I know the year isn't over but it's safe to say we wont be getting any more trailers until next year, I think. Well anywho post the trailer/name that really caught your attention and left you staring at its awesomeness with open mouth. And if you can link the trailer so we can all see what the big deal is.--------------------As for me I have to go with the Twisted Metal E3 trailer. Honestly it was an easy choice for me the trailer was THAT epic. A brilliant opening to the longest running Playstation franchise. And the gameplay, music in the extended trailer really and I mean REALLY got me pumped for the game.Second place I will give it to the Deus Ex Human Revo trailer, now I love cyberpunk as much the next guy and the trailer for the game literally made me salivate from my mouth, I don't even like FPS but Im seriously considering this game, the fact it's SP only makes me even more certain that I will purchase the game next year.Well lets hear it people....
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