Top 10 Reasons To Keep PS3 Alive

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#1 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts
My post yesterday about the "Top 10 Reasons to Keep the PS3 Dream Alive" really sparked some heavy debate. It seems to me that most gamers are inclined to latch on to one system and think negatively about the others in the race. That attitude is simply not a great one to have. I know many Xbox Fanboys want to see the PS3 go down in flames and vice versa. The question I raise here is; what possible good could come out of one system winnig the next-gen war? The answer is obvious. If only one system rules, we'd have a monopoly and see game prices skyrocket. Right now, competition is driving prices down and encouraging quality game production. Right now, we should all want 3 systems to be in the mix of things. Too many people are judging the PS3 on early system sales. Trust me when I say this, the Sony PS3 will be a strong competitor in the future. I'll be completely honest, I play the Xbox 360 more than any other system, but I refuse to allow myself to become a system loyalist. It's better for us as gamers to keep our options and opinions open for the future. All it's going to take is a couple awesome games for the PS3 to all of a sudden be popular. That's simply how the world works. My original top ten list follows the break.

  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time.
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing.
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add).
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable.
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'?
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology.
  • 04. PlayStation Home
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for.
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'?

ps3 will win in the end.

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#2 nintenboy9128
Member since 2005 • 2704 Posts

I am afraid of the 'power of the cell processor'.

Its a childhood fear of overpowerful machines :?

*Too much Superman VS. Braniac*

Im sorry :(

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#3 hamstergeddon
Member since 2006 • 7188 Posts
uh...... Grand Turismo 5?? :{
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#4 jg4xchamp
Member since 2006 • 64057 Posts

10- At this same time period, 360 had more AAA and AA games on gamespot and gamerankings. Also there are only 3 AA or better games on PS3 that arent on 360. Resistance, VF 5, and MLB 07 the show. and VF 5 comes out on 360 later this year. Basically u get majority of the games on PS3 plus MS 1st/2nd party games. Majority of which are new IPs.
9-The cell processor is strong, but the GPU is better on 360. Plus the extra memory. All in all the difference wont be that big. The PS3 might be able to do better AI, physics, and few better animations. But the 360 will have better detail, better textures, character models, lighting, framrates, etc.
8-If i wanna play the old games, im fine with keeping a PS2. I buy a new console for the new games. If anything the Wii bc owns. GC, SNes, n64, nes, sega gen, is alot better games.
7- Ok good if the price drops, but 360 and Wii will drop there prices as well. But yeah a price drop will help
6-GT 5 is a good game. But Forza has been a bit better the last time by. and right now GT 5 is chasing Forza 2.
5- Thats cool but what does that have to do with gaming. Please i would love to know.
4- Xbox live is still better. All home is is a Second Life knock off. Its cool, but nothing special
3-Once again, what does that have to do with gaming.
2-It wont be the big Hit Like a SMash bros, Halo 3, GTA 4. MGS 4 is the big hit they need.
1-Can u say MGS 4 and FF 13 are way more important games to PS3 than GT 5.
The PS3 will be fine. people need to stop overreacting. SOny is just getting beat around a little. they'll bounce back.

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#5 TEH_rankie
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8.  True, but 120 million people already have a ps2 to play ps2 games on, i'm pretty sure anyone who wanted to play those games has already.

7. No.  The ps3 will stay $600 dollars until the end of time.

6. Gran Turismo 5.  There. I did it.

5. Who doesn't have wireless?

4. I'll give you this, its cool.  But how long will it last?  "Hey dude! lets go to a virtual movie... or we could... ya know see a real one?"

3.  I do believe that Blu-Ray will win the battle, but didn't they already release a blu ray player cheaper than a ps3? The prices are going nowhere but down.

2.  Could be, i'd much rather have Ratchet and Clank, MGS 4, and FF13 though

1. yes. I already did.

