top 10 reasons the xbox360 is a pice of crap

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#1 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

I did not write this and i dont agree with some of them.

10. The Brick and Various Mechanical Problems (TBVMP for short)

TBVMP are mostly an aesthetic issue, albeit a fairly nonsensical one. One such issue is over-heating. The 360 DOES GET HOT. It is within safety standards, but those standards apply to people that know what kind of an environment a sensitive electronic device should be within. That means that if you play in a stuffy little room with no AC and like to drape stuff over your 360, you are BEGGING for an accident. Other problems are primarily disc scratching and glitches (addressed here: Keep in mind that the percentage of actual complaints (as reported to MS) was below 3-5%. Furthermore, the number of mechanical problems can only go down over time. The brick refers to the power bar, which is a huge piece of junk that weighs 6 pounds plus gravity (with apologies to original author of that phrase).

Should You Buy Factor: 1/5 - All consoles have glitches and problems with scratching (goodness knows my PS2 does it). As long as you are well informed as to how to treat your console, keep it in a cool room, and don't care about a butt-ugly brick, this shouldn't be a decision maker. Since these are all problems with first gen machines, we should see some improvement.

9. Sony PLAYSTATION3(PS3) and Nintendo Wii *cough* Phantom *cough*
This is in fact a valid reason not to get an Xbox 360. Many people can not afford to buy more than one console. As such, waiting for the PS3 and the Wii are a valid reason to not buy a 360. Not a great one though, so it gets plunked down to number ten.

Should You Buy Factor: 2/5 - You are better off looking for a comparison sheet than a top 10 worst list for an opinion about buying any of the three systems. If you can only buy one console though, you're better off waiting to see what all three will get you.

8. The Price
Yes it 'costs less than the PS3', but $299 (for the core system) and $399 are still a heck of a lot over the $200 sweet spot. If you are looking for a cheap console the 360 is not it. If you want to push the system to its limit you will need an HDTV as well, which will cost you at minimum another 300 dollars. You may not need it, but not having it mostly defeats the point. Dead Rising has become somewhat infamous for assuming players had HD, and having unreadable text (they said they would fix it, but something else will come up eventually). Furthermore, games will set you roughly $10 above the equivalent current gen game.

Should You Buy Factor: 3/5 - If cost is a factor for you, then this is a reason not to buy. Regardless of what fans may say, down the line an HDTV will be needed to tap the full potential of this machine. As it doesn't need an HDTV Wii will cost the least of the big 3, but at the cost of power and graphics. However, it must be noted that this uses the Wii as a bottom level. In terms of next generation systems, the 360 can best be described as a medium cost machine.

7. XBOX Live
I'm not knocking it, Live is an awesome service. I love the whole idea, and I makes the online experience seamlessly smooth.
But. Two big problems. Number 1: 'I PW3ND U NOOB!' 'I KICKED YOU A$$ LOSER!!" - If you haven't heard that at least once, I need to hang out with you on Live. There are too many people that use the anonymity of Live to trash talk to their inner six year old's content. Sony might get it better, but I doubt it. Nintendo looks (as far as I can tell from wi-fi) to have fixed the problem, but at the expense of friend codes.

Number 2: MicroPayments. The bane of gamers anywhere. Some readers may remember the fiasco with Oblivion's horse armor. In short, MicroPayment requires that you pay to download content for your games. Not only does this encourage price gouging, but pre-releasing as well. Pre-Releasing is releasing a game before it is finished and patching all the problems, or releasing a game with bare-bones and then releasing 'exclusive' content that was originally meant to be in the game, except now it costs you extra money. As of yet, only Nintendo has taken an official 'we frown on micropayments' stance.

Should You Buy Factor: 3/5 - You can avoid both of these problems fairly easily, so they shouldn't be too much of a factor. You simply don't buy MicroPayments. The trash talking may be a little more difficult to avoid, especially on an open chat, but finding private games can't be too hard. If you're buying for a kid..... go buy a Wii.

