10. Diablo 3
9. Neverwinter Nights
8. Sins of A Solar Empire
7. Black & White
6. StarCraft 2
5. WarCraft Series
4. Total War Series
3. City of Heroes
2. Baldur's Gate
1. World of WarCraft
Out of these the only games I think can work out are 9, 7, 3, 2 & 1.
They have the wrong idea entirely. We should have console games going to PC.
Warcraft, Starcraft, Black and White, Total War would be absolutely broken on consoles.
WoW and CoH have control schemes which require dozens of macro keys. Dozens. You get into a fight and literally type down the number keys like you're playing down a piano.
Just....foolish, foolish, foolish. Diablo 3 MIGHT work, but poorly, due to the point-and-click.
All of this stuff is just really awful dreaming. It would require a massive reworking of control and game design to even make it possible...
And none of this reworking is necessary. Keep it on the superior platform, and leave it as complex. Start moving software up so that we can expand its complexity and its uniqueness instead of degrading everything by putting it on consoles.
Macros, hotkeys, controlling huge armies...gigantic micromanagement and tiny micromanagement...imagine watching the professional gamers try to play against console counterparts on Warcraft 3. It would be crushing.
Like FPS' 'couldn't work on consoles' now some of the most ambitious, memorable and acclaimed FPS originated on consoles and/or are availible on consoles or soon to be availible.
Now RTS' are taking the same route FPS' did 10 years ago. I wonder what other genre you blistering fanboys can cry about once you realise the line between console/PC is starting to deminish.
And look how it ended for FPSes, the whole genre turned into ultra-slow, almost sluggish games, with lack of sharp aiming and hardly any vertical action. That's the result of console FPSes becoming popular.
Fortunately it looks like what was a success with FPS genre completely failed with RTSes, so far all of them have been flopping both commercialy and criticaly compared to PC versions. From upcoming RTSes there's only RedAlert3, after that there are ZERO annouced PC RTSes coming to consoles. The initiative completely failed. Now devs are trying to make console-only RTSes (altough this doesn't have anything to do with the list then, as it's about PC games on consoles), if this also fails... it will be the end for console strategy games for at least a decade
Youre forgetting one important aspect: MARKETING BRAINWASH
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