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#6 downPlayDemon
Member since 2004 • 3529 Posts
Why is home so important to cows?
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#7 destef
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#8 themyth01
Member since 2003 • 13924 Posts
Blue-tooth is NOT new, my 2 year old laptop has blue-tooth technology yet I find myself using simple USB wireless mouse. The Cell processor excuse is washed out already, the myth that devs can't access ps3 power is false, by the end of this year we'll see how the PS3 and XBOX360 stand.
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#9 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts
My post yesterday about the "Top 10 Reasons to Keep the PS3 Dream Alive" really sparked some heavy debate. It seems to me that most gamers are inclined to latch on to one system and think negatively about the others in the race. That attitude is simply not a great one to have. I know many Xbox Fanboys want to see the PS3 go down in flames and vice versa. The question I raise here is; what possible good could come out of one system winnig the next-gen war? The answer is obvious. If only one system rules, we'd have a monopoly and see game prices skyrocket. Right now, competition is driving prices down and encouraging quality game production. Right now, we should all want 3 systems to be in the mix of things. Too many people are judging the PS3 on early system sales. Trust me when I say this, the Sony PS3 will be a strong competitor in the future. I'll be completely honest, I play the Xbox 360 more than any other system, but I refuse to allow myself to become a system loyalist. It's better for us as gamers to keep our options and opinions open for the future. All it's going to take is a couple awesome games for the PS3 to all of a sudden be popular. That's simply how the world works. My original top ten list follows the break.

  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. - Said after every majorly hyped game flops
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. - Just like we couldn't deny the power of the emotion engine?
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). - Selective Backwards comp.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. - The Wii and 360 will drop in price too
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? - I can say Forza 2, proven AAA
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. - Actually the Wii is, That is what the wiimote uses
  • 04. PlayStation Home - Online lobby to talk to people when you have no games to play?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player - By the time it is decided, expect them to be $100 making it not a cheap player. Also what if it doesnt?
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. - They could. Or they could be massivley downgraded and flop like every other PS3 title that was hyped like these?
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Forza 2?

ps3 will win in the end.



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#10 Mystikef
Member since 2003 • 5125 Posts

Your number 10 reason is the only one that matters and is exactly the reason PS3 sales are crap. It is simply not worth buying right now, ESPECIALLY if you own a 360. Most of the best games on the PS3 are on the 360, came out on the 360 first, and a great percentage are even better on the 360.

As for the 'power of the cell,' I can and will deny it... until it proves otherwise -at least for gaming. Right now the PS3 is famous for poor framerates on most multiplats. Where is that power? If it is not the cells fault, what is? The GPU? And don't blame the developers... It's happened with MANY developers, not just UbiSoft.

Anyway... The PS3 may have a decent game collection in 2008. Maybe Sony will stop being a bunch of morons and put rumble back in. Then I'll buy one. I don't even care abou the price drop. If it is ever worth $600 I'll gladly pay it.

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#11 hockeyruler12
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My #1 reason: To laugh at Sony for hyping this machine as the Second Coming

My #2 reason: Competition

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#12 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

10- At this same time period, 360 had more AAA and AA games on gamespot and gamerankings. Also there are only 3 AA or better games on PS3 that arent on 360. Resistance, VF 5, and MLB 07 the show. and VF 5 comes out on 360 later this year. Basically u get majority of the games on PS3 plus MS 1st/2nd party games. Majority of which are new IPs.
9-The cell processor is strong, but the GPU is better on 360. Plus the extra memory. All in all the difference wont be that big. The PS3 might be able to do better AI, physics, and few better animations. But the 360 will have better detail, better textures, character models, lighting, framrates, etc.
8-If i wanna play the old games, im fine with keeping a PS2. I buy a new console for the new games. If anything the Wii bc owns. GC, SNes, n64, nes, sega gen, is alot better games.
7- Ok good if the price drops, but 360 and Wii will drop there prices as well. But yeah a price drop will help
6-GT 5 is a good game. But Forza has been a bit better the last time by. and right now GT 5 is chasing Forza 2.
5- Thats cool but what does that have to do with gaming. Please i would love to know.
4- Xbox live is still better. All home is is a Second Life knock off. Its cool, but nothing special
3-Once again, what does that have to do with gaming.
2-It wont be the big Hit Like a SMash bros, Halo 3, GTA 4. MGS 4 is the big hit they need.
1-Can u say MGS 4 and FF 13 are way more important games to PS3 than GT 5.
The PS3 will be fine. people need to stop overreacting. SOny is just getting beat around a little. they'll bounce back.


