In this thread we talk about 5 most overrated games of this gen. what do you think top 5 are?
5. Call of Duty advanced warfare
Was deemed as first next gen COD with next gen graphics but in the end its same as before. yet it recieve high reviews.
4. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Its not really a bad game but NOWHERE NEAR AS GOOD AS Critics praise it like giving it 10/10. the game has MAJOR flaws. Combat absolutely suck, so is controlling. story is very boring. yes its worth playing game but not even close to bieng 10/10. CDPR really suck at making core gameplay elements.
3. Wolfenstien the new order
Game is not only disgrace to series (especially RTCW) but also disgrace to old school FPS. the game was praise like "oh oweeee old schooolz" Old school shooter made by developer of Darkness, riddick (I love this game but still), and resistance??! Old school shooter with iron sight, forced stealth, scripted on rail sequence and too many cinematic cutscenes?? Old school shooter that is very slow paced with sprint system where you cant shoot? thats not old school. Abysmal game.
2. Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain
This is unfinished game that even has final part cut but recieve 10/10? seriously?? one of the most boring, repetetive game i have ever played. almost every mission feel same. kill soldier x, extract prisnor y, clear checkpost" over and over agian. there is little to no story in game at all.
1. GTA V/Rise of tomb raider (tie)
GTA series has always been most overrated franchise of all time and this is no exception. it make me sick how can everytime new GTA release and got 10/10. only good thing i can say about GTA that city looks nice and feel alive. the shooting suck, the driving suck, missions are boring and dull, story is trash, so is all 3 main characters. GTA5 is just rehash of what we have played many times before.
while ROTR is just exact same as TR reboot which was one of the worse game i have ever played. new TR games make uncharted half life. lara is one of the worst protagonist i have ever ever seen "this is soooo haard"
So what are top 5 most overrated games this generation has produce in your opinion?
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