I do not disagree with everything said, I disagree with the kind of future alot of the people with this agenda wants. I also do disagree with some of his points.
I would want more diversity in games, I do NOT want the kind of games we have not to be altered or changed, on average that "block" of people want it all changed. I simply want additions.
Alot of the points they make only seem to cover AAA games, since alot of indie annd lower tier games does indeed have a more varied representation. So basicly I feel they often Refer to the AAA industry in general? Even within the AAA industry they are often called wrong tough, and by stats they are, the amount of women that Works in the field is increasing, likely at the same pace as more women gets interrested in gaming.
I do NOT want politacally correctness in gaming, the artistic vision of the makers are sacret, if they offend, then let them offend, it is not up to anyone to question that, all we should do is simply judge the product as a Whole. Just like I dont want politically corectness in movies or music, or books, even art. Political correctness would kill off the genre just you Watch.
I want the best people to get the jobs in the industry, I do not care about the gender, it is as simple as that.
About female gamers? well my steamlist have around 33% women, across a wide range of games. I rarely see those getting harassed, mainly because in games the gender, physical ability and to a certain point mental ability is completely irellavant. The skills in the game is all that matters. I am quite certain most have the same views, since there is rarely questions about them when we play, no comments about thier sex, or skills, all that matters is that they can fill the roles they chose. They are simply the team mate to the right or left of you, that you need to have faith in.
The overwhelmingly negative reaction some people get to what these people state, and the outright will to even engage in conversations or debates with them, is odd. While I dispise some of the methods they have used, if the net is to be believed, they are no better then the naysayers that act like religious fanatics screaming "Blaspemy" with all their might. Conversation to begin with would likely have made this a very different subject overall, with a very different tone.
But to be honest alot of this conflict have been 2 sides equally fanatical standing on each side of a fence, screaming and threatening, Pathetic.
Add to that that alot of the conflict have been about the subterfuging of some media outlets and the distrust of said media outlets, and you have a clusterfuck.
BTW: I agreed with most of his reviews ;)
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