the gpu is only as powerful as the cpu will allow it to be...

what if you have a library full of ps2 games you dont want to sale and you want ps3 games to? also psone had some awesome games that i am sure many people missed..

gt is a system seller and last time i checked forza came no where near the sales of gran turismo series...

having more ps3s out there is not a bad thing...

psn + home will destroy live on all levels.

uncharted sales.. yeah because you can see the future..

again mgs series doesnt even come close to the impact a gt game will have once it is released... gt will sell millions of copies and consoles in all territories.. ff is big but gt will out sale it...

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#13 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

Why is home so important to cows?downPlayDemon

have you seen videos? previews? educate yourself.

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#14 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts
[QUOTE="-Renegade"]My post yesterday about the "Top 10 Reasons to Keep the PS3 Dream Alive" really sparked some heavy debate. It seems to me that most gamers are inclined to latch on to one system and think negatively about the others in the race. That attitude is simply not a great one to have. I know many Xbox Fanboys want to see the PS3 go down in flames and vice versa. The question I raise here is; what possible good could come out of one system winnig the next-gen war? The answer is obvious. If only one system rules, we'd have a monopoly and see game prices skyrocket. Right now, competition is driving prices down and encouraging quality game production. Right now, we should all want 3 systems to be in the mix of things. Too many people are judging the PS3 on early system sales. Trust me when I say this, the Sony PS3 will be a strong competitor in the future. I'll be completely honest, I play the Xbox 360 more than any other system, but I refuse to allow myself to become a system loyalist. It's better for us as gamers to keep our options and opinions open for the future. All it's going to take is a couple awesome games for the PS3 to all of a sudden be popular. That's simply how the world works. My original top ten list follows the break.

  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. - Said after every majorly hyped game flops
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. - Just like we couldn't deny the power of the emotion engine?
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). - Selective Backwards comp.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. - The Wii and 360 will drop in price too
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? - I can say Forza 2, proven AAA
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. - Actually the Wii is, That is what the wiimote uses
  • 04. PlayStation Home - Online lobby to talk to people when you have no games to play?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player - By the time it is decided, expect them to be $100 making it not a cheap player. Also what if it doesnt?
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. - They could. Or they could be massivley downgraded and flop like every other PS3 title that was hyped like these?
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Forza 2?

ps3 will win in the end.



emotion engine was very powerful and came very close to what the xbox could accomplish.

forza 2.. :lol: call me when 360 gets a racer that sells systems like gt series..

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#15 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

Your number 10 reason is the only one that matters and is exactly the reason PS3 sales are crap. It is simply not worth buying right now, ESPECIALLY if you own a 360. Most of the best games on the PS3 are on the 360, came out on the 360 first, and a great percentage are even better on the 360.

As for the 'power of the cell,' I can and will deny it... until it proves otherwise -at least for gaming. Right now the PS3 is famous for poor framerates on most multiplats. Where is that power? If it is not the cells fault, what is? The GPU? And don't blame the developers... It's happened with MANY developers, not just UbiSoft.

Anyway... The PS3 may have a decent game collection in 2008. Maybe Sony will stop being a bunch of morons and put rumble back in. Then I'll buy one. I don't even care abou the price drop. If it is ever worth $600 I'll gladly pay it.


things will be so much different next year.. we will see a decline in lemming population once ps3 gets some games later this year... it takes time to access the great power ps3 has... we will be seeing it in august with lair..

