Top 8 reasons Crysis graphics are defended and exaggerated so much:
8. Person only looks at tech specs, not what the game actually looks like on screen.
7. Person thinks terrible-looking boulder textures are awesome.
6. Person thinks terrible-looking NPC faces are awesome.
5. Person thinks being able to shoot down trees is "state-of-the-art" and somehow makes graphics better.
4. Person thinks nice looking foliage is all it takes to make a game have great graphics.
3. Person doesn't realize that PCs are not dedicated gaming machines like consoles are, so games on PCs will never be optimized as much as console games are.
2. Person is a PC gaming fanboy who refuses to admit that console games can have better graphics than PC games.
and the #1 reason Crysis graphics are defended so much:
1. Person doesn't own a PS3 or 360.
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