6. 2 SKU's
When the XBOX came out, one of the lauded proponents of the system was the built in hard drive. Since every Xbox came with a drive, developers could build knowing that drive was there. This meant that the xbox, more than any other current gen system, was far and above in terms of raw speed. Publishers could depend on using fast access memory by downloading content to the drive. Furthermore, downloadable content is only available if you have a drive to download to! Hence the consternation when Microsoft released the core system without a hard-drive.

Should You Buy Factor: 3/5 This is a big knock against the 360, more for developers than anything, as they will not be able to be sure of gamers being able to download content. If you don't get a core you can get past the download problems though, and since the core can be outfitted with a hard-drive publishers may be willing to say: must have hard-drive to play.

5. Lack of Japanese Games.
There are a large number of games that can only come from our neighbors in the orient. Katamari, ico, and who knows what else would not be available if we did not have the ingenuity(craziness?) that is required to make games like that. The XBOX 360 seriously lacks those games at the moment, and dare I say it, permanently. The Japanese do NOT like the 360, and as such Japanese developers will NOT makes games for the 360 unless it will be a surefire hit in other countries.

Should You Buy Factor: 2(4)/5 - If you are wanting crazy/original/licensed games from japan, then the (4) refers to you. Wait for the PS3 since that is where most of Asian games are going to come from. If you aren't interested in JRPGS or the next 'Shadow of the Colossus', then this holds quite a bit less weight.

4. Backwards Compatibility
Good old Peter. 'Nobody is concerned anymore about backwards compatibility' Moore really needs to work on the whole removing foot from mouth thing. This is a HUGE reason to hold off on buying that 360. A large number of XBOX games are not, and will not be, 360 capable. The list of compatible games as of June is here:

Should You Buy Factor: 4/5 - Many of you reading likely bought hundreds of dollars of games for your xbox. Also likely is that none of you are going to want to have a 360 and an xbox around the house. However, you might have some game that you want to still play that ISNT backwards compatible yet. This is a huge strike against the 360, but not big enough to make the top 3. Sony of course will be compatible, but thats part of what that monster price tag is, and Wii has the Virtual Console.

3. Coming to a computer near you...
Microsoft has become quite famous for releasing the mega-popular hits from the XBOX to the PC. What does this mean as a gamer? That all those amazing 360 exclusives that you lauded will soon be available to every person with a pc. Except that the PC port will invariably be faster, prettier, and better than the 360 version. In contrast, all the amazing games for the ps3 and wii will NEVER be coming to that pc, no matter how long you wait (cause emulators are illegal right. riiiiight????).

Should You Buy Factor: 5/5 Why bother shelling out money for a console when you can play the same games, but better, on your pc down the road. Of course, most games aren't ported to the PC, but most of those games have IDENTICAL counterparts either on the PS3, the Wii, or the PC. Remember, this is an exclusivity thing, and the XBOX does not have a lock on that. If you have some counters, please list them and ill post them, but keep it clean.

2. The HD-DVD drive will cost you a good $200
Breaking news. Always a wonderful thing to hear. Given that the PS3 is bundling blu-ray with it, the cost of the non-core 360 with an HD-DVD and a high end PS3 are both going to be..... $599.99!!!!Should You Buy Factor: 5/5 If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed. That's a big ouch, but not as big an ouch as bumping the cost up to a PS3. That means the Wii60 (buying a 360 and a Wii for the cost of a PS3) goes right out the window. Furthermore, publishers will now have to take into account that they don't know that gamers have the hd-dvd drive, and may have to shell out $200 to get it. The PS3 in contrast will all have blu-ray on it, so publishers can use it no problem.

1. The Games
Face it, the 360 is a gaming machine. Regardless of if you buy it to play dvds, or hd-dvds or whatever, the point remains that it is a GAMING RIG. As such the most important aspect of a buy is games. Regardless of what you may personally feel about the console wars, the point remains that the games on each machine WILL BE DIFFERENT. There will be 360 exclusives, and there will be PS3 exclusives, and there will be games on both (and there will be Wii games). If I was running a top 10 list, the first point would be the same. It comes down to your taste in games, and that is what makes a game console. If I were to put: it has too many shooters/racing/fighting games, i'd be flamed cause thats not true, and if I put it has no rpgs/adventure games/puzzle games thats not true either. However, it may be that the 360 does not have the games you are looking for, and that is what it comes down to.