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#16 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts
[QUOTE="DoctorBunny"][QUOTE="-Renegade"]My post yesterday about the "Top 10 Reasons to Keep the PS3 Dream Alive" really sparked some heavy debate. It seems to me that most gamers are inclined to latch on to one system and think negatively about the others in the race. That attitude is simply not a great one to have. I know many Xbox Fanboys want to see the PS3 go down in flames and vice versa. The question I raise here is; what possible good could come out of one system winnig the next-gen war? The answer is obvious. If only one system rules, we'd have a monopoly and see game prices skyrocket. Right now, competition is driving prices down and encouraging quality game production. Right now, we should all want 3 systems to be in the mix of things. Too many people are judging the PS3 on early system sales. Trust me when I say this, the Sony PS3 will be a strong competitor in the future. I'll be completely honest, I play the Xbox 360 more than any other system, but I refuse to allow myself to become a system loyalist. It's better for us as gamers to keep our options and opinions open for the future. All it's going to take is a couple awesome games for the PS3 to all of a sudden be popular. That's simply how the world works. My original top ten list follows the break.

  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. - Said after every majorly hyped game flops
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. - Just like we couldn't deny the power of the emotion engine?
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). - Selective Backwards comp.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. - The Wii and 360 will drop in price too
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? - I can say Forza 2, proven AAA
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. - Actually the Wii is, That is what the wiimote uses
  • 04. PlayStation Home - Online lobby to talk to people when you have no games to play?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player - By the time it is decided, expect them to be $100 making it not a cheap player. Also what if it doesnt?
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. - They could. Or they could be massivley downgraded and flop like every other PS3 title that was hyped like these?
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Forza 2?

ps3 will win in the end.



emotion engine was very powerful and came very close to what the gimped xbox could accomplish.

forza 2.. :lol: call me when 360 gets a racer that sells systems like gt series..

And there goes any credibility you had whatsoever. ps2 = xbox? rofl

Does this make you feel better?

Both forza and forza 2 rated higher than GT4

sorry if the ownage hurts too bad

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#17 ANti_RiCeR
Member since 2004 • 1982 Posts
if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.
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#18 TacoJelly
Member since 2005 • 1723 Posts

I hate Gran Turismo, I know some people like to play games that aren't fun but I'm not one of them.

Also, Cell processors and Blu-ray doesn't mean crap if nobody uses it. I have yet to see or even hear of a PS3 game that PLAYS differently from the last generation due to added power.

I would like to see Blu-ray win the next gen movie media, because I'm a foreign film nut and region free as standard is nice, but really I think some high-end, internet connected DVR is going to ultimately replace physical movie discs.

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#19 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts

if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.ANti_RiCeR

If Sony backed out. someone else would enter. there is always competition. Sony isn't the only company in the world. I would expect EA to enter when one backs out

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#20 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

I hate Gran Turismo, I know some people like to play games that aren't fun but I'm not one of them.

Also, Cell processors and Blu-ray doesn't mean crap if nobody uses it. I have yet to see or even hear of a PS3 game that PLAYS differently from the last generation due to added power.

I would like to see Blu-ray win the next gen movie media, because I'm a foreign film nut and region free as standard is nice, but really I think some high-end, internet connected DVR is going to ultimately replace physical movie discs.


its only been 6 months... lair will be one of the first games that will take advantages of blu ray and the cell.. this game would not be the same on 360.. and that was what the developer said not me..

