to the PS3. They won't admit it, but deep inside, that's the real reason.thrones
If it ends up not being eight hours as rumored then they will have a reason to be jealous.
It's said by the World first review it's 29 hours he took, and that's without spending ages doing side things or MGO.
you can keep telling them that but thE haters/FANBOYS will always have **** on their ears
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