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#2 dudy80
Member since 2004 • 1787 Posts
Almost none of them are valid points....
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#3 GarchomPro
Member since 2007 • 2914 Posts
I will admit i didnt read it, but i dont much care of the xbox, so good post :D
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#4 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

Almost none of them are valid points....dudy80


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#5 Kestastrophe
Member since 2005 • 4354 Posts
Why are "The Games" the #1 reason why the 360 is a piece of crap? This is FAIL
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#6 himankz
Member since 2007 • 99 Posts
Well I got the xbox 360, aint so appealing to it. I agree with you for most of those reasons, but I wouldnt say its totally a piece of garbage, but I'd have to say the PS3 is 10x more better, I've played it at my freinds house its just so amazing. I'd have to grab one for sure. But overall I agree.
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#7 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

Why are "The Games" the #1 reason why the 360 is a piece of crap? This is FAILKestastrophe!

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#8 limpbizkit818
Member since 2004 • 15044 Posts
For number 7, you can mute anyone in online games. That eliminates your point.
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#9 Kestastrophe
Member since 2005 • 4354 Posts

[QUOTE="Kestastrophe"]Why are "The Games" the #1 reason why the 360 is a piece of crap? This is FAILoscarVD!

I did read it. Having a "different taste in games" is not a valid point when declaring something a piece of crap.

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#10 Sedin44
Member since 2007 • 1171 Posts
Hardware issues should be number 1. MS said it themselves that EVERY 360 is defective.
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#11 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

[QUOTE="Kestastrophe"]Why are "The Games" the #1 reason why the 360 is a piece of crap? This is FAILKestastrophe!

I did read it. Having a "different taste in games" is not a valid point when declaring something a piece of crap.

Good point

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#12 KirbyFan10101
Member since 2005 • 890 Posts

If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed.

This is seven kinds of stupid. What the HELL does a HD-DVD player have to do with video gaming?

This list is just fanboy drivel.

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#13 bri360
Member since 2005 • 2755 Posts
All those points sound like a 6 year old PS3 fanboy thought them up, only one that makes a valid reason, but wont be one in a couple months when they fix it is the harware problems.
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#14 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts
Give me one reason why I should care for what this person has to say?
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#15 Little_Dong
Member since 2007 • 89 Posts
Whats a pice?
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#16 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed.

This is seven kinds of stupid. What the HELL does a HD-DVD player have to do with video gaming?

This list is just fanboy drivel.


WELL....dosent the ps3 uses Blue ray

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#17 Little_Dong
Member since 2007 • 89 Posts

Well I got the xbox 360, aint so appealing to it. I agree with you for most of those reasons, but I wouldnt say its totally a piece of garbage, but I'd have to say the PS3 is 10x more better, I've played it at my freinds house its just so amazing. I'd have to grab one for sure. But overall I agree.himankz

Why do you have game reviews for the PS3 if you own a 360, somebody isn't being honest here.

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#18 barnthepirate
Member since 2007 • 184 Posts
Even though its a piece of crap, its a good piece of crap. I enjoy my piece of crap and the piece of crap games, so hate on haters cause the S$%T& so funky it stanks.
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#19 Little_Dong
Member since 2007 • 89 Posts

If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed.

This is seven kinds of stupid. What the HELL does a HD-DVD player have to do with video gaming?

This list is just fanboy drivel.


WELL....dosent the ps3 uses Blue ray

It uses Blu-ray and I don't think you made this thread , I think you copied and pasted it since your grammar suffers in the title and your posts

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#20 Saturos3091
Member since 2005 • 14937 Posts

Number 1: 'I PW3ND U NOOB!' 'I KICKED YOU A$$ LOSER!!"


I haven't heard that, but that's because I don't play games like Halo or Gears of War (at least not after the first patch).

The mega-popular hits going to PC doesn't bother me, because I got them on 360 first, and my current PC can't run anything made since 2003 (soon to get a new PC). The HD-DVD issues don't bother me either, as I don't use an HDTV to play my 360. The cost of the 360 is fine, XBL is a great service (if you meet the right people), and there are decent japanese games coming to the 360 (Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, etc.) The games currently out on it are fine, and games like Mass Effect, Bioshock etc. will be great in the future.
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#21 oscarVD
Member since 2006 • 650 Posts

If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed.