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#21 pundog
Member since 2006 • 4491 Posts
  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. Sony should make that their slogan
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. Debatable, and considering most console multiplats (and even some PC/360 games) are choosing the 360 as their lead console the Cell may not be much of an advantage.
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). The $100 PS2 does a pretty good job at playing those games too.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. I know when, right before or after Nintendo and MS drop their prices too.
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Can you say Forza 2/3 and PGR 4/5?
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. Good old radio based technology is working pretty well for me.
  • 04. PlayStation Home Paying $600 to play a slightly different version of second life?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player Except that BR players already cost less than the PS3, and by the time a winner is decided players will only cost $200-300.
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. Vs. Halo 3, Blue Dragon,Lost Oddesey, Bioshock, MP3, SMG, GTA4 (cheaper to buy a 360), Mass Effect and othersthey're going to need more than 1 game this fall.
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Again, by the time GT5 is out PGR 4 will be out for sure, plus Forza 3 and PGR 5 will be on their way. I won't comment on how good GT5 will be without more information but it has some stiff competition from Forza 2.
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#22 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

[QUOTE="ANti_RiCeR"]if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.DoctorBunny

If Sony backed out. someone else would enter. there is always competition. Sony isn't the only company in the world. I would expect EA to enter when one backs out

ea wouldnt make their own console they make alot of money because they put their titles on so many platforms.

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#23 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts
  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. Sony should make that their slogan
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. Debatable, and considering most console multiplats (and even some PC/360 games) are choosing the 360 as their lead console the Cell may not be much of an advantage.
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). The $100 PS2 does a pretty good job at playing those games too.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. I know when, right before or after Nintendo and MS drop their prices too.
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Can you say Forza 2/3 and PGR 4/5?
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. Good old radio based technology is working pretty well for me.
  • 04. PlayStation Home Paying $600 to play a slightly different version of second life?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player Except that BR players already cost less than the PS3, and by the time a winner is decided players will only cost $200-300.
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. Vs. Halo 3, Blue Dragon,Lost Oddesey, Bioshock, MP3, SMG, GTA4 (cheaper to buy a 360), Mass Effect and othersthey're going to need more than 1 game this fall.
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Again, by the time GT5 is out PGR 4 will be out for sure, plus Forza 3 and PGR 5 will be on their way. I won't comment on how good GT5 will be without more information but it has some stiff competition from Forza 2.


i hate when people say i am paying $600 for sigma, home, or lair... last time i checked ps3 had more then one game in development and will have a 10 year life... again with forza :lol: ... yeah ps3 only has one game to look forward to this year :roll: if forza and pgr are the best competition gt series has then sony has nothing to worry about.

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#24 JiveT
Member since 2005 • 8619 Posts

ROTFL...Lair. Please keep hyping LAIR cows. Hype it even more than you did Motorstorm if at all possible. LMAO. The PS3 will be a fine little system once its priced at about $300.Until then...wait more.

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#25 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts

[QUOTE="ANti_RiCeR"]if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.-Renegade

If Sony backed out. someone else would enter. there is always competition. Sony isn't the only company in the world. I would expect EA to enter when one backs out

ea wouldnt make their own console they make alot of money because they put their titles on so many platforms.

Because you say so? it's been speculated for awhile now by plenty of places

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#26 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts
  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. Sony should make that their slogan
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. Debatable, and considering most console multiplats (and even some PC/360 games) are choosing the 360 as their lead console the Cell may not be much of an advantage.
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). The $100 PS2 does a pretty good job at playing those games too.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. I know when, right before or after Nintendo and MS drop their prices too.
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Can you say Forza 2/3 and PGR 4/5?
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. Good old radio based technology is working pretty well for me.
  • 04. PlayStation Home Paying $600 to play a slightly different version of second life?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player Except that BR players already cost less than the PS3, and by the time a winner is decided players will only cost $200-300.
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. Vs. Halo 3, Blue Dragon,Lost Oddesey, Bioshock, MP3, SMG, GTA4 (cheaper to buy a 360), Mass Effect and othersthey're going to need more than 1 game this fall.
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Again, by the time GT5 is out PGR 4 will be out for sure, plus Forza 3 and PGR 5 will be on their way. I won't comment on how good GT5 will be without more information but it has some stiff competition from Forza 2.


i hate when people say i am paying $600 for sigma, home, or lair... last time i checked ps3 had more then one game in development and will have a 10 year life... again with forza :lol: ... yeah ps3 only has one game to look forward to this year :roll: if forza and pgr are the best competition gt series has then sony has nothing to worry about.

