@R4gn4r0k said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
@ghosts4ever said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
Some of the shovelware shown at PC Gaming show.
i agree. im glad im not only PC gamer who hate these shitty indie shovelware games. it make PC gaming looks bad but i guess its corporate propaganda to promote PC gaming as weaker. and show all movie hype budget game on console.
It's not agenda. It's just that PC Gamer is not very good at its job. The website went downhill in recent years and even their "best xyz games of all time" lists are pretty poor, lack shit ton of important/great games and always look as if they were written by someone who just started gaming less than 5 years ago. They also lack resources to do heavy stuff like EA, MS, Sony etc. Hence, the boring show.
The other reason are PC devs themselves, who mostly announce big ass games just by posting bunch of trailers on youtube or their website. 90+% PC devs don't wait for shows to announce their games, so they don't put together special demos for E3 and post stuff on their blogs, websites, youtube channels etc when it's ready.
Yeah it seems like PC never had a place at E3 and never will, just because of how different the platform and developers are from consoles.
Now that E3 conferences are over, you can bet that Sony and MS are already in talks with their studios on preparing next years trailers and what games will be shown.
On PC there just isn't an overarching company like that...
Yes exactly. Instead of showing most trailers at one event, PC will get different game announcements throughout the year one by one. I mean TW Warhammer was announced out of nowhere, without any events, same with Dawn of War 3, System Shock 3, Blackroom etc.
If it was Sony or M$ platform, they would've saved those to be shown/announced at E3, and that means... best E3 conference. But that's not the case here. I think shows like PC Gamer's show at E3, hurt PC Gaming more than anything.
Most new comers will just look at it and think that's all PC Gaming has to offer, not realizing that best stuff for PC is announced outside of E3, mostly overlooked by mainstream websites. So, what is the point of this show if they didn't even show a single good game with extended gameplay footage?
Even Sony showed some kick ass footage of god of war, Horizon and other stuff. PC had a lot of games that should've been there like Civilization 6, Prey for the gods, Routine etc. Yet PC gamer missed the point and yet again gave us pointless E-sports segment and shovelware segment instead of focusing more on stuff that people want to see at shows like this.
If they are not going to show it then what's the point of this show? Every single game that didn't look like trash (handful of them) was already announced and most PC gamers knew about them already. IMO PC doesn't need E3 show. The only PC company that gets it right with big ass shows is Blizzard. They really drop bombs and here's hoping that they are working on Warcraft 4 or something similar.
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