This is seven kinds of stupid. What the HELL does a HD-DVD player have to do with video gaming?

This list is just fanboy drivel.


WELL....dosent the ps3 uses Blue ray

It uses Blu-ray and I don't think you made this thread , I think you copied and pasted it since your grammar suffers in the title and your posts


ANd you are going to get banned from this forum pretty soon...if you don'tchange you sing

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#22 den4sir
Member since 2003 • 1235 Posts

[QUOTE="dudy80"]Almost none of them are valid points....oscarVD


Very easy, on the X360 you have choices (SKU's andHD-DVD)and more great exclusives than the PS3. I want a PS3, don't get me wrong, but with the speculation of MGS4 and FFXIII coming to the X360, I'm really starting to find that there might actually be absolutely no point into buying a PS3. I already own the X360 and I use it for gaming. The controller is much more comfortable than the PS3's and games really look much more smoother on the X360 than the PS3. I want Sony to give me some much better reasons to own a PS3. As of right now, it's looking like the Blu-Ray Player of choice, not console.

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#23 CyanX73
Member since 2004 • 3389 Posts
If you didn't write it TC, then who did?
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#24 itsallgood29
Member since 2007 • 504 Posts


get lost fanboy!

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#25 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Number 1: 'I PW3ND U NOOB!' 'I KICKED YOU A$$ LOSER!!"


I haven't heard that, but that's because I don't play games like Halo or Gears of War (at least not after the first patch).

The mega-popular hits going to PC doesn't bother me, because I got them on 360 first, and my current PC can't run anything made since 2003 (soon to get a new PC). The HD-DVD issues don't bother me either, as I don't use an HDTV to play my 360. The cost of the 360 is fine, XBL is a great service (if you meet the right people), and there are decent japanese games coming to the 360 (Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, etc.) The games currently out on it are fine, and games like Mass Effect, Bioshock etc. will be great in the future.

That type of thing happens in the majority of online communities and is not limited to Xbox Live.
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#26 Little_Dong
Member since 2007 • 89 Posts

If you are looking for a high-end next gen gaming experience, the high-def formats will be needed.

This is seven kinds of stupid. What the HELL does a HD-DVD player have to do with video gaming?

This list is just fanboy drivel.


WELL....dosent the ps3 uses Blue ray

It uses Blu-ray and I don't think you made this thread , I think you copied and pasted it since your grammar suffers in the title and your posts


ANd you are going to get banned from this forum pretty soon...if you don'tchange you sing

Change my sing?

What the hell does that mean?

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#27 CyanX73
Member since 2004 • 3389 Posts

[QUOTE="dudy80"]Almost none of them are valid points....den4sir


Very easy, on the X360 you have choices (SKU's andHD-DVD)and more great exclusives than the PS3...

Stop right there. Sku's are options so that's a fact but more great exclusives is your opinion.

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#28 Pro_wrestler
Member since 2002 • 7880 Posts
If your going to insult something, make sure you have no massive spelling errors first.
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Member since 2005 • 2067 Posts
I stopped reading it from the start, when he mentions "I did not write this and i dont agree with some of them." I like my 360, but each person to his and her opinion. I could I was super happy on how the PS3 started off slow and that it was rushed. Crappy games from the start. Im happy that I bought from launch and should it for 1700 to some loser, most likely a PS3 fanboy. Though, yes some games such as MGS4 would make get another PS3. I alway was a fan of the series and always will, regardless of what platform it comes out on.
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#30 Vyse_The_Daring
Member since 2003 • 5318 Posts

I will admit i didnt read it, but i dont much care of the xbox, so good post :DGarchomPro

Meet your average system wars poster.

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#31 DeadMan1290
Member since 2005 • 15754 Posts

This is the second one, the first thread similar to this one was ''Top 10 reasons the PS3 fails'' these threads are getting pretty annoying to me, you don't like it don't buy it don't use it don't play on it simple as that..

