10.Super Smash Bros. Brawl --------------- Nintendo Wii.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl was the most hyped game of all time. It, however, turned out to be Super Smash Bros. Melee with graphics of higher quality. The acclamation that it was granted, however, was unbelievable.
09.The Gran Turismo name --------------- Sony PlayStation.
Look, the PlayStation lovers love to state that this is the greatest racing series of all time. This, on the other hand, is reality: Forza and Forza 2 scored higher than the two latest Gran Turismo games. Forza 3 attained a 9.5. For what reason is Gran Turismo 5 being hyped, exactly? They act as if it's an A-bomb that will eradicate the entire world population once released.
08.The God of War brand --------------- Sony PlayStation.
OK - I'm not fond of this franchise, but you don't need to be in order to discover how much undeserving praise this one gets. The majority would agree that God of War "owns" Gears of War - I really don't need to say more.
06.Killzone 2 --------------- Sony PlayStation 3.
Sony fans state that this is the Halo killer and one of the greatest games in the first-person shooter genre. Do you need more? :lol: If it weren't for the graphics, this game wouldn't have been hyped - at all.
05.Super Mario Galaxy --------------- Nintendo Wii.
Super Mario Galaxy is a good adventure game, but taking into account that it lacks original characters, an original plot and gorgeous graphics, it is not worthy of a 9.5, and it's not one of the best games ever, like Nintendo fans like to claim.
04.The Uncharted series --------------- Sony PlayStation 3.
Just like Metal Gear Solid 4, the Sony geeks passionately hates anyone who happens to dislike the Uncharted series. They state Uncharted 2 is the most excellent game ever, but what they probably did was return the game after completing the campaign once. Yes, it's a good adventure game, but the best game ever? :lol:
03.Anything Half-Life-related --------------- PC.
Yes, it's revolutionary, but do I truly need to give a reason for this? Here on System Wars, it seems to be a fact that Half-Life is the best first-person shooter ever. You're not entitled to your own opinion. I wouldn't be astounded if a moderator suspended you for claiming that you hold Halo superior.
02.The Metal Gear Solid franchise --------------- Sony PlayStation.
Without question, the Metal Gear Solid franchise is one of the most overrated here on System Wars. You can't criticize it properly without being bashed to death. The majority of the Sony nerds state Metal Gear Solid 4 is the best game ever, but it's just a relatively good third-person shooter accompanied by charming graphics, an atrocious multiplayer and a weird story line. Not to mention the lazy controls and the load times.
01.Crysis --------------- PC.
This is perhaps the most overrated game of all time. It has been discussed to death. PC enthusiasts state it's the one of the most unique and revolutionary first-person shooters of all time, but what they're talking about is the graphics only. How many gamers till play it today? It didn't possess a multiplayer good enough to please the players after they finished the low-quality campaign. The characters are shallow and the plot is generic. You think you deserve this, Crytek?
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