Really now? Forza outscored GT4. Forza 2 is a triple a. GT4 wasn't?

fanboy logic ftl!

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#27 pundog
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  • 10. You simply have to give it some more time. Sony should make that their slogan
  • 09. You cannot deny the power of the cell processor. I predict we will start seeing a great difference between PS3 performance and Xbox 360 performance as the next generation gets into full swing. Debatable, and considering most console multiplats (and even some PC/360 games) are choosing the 360 as their lead console the Cell may not be much of an advantage.
  • 08. Backward compatibility with the PS2 collection (one of the best console collections in history I might add). The $100 PS2 does a pretty good job at playing those games too.
  • 07. The price will eventually drop. I can't say when, but it's unavoidable. I know when, right before or after Nintendo and MS drop their prices too.
  • 06. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Can you say Forza 2/3 and PGR 4/5?
  • 05. The PS3 is embracing the future of Bluetooth technology. Good old radio based technology is working pretty well for me.
  • 04. PlayStation Home Paying $600 to play a slightly different version of second life?
  • 03. If Blu-Ray wins the next generation movie battle, the PS3 makes for a cheap Blu-Ray player Except that BR players already cost less than the PS3, and by the time a winner is decided players will only cost $200-300.
  • 02. Unchartered: Drake's Fortune. This could be the big hit they are waiting for. Vs. Halo 3, Blue Dragon,Lost Oddesey, Bioshock, MP3, SMG, GTA4 (cheaper to buy a 360), Mass Effect and othersthey're going to need more than 1 game this fall.
  • 01. Can anyone say "Gran Turismo 5'? Again, by the time GT5 is out PGR 4 will be out for sure, plus Forza 3 and PGR 5 will be on their way. I won't comment on how good GT5 will be without more information but it has some stiff competition from Forza 2.


i hate when people say i am paying $600 for sigma, home, or lair... last time i checked ps3 had more then one game in development and will have a 10 year life... again with forza :lol: ... yeah ps3 only has one game to look forward to this year :roll: if forza and pgr are the best competition gt series has then sony has nothing to worry about.

Uhhh. The forza series averages a higher score than the GT series (9.2 vs. 8.9) and PGR isn't far behind (8.5), not to mention Forza is actually a driving simulation vs. a game with bumpercar physics and no damage. I understand that you obviously get more for $600 than home, but how about cows hypesomethingmeaningful, other than a XBL/Second Life hybrid that for gaming purposes can't compete with the ease of XBL. And giving the PS3 a 10 year development life is stupid, if Sony was smart enough to kill the PS2 when the PS3 came out, the PS3 would have had FFXII and GoW 2.
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#28 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

ROTFL...Lair. Please keep hyping LAIR cows. Hype it even more than you did Motorstorm if at all possible. LMAO. The PS3 will be a fine little system once its priced at about $300.Until then...wait more.


i see nothing wrong with hyping lair, its coming from a very stellar developer factor 5. i take it you never played excite bike 64 orrogue squadron 2 and 3on gamecube?

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#29 -Renegade
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[QUOTE="ANti_RiCeR"]if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.DoctorBunny

If Sony backed out. someone else would enter. there is always competition. Sony isn't the only company in the world. I would expect EA to enter when one backs out

ea wouldnt make their own console they make alot of money because they put their titles on so many platforms.