P.S: In a few minutes we'll see a thread like this ''Top 10 reaons why Wii is a pice of crap'' you'll see

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#32 myke2010
Member since 2002 • 2747 Posts
This is the most pathetic post ever, with the exception of 7b, here I'll summarize: 10. The power brick gets hot and could start fires - all the complaints of the RLoD and you're gonna talk smack about the power brick? Dumb....just dumb 9 . Many people can't afford more then one console so buy another one - the same could be said of any console 8. It's not less then $299 and you need an HDTV to get the full experience - umm, price drop soon and I thought being able to play in high res on an HDTV was a good thing 7a. Xbox live has childish smack talkers - other then the Wii friends codes, which a lot of people don't like, all online voice systems have this problem 7b. Micropayments - okay, I agree, I don't like em either 6. 2 Sku's - actually it's 3 skus now, but in any case, having different price points has worked out fine so far, I'm not sure how the price affects a consoles performance though in anything other then sales 5. Lack of Japanese games including Katamari - ummm Katamari is coming as an exclusive there high speed. Also, 3 JRPGs will be here this winter 4. Backwards Compatibility - Sony is in the same boat as soon as the clearance models are gone. 3. Some games will be made for PC - and? didn't seem to hurt Jade Empire, KOTOR, Halo or Gears of War's sales any considering they all went on to post some of the highest sales numbers ever. 2. HD-DVD drive costs $200 - you may want to read this post slowly and more then once, you don't need one to play games 1. You may not like the games - LMAO!!!! Without a doubt this is the dumbest thing I've ever read. Yes, if you hate sports, RPGs, JRPGs, FPS, Puzzle, platformers, and party games then you may not like the games. Of course if you hate all those it's more likely you just hate gaming period
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#33 ---OkeyDokey---
Member since 2007 • 3318 Posts

Those are crummy reasons but I do agree that its a piece of crap.

I don't know what anyone sees in this thing. I've owned a PS1, PS2, Xbox, Wii and 360 and the only one I dislike more than the 360 is the original xbox.

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#34 LosDaddie
Member since 2006 • 10318 Posts

I did not write this ........oscarVD

Too lazy to think for yourself, eh?

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#35 _AsasN_
Member since 2003 • 3646 Posts

[QUOTE="dudy80"]Almost none of them are valid points....oscarVD


He can't. Fanboys don't back up their comments with anything.
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#36 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts

Those are crummy reasons but I do agree that its a piece of crap.

I don't know what anyone sees in this thing. I've owned a PS1, PS2, Xbox, Wii and 360 and the only one I dislike more than the 360 is the original xbox.

What did you see in it? You must have had a fairly large distaste for the original Xbox if you think that it is the worst console. Why would you get the worst console's predecessor?
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#37 solidsnakeEx3
Member since 2004 • 26413 Posts
You're forgetting that PS3 will have at least 3 different SKUs within one year.
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#38 bigmouthkid
Member since 2006 • 3425 Posts
3 words: Fanboys are pathetic.
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#39 smokeydabear076
Member since 2004 • 22109 Posts
You're forgetting that PS3 will have at least 3 different SKUs within one year.solidsnakeEx3
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#40 h2owizard
Member since 2007 • 1054 Posts

why dont you just buy a 350 and have both consoles so you dont have to go bashing another system you dont have. i only have a 360 but i will get a ps3 soon and i have no complaints about it and i am satisfyed completley. both systems pwn

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#41 kidrock17xp
Member since 2004 • 2966 Posts

Hardware issues should be number 1. MS said it themselves that EVERY 360 is defective. Sedin44

that's the reason I didn't get one

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#42 fixer293
Member since 2003 • 4770 Posts

Why you fail....

10. price is better on 360, as well as the warranty

9. multiplats always look better on 360

8. Xbox live kills PSN

7. console does not need a flatbed truck to move from one room to another (like the PS3)

6. exclusive games on 360 are awsome. Dead Rising anyone

5. Halo 3

4. GTA 4 exclusive content

3. 360 is in the lead....Deal widit.

