5. Lack of Japanese Games.
There are a large number of games that can only come from our neighbors in the orient. Katamari, ico, and who knows what else would not be available if we did not have the ingenuity(craziness?) that is required to make games like that. The XBOX 360 seriously lacks those games at the moment, and dare I say it, permanently. The Japanese do NOT like the 360, and as such Japanese developers will NOT makes games for the 360 unless it will be a surefire hit in other countries.
Should You Buy Factor: 2(4)/5 - If you are wanting crazy/original/licensed games from japan, then the (4) refers to you. Wait for the PS3 since that is where most of Asian games are going to come from. If you aren't interested in JRPGS or the next 'Shadow of the Colossus', then this holds quite a bit less weight.
4. Backwards Compatibility
Good old Peter. 'Nobody is concerned anymore about backwards compatibility' Moore really needs to work on the whole removing foot from mouth thing. This is a HUGE reason to hold off on buying that 360. A large number of XBOX games are not, and will not be, 360 capable. The list of compatible games as of June is here:
Should You Buy Factor: 4/5 - Many of you reading likely bought hundreds of dollars of games for your xbox. Also likely is that none of you are going to want to have a 360 and an xbox around the house. However, you might have some game that you want to still play that ISNT backwards compatible yet. This is a huge strike against the 360, but not big enough to make the top 3. Sony of course will be compatible, but thats part of what that monster price tag is, and Wii has the Virtual Console.
3. Coming to a computer near you...
Microsoft has become quite famous for releasing the mega-popular hits from the XBOX to the PC. What does this mean as a gamer? That all those amazing 360 exclusives that you lauded will soon be available to every person with a pc. Except that the PC port will invariably be faster, prettier, and better than the 360 version. In contrast, all the amazing games for the ps3 and wii will NEVER be coming to that pc, no matter how long you wait (cause emulators are illegal right. riiiiight????).
Should You Buy Factor: 5/5 Why bother shelling out money for a console when you can play the same games, but better, on your pc down the road. Of course, most games aren't ported to the PC, but most of those games have IDENTICAL counterparts either on the PS3, the Wii, or the PC. Remember, this is an exclusivity thing, and the XBOX does not have a lock on that. If you have some counters, please list them and ill post them, but keep it clean.
1. The Games
Face it, the 360 is a gaming machine. Regardless of if you buy it to play dvds, or hd-dvds or whatever, the point remains that it is a GAMING RIG. As such the most important aspect of a buy is games. Regardless of what you may personally feel about the console wars, the point remains that the games on each machine WILL BE DIFFERENT. There will be 360 exclusives, and there will be PS3 exclusives, and there will be games on both (and there will be Wii games). If I was running a top 10 list, the first point would be the same. It comes down to your taste in games, and that is what makes a game console. If I were to put: it has too many shooters/racing/fighting games, i'd be flamed cause thats not true, and if I put it has no rpgs/adventure games/puzzle games thats not true either. However, it may be that the 360 does not have the games you are looking for, and that is what it comes down to.
I like this thread. :D These are the main reasons I don't own a 360 now. After the 3 JRPGs that are coming to the 360 doesn't sell well in the US, expect to see less and less Japanese games. It's a shame such great JRPGs are going to go unnoticed by shooter fanatics, sandbox lovers, and casual gaming sports fans. :(
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