Because you say so? it's been speculated for awhile now by plenty of places

just like it was speculated mgs 4and ffxiii both were coming to 360 but we see how much truth is in that. :roll:

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#30 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts

ROTFL...Lair. Please keep hyping LAIR cows. Hype it even more than you did Motorstorm if at all possible. LMAO. The PS3 will be a fine little system once its priced at about $300.Until then...wait more.


i see nothing wrong with hyping lair, its coming from a very stellar developer factor 5. i take it you never played excite bike 64 orrogue squadron 2 and 3on gamecube?

Excite bike 64 was not made by factor5

and 2 star wars games, not thier own IP's. congrats!

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#31 ZebethOrZebes
Member since 2004 • 5997 Posts
Whenever someone pretends to use the same point twice "for emphasis" you know he just ran out of points. The writer of this article is no different.
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#32 pundog
Member since 2006 • 4491 Posts
Whenever someone pretends to use the same point twice "for emphasis" you know he just ran out of points. The writer of this article is no different.ZebethOrZebes
Not true, top 10 reasons to play Gears of War #9, 7 and 2 were "it has a f***ing chainsaw attached to a f***ing gun".
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#33 DoctorBunny
Member since 2005 • 2660 Posts

[QUOTE="ANti_RiCeR"]if there is any reason the lemmings should want the PS3 alive the most. It keeps M$ on their toes, and keeps them striving to deliver good games. and competition = best for most industry's because it makes everyone work harder.-Renegade

If Sony backed out. someone else would enter. there is always competition. Sony isn't the only company in the world. I would expect EA to enter when one backs out

ea wouldnt make their own console they make alot of money because they put their titles on so many platforms.

Because you say so? it's been speculated for awhile now by plenty of places

just like it was speculated mgs 4and ffxiii both were coming to 360 but we see how much truth is in that. :roll:

Back peddling yet again to something that has nothing to do with the topic?

You my friend have self owned yourself quite enough. You have just thrown in the towel with going off topic yet again


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#34 Mystikef
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Your number 10 reason is the only one that matters and is exactly the reason PS3 sales are crap. It is simply not worth buying right now, ESPECIALLY if you own a 360. Most of the best games on the PS3 are on the 360, came out on the 360 first, and a great percentage are even better on the 360.

As for the 'power of the cell,' I can and will deny it... until it proves otherwise -at least for gaming. Right now the PS3 is famous for poor framerates on most multiplats. Where is that power? If it is not the cells fault, what is? The GPU? And don't blame the developers... It's happened with MANY developers, not just UbiSoft.

Anyway... The PS3 may have a decent game collection in 2008. Maybe Sony will stop being a bunch of morons and put rumble back in. Then I'll buy one. I don't even care abou the price drop. If it is ever worth $600 I'll gladly pay it.


things will be so much different next year.. we will see a decline in lemming population once ps3 gets some games later this year... it takes time to access the great power ps3 has... we will be seeing it in august with lair..

I could care less about lemming population or any of that fanboy crap. I'll leave that to the little kids and life-less people in this forum. I only care about games... and right now the PS3 doesn't have much in that department.

The "power of the PS3" is Sony hype. It's a fine console with no games, but if you are expecting games that blow Gears of War out of the water... well, don't hold your breath. The PS3 will match Gears... if the GPU can keep up. It may even surpass it. The 360 willlikely surpass Gears as well. Afterall, it is a 360 game that came out within a year of launch. Right now the 360 actually has the edge in graphics, framerate, multiplats, and most importantly - game collection. So please! No more hype. Don't say it... show it, Sony. Words are easy. But I can't sit on my sofa and play "words."

PS3 fans just need to stop the stupid propoganda. When the PS3 has a decent game collection... call me. I'll buy one. I plan on buying one then - probably 2008. But the stupid "power of the cell" and just wait for [fill in the blank game-name] gets really boring and its all any Sony fanboy has to say. Stop hyping and show us something that makes this $600 game machine worth buying. It ain't "Home" and it ain't a blu-ray player. I'll buy an actual blu-ray player if I want one. Game machines should be first and foremost about gaming... and that is the one place the PS3 has little to offer - for now at least.