2. 360 rumble, PS3 wait for rumble

1. you fail

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#43 InsaneBasura
Member since 2005 • 12591 Posts
Instead of making counterpoints I'm just gonna go ahead and call that list immensely stupid to save time.
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#44 Impex
Member since 2005 • 5532 Posts
I can't say I agree with many of those. As far as I'm concerned, the only problem with the 360 is the faulty hardware.
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#45 Watch_Me_Xplode
Member since 2005 • 8049 Posts
Many of these are valid points, and we do need more threads like this. Congrats, and thank you for posting.
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#46 Domobran-
Member since 2006 • 256 Posts

All your points are so biased and illogical, the word Fanboy in the video gamers dictionary should have your face next to it. Go back to your over priced, no decent tiltes machine they call the Ps3

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#47 mattyomo99
Member since 2005 • 3915 Posts
xbox has alot of things that makes me not want to buy it.
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#48 Pariah_001
Member since 2003 • 4850 Posts

I did read it. Having a "different taste in games" is not a valid point when declaring something a piece of crap. Kestastrophe

If the games for the system conform to just a few genres, then that removes a lot of your options and feng shuei's taste. It's a bigger problem with the 360 right now than it is with that PS3.

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#49 DarkRider23
Member since 2004 • 1753 Posts

10. Microsoft is fixing consoles for free and is re-imbursing anyone who has paid them to fix consoles. Are we forgetting the PS2 problems that Sony pretty much ignored until a lawsuit arose?

9. Nowhere near a valid point. I'll just use this saying: Different Strokes for Different Folks. I sure as hell don't want to wait 1 year for a PS3 to get some DECENT games to play and I sure as hell don't want to play crappy games on the Wii. I admit, some games are good looking (SSBB), but some of the games on the Wii look like PS1 games.

8. It's crap because of the price? If the price for the 360 is crap, then the PS3 price is a huge load of crap.

7. Number 1: 'I PW3ND U NOOB!' 'I KICKED YOU A$$ LOSER!!" - If you haven't heard that at least once, I need to hang out with you on PSN. There are too many people that use the anonymity of PSN to trash talk to their inner six year old's content. Microsoft might get it better, but I doubt it.

See how easily I can turn that around? And no, Nintendo did not fix the problem. ALL online services with an anonymity factor will have trah talkers.

Number 2: Last time I checked Home's micro transactions are going to be even worse than Lives. Money for furniture in a 3D world? Joke, right?

6. PS3: 3 SKUS... 20GB which has been discontinued. 60GB which will be discontinued. 80GB which will be your only choice. Damn. Atleast I have a choice between which SKU I can get. By the way, just because there is a Core does not mean developers are forced to make games for the people with Cores too. Here's proof:

You might have to sign up to the site to view the image, but that is the packaging for CoD4. On the bottom left next to the ESRB rating it says "Storage Required."

5. I'm not even going to go in too deep with this. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata are the first 3 that pop up into my mind. Face it, Xbox 360 is getting Japanese support this gen and Microsoft is making sure of it.

4. Most people who buy a 360 don't really play Xbox games on it. That's what I have my Xbox for. Not only does it look better, but it loads much more smoothly than on my 360.

3. I do not want to spend $800 to make a high end PC to play my games on Max Settings and then 2 years later have to shell out even more money to upgrade. Going the console way is just cheaper.

2. HD-DVD drive isn't needed. HD-DVD players are sold for a reason. IMO, buying Blu-Ray or HD-DVD movies are a waste of money at this point in time. Imagine spending $1,000 on Blu-Ray movies and then Blu-Ray losing the format war. That would suck, wouldn't it?

Edit - Just had to edit this in. HD-DVD drive can be gotten for a much cheaper price. A while back, Walmart had price rollback which included the HD-DVD drive. It would only cost you $75 if you bought 3 HD-DVD's at the same time. Not a bad price at all really.

1. Just a stupid thing to put into a reason why the 360 is crap. The games it has does not make it a crap console. Last time I checked, the PS3's library is 10x worse than that of the 360's. So does that make the PS3 a huge load of crap?

And with that my friends, I think I just ended this topic.

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#50 Private_Vegas
Member since 2007 • 2783 Posts
Wow.... so basically the 360 does absolutely nothing right. I wonder what hater wrote this.