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#35 Good_sk8er
Member since 2007 • 43 Posts
The PS3 will dominate, GT will be a seller, the powers of the cell will be unlocked, the prices decline, blu-ray will win the format war and the PS3 will no longer have any reason to be trash talked. All these things to come in the upcoming year. Expect a turn in the Console Wars.
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#36 Hermitkermit
Member since 2005 • 1880 Posts
How long till the PS3 will start flexing its muscle? I will give it time, and I respect the PS3, but if it has not provided a AAA game by this christmas, I will have lost Faith in the Ps3. Even Jesus would be sad, it's his birthday for God's Sake!!
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#37 books83
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It being a cheap Blu-Ray player is no longer a valid point for itconsidering Sony cut the price of their stand alone to $500. And there is no way that Sony would risk starting a price war this year they just don't have the software line up for it to work. Expecially with Microsoft and Nintendo's softwareline up for this holiday season.
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#38 Acemaster27
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Wasn't there just a thread about where we talked about how we hated racing sims? Yeah, the majority of people were in agreement that games like Mario kart or F-Zero were much more fun then racing sims. So there u have it, your points about GT5 fail. Just like you.

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#39 istreakforfood
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my personal favorite

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#40 Bluestorm-Kalas
Member since 2006 • 13073 Posts
Ok, you started out decent, then lost it with the Top Ten list...Sorry :(
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#41 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

How long till the PS3 will start flexing its muscle? I will give it time, and I respect the PS3, but if it has not provided a AAA game by this christmas, I will have lost Faith in the Ps3. Even Jesus would be sad, it's his birthday for God's Sake!!Hermitkermit

ninja gaiden sigma in july and lair in august.

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#42 dxmcat
Member since 2007 • 3385 Posts
sorry, but forza is about as "real" as CS is. its a load of ****
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#43 -Renegade
Member since 2007 • 8340 Posts

Wasn't there just a thread about where we talked about how we hated racing sims? Yeah, the majority of people were in agreement that games like Mario kart or F-Zero were much more fun then racing sims. So there u have it, your points about GT5 fail. Just like you.


gran turismo 3 sold over 14 million copies worldwide, gt 4 sold over 8 million worldwide, racing simulations are the number 3 best selling games in north america only behind sports and fps... so you were saying?

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#44 Mystikef
Member since 2003 • 5125 Posts

The PS3 will dominate, GT will be a seller, the powers of the cell will be unlocked, the prices decline, blu-ray will win the format war and the PS3 will no longer have any reason to be trash talked. All these things to come in the upcoming year. Expect a turn in the Console Wars.Good_sk8er

Here is the big difference between you and I: I am an avid Xbox360 fan and I want the PS3 to get good. You are a PS3 fan that wants the Xbox 360 to do bad.

I talk straight up about what I don't like about the PS3 and what Sony could do to fix it so that I will want to buy it. I hope the PS3 becomes fantastic, because then I will have twofantastic consoles. I hope the Wii lives up to it's hype and becomes fantastic as well. More games, more fun, more choices, many different ways to game.

I am not even looking for a PS3 price drop. I will pay $600 when there is a collection of games I am dying to play. I'd love to play Resistance, I'd like to try MotorStorm. But everything else, I already played on my 360, and for many, I already played the best version. Are those two game worth 700+ dollars? The PS3 will be in my collection someday, I am sure. Right now it is not worth it. I haven't heard ANY Sony fanboy give a good reason why it is worth $700 now. A list of "coming up" games doesn't matter. I can't play them till there out, so there is certainly no need to buya PS3right now.

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#45 pundog
Member since 2006 • 4491 Posts
sorry, but forza is about as "real" as CS is. its a load of **** dxmcat
Exactly! Thats why everyone (including some professional drivers) are calling it one of the most realistic racers ever made.